submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by sunbrothersco@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com



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submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

📜 ➜ Megathread

⛵ ➜ Not so fast sailor! Do this first

  • Use Firefox + uBlock Origin with these optimized settings (Blocks advertisements & malware).
  • Change your DNS settings to one of these great choices (Bypasses website access limitations).
  • Use a reputable torrent client with a kill switch, such as qBittorrent (Allows torrenting).
  • Set up a VPN such as Mullvad or ProtonVPN (Changes IP address to hide identity).
  • Bind your torrent client to the VPN (Only allows torrenting when VPN is active).

🗺️ ➜ Bookmark these full backups

⚠️ ➜ Uncertainty

  • Any links that are not included in the entire Megathread have either not been approved by the moderators or the community, or have been deleted at some point. In other words, use extra caution anytime you sail in uncharted waters.
  • That said, as times change, so do the currents. What is seen as a safe route to great treasures now may soon be a shell of its former self or even be riddled with the black plague. Always exercise caution and if you notice problems with any of the sites in our Megathread, please contact the moderators.



🏆 1 ➜ Greatest Treasures

🧭 All Purpose

  • All Purpose sites for torrent search engines, aggregators & DHT crawlers in order to find as much public content as possible.


  • Anime is a type of hand-drawn, animated work created in Japan, although it can also apply to other animation, such as Donghua.

📚 Books

  • Books, like manga, comics, and novels, are a recording medium for information that includes pages composed of text, images, or both.
  • Old version backup.

🕹️ Emulators & ROMs (Update in progress...)

  • Emulators simulate the actions of gaming consoles, whereas ROMs are digital copies of video games extracted from a cartridge or disc.

🎮 Games

  • Games require interaction with a user interface or input device, such as a controller or keyboard, to produce fun audiovisual feedback.
  • Old version backup.

📱 Mobile (Update in progress...)

  • Mobile, or smartphones, are portable devices that integrate computing and telephone functionality into a single OS such as Android or iOS.
  • Old version backup.

🎦 Movies & TV

  • Movies & TV are works of visual art that employ moving pictures to imitate experiences, perceptions, feelings, and beauty.
  • Old version backup.

🎹 Music

  • Music is the skill of organising sound to produce any combination of form, harmony, melody, rhythm, or other expressive content.
  • Old version backup.

⚙️ Software

  • Software is a collection of computer programmes along with supporting files and information geared more towards desktop computers.
  • Old version backup.

👟 Sports (Update in progress...)

  • Sports refers to physical activity or game, generally competitive, that utilises one's ability and skills while entertaining spectators.

🧰 Tools (Update in progress...)

  • Tools for activation, userscripts, download managers, assistants, extensions and a plethora of other supplemental software.
  • Old version backup.



📑 2 ➜ Other Treasures

📁 Awesome Piracy

📁 Champagne Piracy Wiki

📁 Ducklink


📁 Piratezparty

📁 Ripped



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I've started setting up my media server and was wondering if I should put my docker containers with sonarr and radarr behind my VPN the same as my qbit?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Glass0448@lemmy.today to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com


As the Motion Picture Association's site-blocking drive lands back on home turf, countries that have already implemented their own site-blocking programs are evaluating their effectiveness. A new survey carried out by French anti-piracy agency Arcom reveals how internet users circumvent blocking and their preferred tools. More importantly from a piracy mitigation perspective, the survey reveals why users feel the need to circumvent blocking in the first place.

The original study: https://www.arcom.fr/sites/default/files/2024-04/Arcom-Usage-des-outils-de-securisation-Internet-a-des-fins-acces-illicites-aux-biens-dematerialises-Rapport-etude-qualitative-et-quantitative-avril-2024.pdf


I must be doing it wrong. It only seems to pick up some recently added shows. Continue watching often doesn't have the thing I've previously watched. Trying to search for a show with a macrōn doesn't work.

It's like it's working against me. It's bad.


The video is an old one about Katrina. I need it for homework. I have tried accessing it from CNN's website but CNN in their infinite wisdom put DRM on the video that is publicly available, and I assume that is why it doesn't work on mull, librewolf, or chromium (all show same error about neon request failed). I looked on the generic torrent sites to no avail. Any response would help, the questions are very specific to the video and it is due soon.

billions must seed (midwest.social)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by moosetwin@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

this is a crosspost from here, for some reason it isn't linking automatically

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by drunkensailor@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

UPDATE: Just checked and subscene is now down for me

So... what're your guys favorite alternatives?

