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[-] kakes@sh.itjust.works 174 points 1 week ago

It sucks that we can't just have nice things any more, there always has to be some executive somewhere that just totally ruins everything for everyone all the time.

[-] Sabata11792@kbin.social 85 points 1 week ago

Not to mention the people that defend it as if it was a good thing. Good things don't send you from overwhelmingly positive to mixed over the weekend.

[-] OsaErisXero@kbin.run 37 points 1 week ago

Mixed so far. The one thing that arrowhead has taught this community is teamwork. We're on course for Mostly Negative in the next week or two.

Sounds like we need to bring some managed democracy to Sony. You know what to do, ladies and gents.

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[-] huginn@feddit.it 25 points 1 week ago

that defend it as if it was a good thing.

I haven't really seen much of that. Just people pointing out that from the start the game has always said a PSN account was required to play online, but a bug meant that it wasn't enforced.

Ultimately it's all shit Sony is pulling as the bastard publishers.

[-] Default_Defect@midwest.social 24 points 1 week ago

Go to any sony focused community and its rampant. "PC gamers are crybabies" for finally putting our foot down on this bullshit, and "its fine when xbox makes me sign up for minecraft?" as if there wasn't pushback on that too.

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[-] shasta@lemm.ee 8 points 1 week ago

I don't think that's really the point. The problem is that PSN is clearly not required in order to provide any functionality. It is only required because Sony has decided that they just don't want to give players access to the game without a PSN account. If everything is working fine without PSN, why is it required?

[-] Sabata11792@kbin.social 3 points 1 week ago

There's a little bit, I think its Sony fans mostly.

[-] sorghum@sh.itjust.works 3 points 1 week ago

I'd be interested in the overlap here. Those that have regularly use a PSN account and those that wanted to play this game on PC only. I can't imagine it's much. I'm thinking the PC reviews are gonna bomb really hard because there isn't an overlap

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[-] prole@sh.itjust.works 6 points 1 week ago

Welcome to capitalism

[-] Chozo@fedia.io 53 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I'm actually really surprised that Valve is loosening up on this one. They usually play hardball when it comes to refunding a game past the 2 hour mark.

Going by the price being listed in what appears to be USD, I'm going to assume this is a US player, but is there any confirmation on where this person is from? My theory was that Valve wouldn't issue refunds unless you were from a soon-to-be-unsupported region, so that could change my thoughts on things.

EDIT: Also just noticed this was a refund back to the Steam wallet, and not to the original payment method. I've not refunded a game on Steam in many years, but is this their standard practice these days?

[-] yukichigai@kbin.social 69 points 1 week ago

I'm actually really surprised that Valve is loosening up on this one. They usually play hardball when it comes to refunding a game past the 2 hour mark.

They make exceptions when a game has major issues or implements some significant change that dramatically alters the availability of the product. No Man's Sky, Starfield, and Cyberpunk 2077 all could be refunded outside the 2 hour window - at least for some people. And of course everyone who bought The Day Before was refunded entirely.

I expect they'll be allowing refunds for anyone in a country where PSN does not operate at a minimum. It's really hard to argue that the game is still playable when the required service is not available in your home country.

[-] aniki@lemm.ee 16 points 1 week ago

Yeah like if you bought CP2077 or NMS now and played past the 2h mark now you're not getting that same refund.

[-] swab148@startrek.website 5 points 1 week ago

Tbf, both of those games have improved drastically since their fucked up launches.

[-] Zekas@lemmy.world 13 points 1 week ago

I'm left wondering one thing though, if the game was going to require PSN then it was arguably never supposed to be available in these countries in the first place? Seems like a pretty big fuckup that it was, then baiting a ton of people.

[-] Willie@kbin.social 22 points 1 week ago

Steam will do refunds to the payment method used if fewer than 30 days have passed, but after that point, they'll only refund to Steam Wallet. At least, that's how it worked last time I checked.

[-] rikudou@lemmings.world 13 points 1 week ago

You can choose where you want it (original payment method or Steam wallet) if I recall correctly.

[-] lupec@lemm.ee 12 points 1 week ago

As for the wallet thing , it does depend on the payment method at least in my country

[-] adam_y@lemmy.world 44 points 1 week ago

I got a refund four hours in when I explained that I had spent two of those in a queue waiting to play.

I know they've fixed that now, but the two hours arbitrary limit is a bit... Limiting.

[-] scutiger@lemmy.world 50 points 1 week ago

The two hour limit is for automated refunds. Under two hours, you'll get your money back with no questions asked. Above that, it's on a case-by-case basis.

[-] InFerNo@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 week ago

I have 3 hours of playtime on ARK, which was 3 hours of going through settings, loading screens and crashes, and they have refused a refund.

[-] ModsAreCopsACAB@lemm.ee 6 points 1 week ago

Like the other comment says, the first refusal is automated, you need to resubmit to get it seen by a person

[-] InFerNo@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 week ago

It wasn't the automated process unfortunately

[-] serpineslair@lemmy.world 44 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Erm... What am I missing about Helldivers 2? I don't own it so I'm not in the loop.

EDIT: nvm, found the answer in a different post. Probably should have looked before asking.

[-] Ashyr@sh.itjust.works 53 points 1 week ago

Nothing wrong with asking honest questions. The point of this place is to foster discussion and community and sometimes that involves helping someone get up to speed.

[-] Kroxx@lemm.ee 15 points 1 week ago

Yeah that's something that always irritated the shit outta me at reddit when people would say take two seconds to Google. These places are social media the point is to interact to an extent. Don't worry about asking easy questions, Lemmy has been way more chill about it so far.

[-] Mycatiskai@lemmy.ca 4 points 1 week ago

Especially if you don't know what exactly to search on Google, a day later the things people are saying might be abstract of the thing that is happening so you don't know what is the right thing to search for.

[-] wildcardology@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

The way Google search is right now, it's just going to give you a bunch of ads.

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[-] nokturne213@sopuli.xyz 53 points 1 week ago

The publisher, Sony is now requiring you link a psn account to play. Apparently there is no psn in quite a few countries, and because of Sony’s frequent data breaches people do not want a psn account.

[-] ToucheGoodSir@lemy.lol 35 points 1 week ago

Praise our Lord Gaben (Daniel) may valve forever more be a private corporation fuck the stock market fuck you Logan Rosson & your brothers (market) effectiveness. Fyi they both live in Utah so gettem

[-] BudgieMania@kbin.social 19 points 1 week ago

The idea of Valve ever becoming a public corp ranks higher in my lists of fears than being eaten alive by zombies

[-] Coasting0942@reddthat.com 9 points 1 week ago

Or at least have it transition into a cooperative or employee owned in his will

[-] nanoUFO@sh.itjust.works 2 points 1 week ago

If the corporate cultures changes for the worse and they hire greedy people that could also shift into the negative.

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[-] NotDiurnambule@lemmy.dbzer0.com 16 points 1 week ago

Joined the flow. Asked for a refund just now

[-] darthelmet@lemmy.world 14 points 1 week ago

I tried a 2nd time and just got the same automated message about the 2hr limit.

[-] Varyag@lemm.ee 37 points 1 week ago

Open a ticket with support where an actual human will read it. The automated refund tool will always deny it.

[-] supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz 13 points 1 week ago
[-] Ragnarok314159@sopuli.xyz 3 points 1 week ago

Yeah, I tried that. Unless you are playing with friends the community is really awful. They fell into the same min/max, “kick all new players” that other games fell into. It’s not worth buying.

[-] supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

yo fuck that, personally I have always had wonderful experiences online to the point that I rarely if ever play singleplayer instead of jumping into a match with randos. Im sorry people werent more chill and willing to have fun playing with you, it definitely goes against the spirit of the game and those people should know better honestly.

[-] Ragnarok314159@sopuli.xyz 3 points 1 week ago

Yeah, it honestly took me back. Gave it a shot single player and had some fun. Tried the multiplayer and the first game had two people drop so it didn’t work out.

The rest of them I got kicked from. “Kick Noob”. Yeah, sorry I don’t have exact weapon X with Y build, can we just play? No? Ok. Uninstall time.

[-] supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz 3 points 1 week ago

Damn, most my experience has been running around the home base like an idiot with random strangers that don't even necessarily have their mics while we all make our characters drunk as shit and dance. Eventually the game happens at some point.

[-] Aeri@lemmy.world 12 points 1 week ago

Mine was a gifted copy so my buddy can't get their money back, damn.

[-] Demdaru@lemmy.world 9 points 1 week ago

Wait. You sure? I could swear you can refund gifted copy.

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[-] PaupersSerenade@sh.itjust.works 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I requested a refund a few days ago with 2.1 hours played. Still don’t have it, so hopefully they’ll get around to it

Edit - they denied me because I bought it over 2 weeks ago.

[-] nanoUFO@sh.itjust.works 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I've heard you need to keep pestering them, you probably got automatically denied. Like escalate to a person and people have had to ask 5 times before they got it with over 200 hours played.

[-] Grumpy@sh.itjust.works 4 points 1 week ago

At that point, it probably starts costing steam more money in support agents.

[-] Zeroxxx@lemmy.id 6 points 1 week ago

At this point it is cheaper for Steam to just grant refund automatically for everyone who asks for it.

[-] UckyBon@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Doesn't the GDPR include a 2 week period for digital products, regardless of the usage? I always refund crap without issues.

[-] azalty@jlai.lu 3 points 1 week ago

In France we have that but they require you waive your right to this when you buy something

[-] UckyBon@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Isn't that illegal? In the Netherlands it sure is.

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this post was submitted on 04 May 2024
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