
joined 9 months ago

Seriously, they got so expensive so fast.

At this point, if I want a burger, I'll go spend $11 at Chili's and get an actually good burger, some chips, fries, and a drink.

Why would ANYONE who is not literally bereft of any other option go to McDonalds at this point?

affordable thrift store items

This has slowly become less and less true.

The big corpo thrift stores have long since had pricing that exceeds reasonable: a 10 year old shirt with some event printed on it is not $9.99, when I can go to any of a dozen retailers and just... buy a new one, often for less.

Smaller ones aren't quite there yet, but smaller ones also tend to put more effort into fishing anything good in their donation streams out and posting it on ebay, so you end up with a store full of what is, quite literally, just trash.

The last wardrobe refresh I did I ended up buying almost entirely new or used from like eBay because the pricing at Goodwill, Salvation Army, and a couple of local thrift stores were at best similar and at worse wildly stupid.

The days when you could get a $0.99 shirt and $1.99 pants if you went on the correct color day are pretty much entirely dead, because capitalists going to capital, even if they're literally profiting directly off stuff people are giving them for free.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago (3 children)

He could sell his various parts as they fall off. What’s a trump toe worth you think?

[–] 7 points 3 days ago (1 children)

ReactOS is cloning NT, so the 2000 part of that is correct.

95/98/98se/ME are completely different beasts, even if they happen to share the same GUI.

His advice was always bad.

Somehow, and I don't get how, he got a reputation for "common sense" financial stuff.

He always was the 10%-to-the-church type which is just braindead if you're financially strapped: the Jeeesus can live without your money, but your family probably can't.

Also he's a sexist, homophobic and probably racist piece of shit (since those come in threes) so really, no reason to do anything other than pretend he doesn't exist and try to save cult members.

If your retirement window is 5 years, you're probably very very fucked.

If it's 10 years, as long as you're assuming social security is going to contribute $0, you're probably still pretty fucked.

15 years? Maybe, but at that point that whole global climate change thing we're ignoring is going to start getting more serious, so I'd wager on fucked.

20? Please, you're already in the trenches of the Water Wars, so your retirement plan is machine gun when you go over the top, sorry.

Basically retirement is going to be you dying once your insurance lapses and someone coming along later to pick your corpse up and billing your family for doing so.

(I'd love to be proven wrong, but 'What's the worst most awful thing that could possibly happen' seems to be the right choice these days.)

Listen, I can't just not use Amazon. Where else am I going to get my SYPHILICHODE nail trimmers and LEAKCROTCH underwear?

You can't just find horrible garbage to buy ANYWHERE, you gotta buy it on Amazon.

I can live without it for a week, but man, these underwear don't last too long so I gotta keep buying more!

(/s in case this was not sufficiently clear, but this is the ultimate problem with all these pointless little internet symbolic gestures: nobody will notice, remember, or care about them since they're only going to be a very minor stoppage in buying things, which everyone ends up buying ANYWAYS after the week is over.)

Hey, Tesla tires and wheels are suuuuuper expesnive relative to normal cars.

Like several hundred dollars per tire (or in the case of the fatty dumpster, like $600) becauase the cars are so heavy you can't just use ye olde normal tires on them.

I would very much like EVERY tire and wheel thief to go after nothing but Teslas and leave everyone else alone. Better money, and absolutely nobody will ever recall seeing you steal shit.

[–] 13 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Hey if you're near a Tesla storage lot, there probably IS a couple hundred cybertrucks nearby.

Sitting there, having their wheels stolen and rotting since nobody is buying them, but that's still technically nearby.

[–] 37 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Elon has always been a terrible person

The problem with Elon is he's been provably an idiot for the past 25 years.

The first thing I ever heard about Musky is that back in 2000-ish he wanted PayPal to take their infra, throw out all the Linux/BSD in use, and move everything to Windows NT.

Anyone who was even remotely IT adjacent in that era can come along and tell you how utterly moronic that idea is.