The ones I'm aware of but haven't used much are:

UPDATE 2: needed subs for an ep of a moderately popular crime procedural show that aired 4 days ago on a regular tv channel, so updated to note experience with them. tested in librewolf on vpn:

  • english-subtitles (dot) org : had latest subs, no issues downloading.
  • subdl (dot) com : site was realy fast compared to some of the others. had latest subs, no issues downloading. that said, it had creditted the uploaders from subscene so it was easy to see that the subs were just copied from there. i probably need to retest this stuff again in with something else in a few days to see which sites are getting new uploads that arent just copied from subscene.
  • my-subs (dot) co : did NOT had subs for latest ep. did have subs for previous ep. no issues downloading.
  • podnapisi (dot) net : had some weird css fuckup on the search results (i use always https mode so maybe realted to that?). but they had latest subs and no issues downloading.
  • subtitlecat (dot) com : mostly for translations. Otherwise I generally avoid this one since I prefer my subs to be spot-on. had latest ep, no issues downloadig.
  • ~~yifysubtitles (dot) me~~ : they did not even have current season of the show. if they did, then there search sucks balls so hard you might get a ruptured testicle.
  • ~~opensubtitles (dot) org~~ : update: these guys use fucking google fucking recaptcha which has been extremely fucking assholish in firefox/librewolf lately especially when on vpn (im talking you can submit 15+ correct and it still say you wrong and dont let you pass). so they can fuck right off my list until they decide to switch to literally anything else besides recaptcha. seriously guys how can you call yourselves "open" anything and using fucking google recaptcha. you can do better than this.

Happy to hear complaints on any to avoid too.

edit: for any curious why, I found this is from an older thread from before the final closing announcement:

24 February 2024


Yesterday, we received unfortunate news from one of our trusted admins stating that the owner of the site intends to shut it down due to insufficient revenue.




Passed by Congress late December 2020, the Protecting Lawful Streaming Act (PLSA) was crafted to urgently close a loophole in copyright law that treated unlicensed reproduction and distribution as a felony, but unlicensed streaming as a misdemeanor. This week, well over three years later, a 40-year-old former operator of an illicit IPTV service became the first person to be convicted under the PLSA. While a win is a win, the case wasn't entirely straightforward.

submitted 2 weeks ago by Norgur@fedia.io to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

Hey everyone,

since YouTube started annoying us with their “disable ad blocker” thing, I managed to get rid of it by uBlock Origin and a Tampermonkey script. Yet, the stupid popup is back. To everyone who's gotten rid of it until now: What did you do? Can you point me to the resources you used? It's annoying!

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by TheHooligan95@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

I honestly don't believe I will have any legal trouble because I don't do anything like cp or worse, I just pirate media I like, not even porn. But across users of communities, or on public trackers, is IP exposure something to be concerned about?


I've seen a number of posts lately like "How to get yadda yadda yadda" but when you click, the content is actually a question about the subject line, which sucks.

If you're posting a question, please make it look like a question. It's EASY... Just put a QUESTION MARK at the end of your subject line. It looks like this:


We're pirates here, not fucking savages.

subtitles on max (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by blargbluuk@sh.itjust.works to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

Hey, just curious if anyone's had any experience saving the subtitles from max.com recently? I can only find old info about it being an xml file when it was HBO Max and that no longer seems to apply.

I've tried a couple random utilities (Subtitle-Downloader, ttml2ssa) and can't seem to make any progress. If you can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it!

edit: Like with most things I seem to do, as soon as I post about it I actually start digging into it more and figure it out. So anyway, here's how I figured it out:

I used The Stream Detector extension in firefox, start the stream up on max.com with subtitles enabled, then monitor the extension until it shows a vtt file. Then I download the vtt file using the extension and can convert it to srt using ttml2ssa and use it normally.

edit 2: alas I discovered that downloading them this way will only download up to a certain time in the video. I haven't explored further but I imagine I'd have to go either play or seek through the video to get it to trigger the next vtt file which I could download (I haven't confirmed as of yet). May update again if I figure out a better process for this


🏴‍☠️ AHOY fellow pirates and welcome to the state of global piracy for April 2024! ARRR! 🏴‍☠️

Please let me know if you have ideas about interesting stats, I'll see if I can make it happen.

Enjoy the numbers!


I have a total of 77 sections in my PreDB. The sections in here are combined/simplified for a better overview. Numbers in braces are the values from the previous month.

total section
19.708 (21.123) TV (HD)
12.848 (15.462) MP3
5.773 (3.663) XXX
4.682 (8.271) FLAC
3.133 (4.902) EBOOK
2.894 (2.947) MOViES (HD)
2.475 (2.737) TV (SD)
1.726 (993) ANiME
1.482 (1.395) SPORTS
1.357 (1.247) DOCU
797 (549) APPS
595 (561) GAMES (PC)
579 (431) MOViES (SD)
426 (460) GAMES (CONSOLE)
279 (294) MViD
165 (272) BOOKWARE
43 (48) ABOOK
6 (12) OTHER

Total: 58.878 (65.367)


The sections in here are combined/simplified for a better overview, same as above.

total group sections
1. 2.542 (2.171) ↑ +4 PTC FLAC,MP3
2. 2.516 (2.528) ~ WRB XXX
3. 2.210 (2.501) ~ AFO FLAC,MP3
4. 1.792 (175) ↑ +76 LEWD XXX
5. 1.773 (1.578) ↑ +2 NEUROSiS MOViES (HD),TV (HD)
6. 1.322 (1.985) ~ FLAME MOViES (HD),MOViES (SD),TV (HD),TV (SD)
7. 1.253 (969) ↑ +6 NORKiDS TV (HD)
8. 1.185 (1.089) ↑ +2 EDITH MOViES (HD),SPORTS,TV (HD)
9. 1.146 (1.133) ↑ +2 CBFM MOViES (HD),SPORTS,TV (HD)
10. 1.078 (893) ↑ +4 AMB3R MOViES (HD),MOViES (SD),TV (HD),TV (SD)
11. 964 (1.106) ↑ +1 ZzZz MP3
12. 950 (423) ↑ +25 SKYANiME ANiME
13. 880 (823) ↑ +3 VEXED FLAC
14. 827 (2.400) ↓ -10 21A1 EBOOK
15. 781 (669) ↑ +5 TRIPEL MOViES (HD),TV (HD)
16. 750 (750) ↑ +1 RAGEMP3 MP3
17. 740 (823) ↓ -2 CHOPiN MOViES (HD),TV (HD)
18. 736 (1.466) ↓ -9 TVARCHiV TV (HD),TV (SD)
19. 644 (568) ↑ +5 CTO EBOOK
20. 621 (3.064) ↓ -19 BABAS FLAC,MP3


total group
198 (198 / 100%) KIDENGEE
41 (2.210 / 2%) AFO
25 (73 / 34%) WESTVLETEREN
24 (117 / 21%) RVKD
19 (380 / 5%) BAE
11 (139 / 8%) LOST
11 (1.319 / 1%) FLAME
10 (92 / 11%) ROSiN
10 (1.206 / 1%) EDITH
9 (424 / 2%) Narcos
9 (11 / 82%) BONDYE
8 (463 / 2%) HiggsBoson
7 (25 / 28%) XME
7 (501 / 1%) OLLONBORRE
6 (329 / 1%) WAYNE
6 (96 / 6%) KIDFINEE
6 (740 / 1%) CHOPiN
6 (82 / 7%) PRUTTEGUTT
6 (75 / 8%) NERO
5 (21 / 24%) MERCATOR


The sections in here are combined/simplified for a better overview, same as above.

total section
360 TV (HD)
77 MP3
59 MOViES (HD)
12 XXX
4 TV (SD)


From the 58.878 scene releases, only 32.648 of them had file + size information.

They total to: 59,96 TB (59.961.189 MB) in 617 thousand files (617.126).

No idea about the size of the missing information, so the real value should be much higher.



  • Only Scene Release Groups, no p2p or individuals.
  • Powered by predb.net
submitted 2 weeks ago by skar3@feddit.it to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

I have online courses from some platforms that I could share, what is the best way to download them?

Searching the web seen the extension https://cococut.net/ are there also alternatives for Firefox or better alternatives?

After I download the videos is it recommended to convert them to some other format for example with ffmpeg?

I am looking for some introductory documentation to WEB-DL or similar


in the center of France

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Glass0448@lemmy.today to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.today/post/10068948


In a judgment published today, Europe's top court concludes that suspected file-sharers can be subjected to mass surveillance and retention of their data as long as certain standards are upheld. Digital rights groups hoped to end the French 'Hadopi' anti-piracy scheme, claiming that it violates the fundamental right to privacy. The CJEU's judgment leaves no stone unturned explaining why that isn't so, leaving case law to deal with the turbulence.

Judgement here: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/FR/TXT/?uri=CELEX:62021CJ0470

How to de-DRM comics (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

I'd like to buy a French comic I can't find online from any store that sells French Bande dessinée (Amazon, fnac or anything else) and then ask for a refund so I can keep a nice *.cbz or *.cbr file on my hard drive.

Any guide out there on how to properly de-DRM comics? I'd like something easy if possible I'm tech and computer savvy enough but not "coding" savvy

VLC enjoyers in Spain (files.catbox.moe)

Note: I have no idea what was actually meant.

Torrent (files.catbox.moe)

I'm near the origin


I have a collection of about ~110 4K Blu-Ray movies that I've ripped and I want to take the time to compress and store them for use on a future Jellyfin server.

I know some very basics about ffmpeg and general codec information, but I have a very specific set of goals in mind I'm hoping someone could point me in the right direction with:

  1. Smaller file size (obviously)
  2. Image quality good enough that I cannot spot the difference, even on a high-end TV or projector
  3. Preserved audio
  4. Preserved HDR metadata

In a perfect world, I would love to be able to convert the proprietary HDR into an open standard, and the Dolby Atmos audio into an open standard, but a good compromise is this.

Assuming that I have the hardware necessary to do the initial encoding, and my server will be powerful enough for transcoding in that format, any tips or pointers?



Earlier this year, a Hawaiian District Court blocked movie companies' efforts to unmask alleged BitTorrent pirates using a DMCA subpoena 'shortcut'. The filmmakers asked the court to reconsider its position but without success; the 'DMCA shortcut' will remain closed. The rightsholders will appeal the order but won't be able to use evidence previously obtained through settlements with pirating subscribers.

view more: next ›

Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ

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