
joined 1 year ago
[–] 22 points 13 hours ago

That’s how we’re still using my Dad’s account, it’s mostly used by my brother, but shared with the other gamers in the family

[–] 17 points 1 day ago (8 children)

Why don't YOU go ahead and write me up a 2-page essay on why Trump isn't planning a dictatorship, cite your sources. That's essentially what you're asking me to do and it's guaranteed you'll give a short, flippant remark that doesn't actually address any of the issues brought up, basically wasting my time. It'll be a bunch of whataboutism, gaslighting, misdirection, and BS, that's the standard MO.

[–] 47 points 1 day ago (17 children)

I can waste my time going through that exercise, but it's pretty clear to any thinking person that that's what the plan is on the Republican side, just look at the words, rhetoric and actions they've been taking for the past 10+ years. Otherwise, you're maliciously asking me to go through the mental effort of writing up an attack on Trump that you've already decided to ignore and/or counter with some feeble bad faith argument. You're a waste of my time and everybody else's.

[–] 102 points 1 day ago (79 children)

Biden is well past his prime, had a shitty performance last night, hate his record on Israel, but I’m still voting for him because he’s not Trump and I’d prefer that our representative democracy continued. Moving to a braindead, functionally illiterate dictatorship just seems like an all-around worse move in every respect. Not sure about his chances, but whatever, there’s not really any other alternative at this point.

[–] 21 points 1 day ago (4 children)

If/when they screw up gmail, I’m blacklisting Google for good, that’s gonna be such a goddamn pain to disentangle myself from.

[–] 12 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Huh... if they can attach it to the face... could they attach it to... other places?

[–] 13 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

So useless that they're probably just going to convert over to AI chat apps and you'll just know from the get-go that everybody you talk to is a bot (instead of just 4 out of 5 users being bots). I'm guessing they'll farm that sweet, juicy user-data from however many years now to train their AI on. Base level will be a semi-interested friend, but the higher-subscription level you pay into will unlock romantic options, naughty (ai-generated) pics, and they'll eventually add a feature where you can go on virtual dates with your AI companion and they can scan your pictures/photos and make comments on what you "saw together" on your date. Maybe they'll even insert themselves into the images to make it seem like they were really there. Hell, they'll probably even get to a point where you can have live voice chats with them.

[–] 8 points 3 days ago

There's so many games that I picked up that I'd played through/completed in my childhood, but they'll likely forever show as unplayed in my Steam library. I've been slowly going back through my Steam library chronologically though, to try to at least reduce my unplayed games amount, and also to at least check out games I might've missed. I'm not forcing my self to actually finish the games, just play them for at least a few minutes, maybe mark it for follow-up later, but the point is to reduce my unplayed games list so I don't feel as bad about it.

[–] 30 points 1 week ago

Well, at least we’ve got global climate change and multiple other threats to the survival of humanity, we won’t have to worry for long.

[–] 34 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

This isn't a serious proposal and it's not even really meant for Ukraine to even consider. It's meant for Ukraine's Western allies who will start getting bored and antsy and may start applying pressure on Ukraine to look for a deal. Putin knows he just needs to outlast fickle Western governments, or wait until Russian-backed right-wing governments get into power, then Ukraine will lose its support and likely crumble.

[–] 14 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Wakanda Forever. First part where we’re saying goodbye to Chadwick was good in a sad way, but I couldn’t stand anything else that happened after that. I was just so annoyed with every character, I hated every minute of it.

Secret Invasion is by far the worst Marvel production though, just a total shitshow and primarily what caused me to cancel D+, I was just done with the shitty writing.

[–] 26 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

It just felt like they were trying too hard in every scene. Ragnarok was great, one of the top Marvel movies, but the humor in that was unexpected, it hadn’t really been done like that before with Thor. We were used to this almost Shakespearian Thor, so it was a breath of fresh air. They needed to tone it down some more, maybe actually make it a bit more serious in L&T. They could’ve used it to question religion in general or something even.

Also, Thor getting chained up and stripped down naked was apparently fine for a Disney movie, but when I do it at the theme park I’m a “sex offender” and “exposing myself to minors”, what the fuck Disney?!



prompt: "generate an image of Patrick Bateman as Batman"


Copilot: "create a picture of Marvel's Fantastic Four in Leonardo's the Last Supper painting"



Streamer Perrikaryal uses an electroencephalogram (EEG) device to play games

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

I settled on using Zotero (meant for academia, but whatever, it does what I need) for cataloguing/organizing my ttrpg pdf hoard and I'm trying to set up some top-level tags to make it a bit easier to sift through what I'm looking for. One set of tags will be genre tags (fantasy, sci-fi, horror, etc), with another level below that for sub-genre (cyberpunk, supernatural, low fantasy, post-apocalyptic, etc).

Another set of top-level tags will focus on the actual types of books/products one might see for an RPG. These are just all the terms I've come across before, setup in a hierarchy that makes sense to me, though sometimes terms aren't used consistently across different RPG lines. Since some products can straddle multiple genres/categories, I'm hoping tags will help make it easier to sort through everything. Does this set of categories/sub-categories make sense? I'm still at the early stages of just importing everything into a library, so I'm sure there's categories I've not thought of or considered.

  • Core Rulebook (books required to play)
    • Player Handbook (this might straddle the line between core and supplement)
  • Supplement (books that expand the rules/setting)
    • Sourcebook
    • Bestiary
    • Splatbook
    • Adventure/Scenario/Module
      • Campaign
    • Setting
  • Accessory (mostly non-book related items)
    • Cards
    • Maps
    • Fiction
    • Music/Audio
    • Screens
    • Sheets
      • Character sheet
      • Rules/Cheat sheet
      • Misc sheet
  • Resource (more for general books on RPGs, system-agnostic)
    • GM aid
    • Player aid
    • Educational
    • Tables
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

I've been searching around for a way to organize my TTRPG collection of pdfs (numbering in the thousands to tens of thousands) and haven't really found a silver bullet for it yet. Everything I've looked at has some sort of weird thing that's off about it that doesn't seem to make it ideal. Is there something out there that others are using that works well? Here's what I've looked at so far:

  • Folder system: This is what I'm already using and it's serviceable (PC), but it really doesn't give me any tagging function and so it's hard to organize based on genre or come up with really any categories outside of just alphabetically naming folders based on the RPG name, then putting whatever subcategories I need as folders below that. It just feels so clunky going about it like this. Being able to organize/search via tags just seems like the way to go.

  • Calibre: This gets recommended everytime, but honestly I'm not interested in duplicating my library of +10,000 pdfs and following their organization system. The desktop app looks ugly (which is apparently fixed with Calibre-web but still requires the desktop app).

  • Jellyfin: Really not geared towards books in general, it's functional but not great for it. This may end up being what I fall back to if I can't get anything else working.

  • Kavita: Looks nice and works nice EXCEPT it has some weird ass naming convention with regards to numbers in the folder/file names. Only top-level stuff can contain numbers, everything below has to have roman numerals? Such a weird thing that just breaks it for me.

  • