
joined 1 year ago
[–] yukichigai@kbin.social 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

If you want to bypass grinding entirely then you'd need something like that, but it might trivialize certain parts of the game. Won't trivialize all of it though since several of the key fights rely on strategy.

[–] yukichigai@kbin.social 5 points 1 month ago

That was someone's insane interpretation of the ending of the first Mother game (a.k.a. Earthbound Beginnings). It's not as out there as the guy who filled the Silent Hill wiki with claims that it was all symbolism for circumcision trauma (yes, really), but it's still kinda nutters.

[–] yukichigai@kbin.social 2 points 1 month ago

Yeah, you do have to grind a bit. Nowhere near as much as some games (looking at you, basically every Final Fantasy game) but the leveling is designed around you doing some extra fights for XP. Every new area generally has a "grind spot" that is moderately to incredibly obvious, typically some grouping of enemies that are enough to fight but not enough to overwhelm you, placed within reasonable walking distance of a bed, hotel, or other way to refill your HP/MP for cheap/free.

For the first town, before you take on the punks roaming the streets you should get some levels fighting crows, dogs, and snakes up near your house. Once you can kill them in two turns or less head into town and try taking on a single punk. If you survive that fight without being nearly dead, keep fighting punks. If you almost die, go heal up and farm a little more. And if you DO die... well you only lose half the money you have on you, so as long as you keep most of it in the ATM you haven't lost much of anything.

[–] yukichigai@kbin.social 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

EarthBound was the first JRPG I ever completed and the first JRPG I ever enjoyed. Before it I'd never been able to get into JRPGs: there was just too much complexity while also having too little going on. Wandering an overworld only to be randomly pulled out of it for no apparent reason was maddening. As a kid, trying to piece together the backstory of some undefined thoroughly detailed fantasy world while also taking in the emerging plot in the opening sequence wasn't anywhere near as appealing as firing up Mario or Mega Man and getting straight to the action.

EarthBound neatly sidestepped all of the things that had stopped me from liking JRPGs. The equipment system was simple without being braindead. The setting was a pastiche of suburban life that I could easily understand. The stakes were high but the tone was still whimsical and amusing. And above all I knew why I was suddenly getting dragged into battle with a snake or a crow or a dog instead of just being clotheslined by combat.

EarthBound still is my go-to recommendation in the (increasingly unlikely) event that someone says "I've always wanted to get into JRPGs, what should I start with?" It is the perfect "intro to JRPG" game without feeling trivial or like it cannot stand on its own. It singlehandedly made me love the JRPG genre, and I probably would not have played literally every other JRPG I've ever played if it wasn't for EarthBound.

[–] yukichigai@kbin.social 19 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The scuttlebutt is that they don't get to make that decision because the PSN mandate is a part of the contract they signed with Sony.

[–] yukichigai@kbin.social 13 points 1 month ago

Most anticheats don't have the track record of repeated data breaches that Sony does.

[–] yukichigai@kbin.social 4 points 1 month ago

Same boat here. I had no problems making a PSN account because I like the idea of crossplay, but if they were planning to add this requirement back in later they needed to be much more clear about it. Like "gigantic popup every time you load the game if you don't have a PSN account" clear, especially with PSN not being available in certain countries.

There's also the larger question of why this is required. Clearly the game works just fine without it. Whatever the reason is, it's not for the benefit of the players.

[–] yukichigai@kbin.social 70 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I'm actually really surprised that Valve is loosening up on this one. They usually play hardball when it comes to refunding a game past the 2 hour mark.

They make exceptions when a game has major issues or implements some significant change that dramatically alters the availability of the product. No Man's Sky, Starfield, and Cyberpunk 2077 all could be refunded outside the 2 hour window - at least for some people. And of course everyone who bought The Day Before was refunded entirely.

I expect they'll be allowing refunds for anyone in a country where PSN does not operate at a minimum. It's really hard to argue that the game is still playable when the required service is not available in your home country.

[–] yukichigai@kbin.social 4 points 2 months ago

I'm not predicting a Fallout-tier adaptation here, but as long as I get a few giggles then go on Comedy Central.

[–] yukichigai@kbin.social 11 points 2 months ago

Try to see if there are any that do that little Javascript-evaluation-to-render-the-client-side-site thing, and if there are, have them mine cryptocurrency for you.

Using your evil powers for good I see.

[–] yukichigai@kbin.social 49 points 2 months ago (1 children)

They have free coffee and croissants in the mornings and their chairs are decadently plush.


Parent, student, or staff, what's the dumbest damn regulation you've personally come across at an educational institution?

[–] yukichigai@kbin.social 5 points 3 months ago

Blades my beloved.

Never forget what they took from us.


I'm getting rid of an old Hi8 camcorder and figured I'd throw in the tapes with it, but I want to wipe the contents of the tapes before I do. I don't have a huge magnet or anything I can use to quickly erase the tapes, so the only option is to record over them using the camcorder. Instead of being boring and just muting it and leaving the lens cap on I figured I might put something vaguely interesting on there.

The camcorder is one of those fancy units where the audio/video outputs can be used as audio/video inputs when the thing is in tape playback/recording mode (VTR). I do have an HDMI -> Composite converter, so I can actually record video and audio together, albeit at 480i with bleeding colors. Alternatively I can leave the lens cap on and pipe audio directly into the microphone jack, which is stereo.

As for what to record, my spouse and I have come up with a few ideas:

  • Vaporwave (generally)
  • Weather Channel Vaporwave (specifically)
  • ~2 hours of the Lo-fi Girl stream
  • Everywhere at the End of Time (broken across 3 tapes)
  • A public domain serial radio drama (Have Gun Will Travel is my vote)
  • Public domain films (Laurel and Hardy or maybe some Charlie Chaplin)
  • Steven Soderbergh's silent black & white recut of Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • Analog horror of some kind (e.g. Backrooms, Gemini Home Entertainment, Local 58 except it's way too short)

Aside from that, generally anything that might look better with proper analog distortion is an obvious win. The camcorder can only record at full speed, 2.5 hours per tape, so no way to add extra distortion that way.

Also I do have a capture card and can turn around and re-record whatever I put on these tapes, so if you want to see the results I can show you.

Anywho, what's your suggestions Lemmy? What treasures can I leave on these Hi8 tapes?


Just a thread for anyone else out there who prefers the layout of a 6-button controller to the more dominant ABXY layout. What I wouldn't give for a dual stick, dual trigger gamepad that also had six face buttons.

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