Anytime I've ever heard him blather on about some stupid shit that doesn't exist except in his delusions or talk about, well, ANYTHING technical or specialized all I was ever able to think of is that he got lucky that Thiel didn't drain all of his blood and leave his corpse in a ditch.

Hey, I live near that McDonalds!

It's right across from the Dallas Zoo, so you can imagine that there was a not insubstantial traffic of kids leaving the zoo and getting a McNasty with Cheese with their parents.

Everyone around here hated that they turned something fun and unique into another corpo hell hole of blandness, so there's that at least.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Or do think, with their last gasp of breathable air, they curse the liberals and communists?

I would expect it would go something like "Dang woke DEI molotov cocktail, it's trapped me in the master truck! Truly this is Obama's fault."

As a totally unrelated side note, I wonder how much thermite you'd need and where you'd need to place it to have it burn a hole through the car and into the battery, turning your cybertruck into a cyberfire.


Made this mostly because I've found putting RSS feeds into Lemmy useful since my doom-scrolling has reduced to just Lemmy and figured I'm probably not the only person that'd find this useful.

It's pulling 6 RSS feeds that provide free games for Steam, Gog, Epic, and Humble.

Nothing shockingly world-changing, but hey, free games.


Laptop for Linux use (

So I'm looking for a laptop, but before you downvote and move on, I've got a twist: I'm looking for a laptop with Linux support that's going to intentionally be console-only and rely on TUIs to make a lower-distraction device.

I was looking at older Thinkpads with 4:3 screens and the good keyboard before Lenovo went all chicklet with them, but I'm kinda concluding they're both way too expensive AND way too old to be a reasonable choice at this point.

A X220 or T40-whatever would be great and be the perfect aesthetic, but they're expensive, hard to find parts for, and using enough crusty old shit that this becomes yet another delve into retro computing and not one into practical, useful computing which is the goal here.

So, anyone have any recommendations of any devices in the last decade that have a reasonable keyboard, screen, use modern enough components that you can source new drives and RAM and batteries and such, and preferably aren't coated in a coating that's going to turn to sticky goo?

Thin(ner) and light(er) would be nice, but probably not a dealbreaker if the rest of the pieces align. This will be almost entirely used at a table for writing and such.


Basically, the court said that algorithmically selected content doesn't qualify for Section 230 protections, which could be a massive impact to every social media platform out there that has any sort of algorithm selecting content, which, well, is all of them.

Definitely something that's going to be interesting watching play out.


So I've got a home server that's having issues with services flapping and I'm trying to figure out what toolchain would be actually useful for telling me why it's happening, and not just when it happened.

Using UptimeKuma, and it's happy enough to tell me that it couldn't connect or a 503 happened or whatever, but that's kinda useless because the service is essentially immediately working by the time I get the notice.

What tooling would be a little more detailed in to the why, so I can determine the fault and fix it?

I'm not sure if it's the ISP, something in my networking configuration, something on the home server, a bad cable, or whatever because I see nothing in logs related to the application or the underlying host that would indicate anything even happened.

It's also not EVERY service on the server at once, but rather just one or two while the other pile doesn't alert.

In sort: it's annoying and I'm not really making headway for something that can do a better job at root-cause-ing what's going on.


Just got an email thanking me for being a 5-node/free user, but Portainer isn't free and I need to stop being a cheap-ass and pay them because blah blah economic times enshittification blah blah blah.

I've moved off them a while ago, but figured I'd see if they emailed EVERYONE about this?

A good time to ditch them if you haven't, I suppose.


I'm wanting to add a bunch of energy monitoring stuff so I can both track costs, and maybe implement automation to turn stuff on and off based on power costs and timing.

I'm using some TPlink based plugs right now which are like, fine, but I'm wanting to add something like 6 to 10 more monitoring devices/relays.

Anyone have experience with a bunch of shelly devices and if there's any weird behavior I should be aware of?

Assume I have good enough wifi to handle adding another 10 devices to it, but beyond that any gotchas?

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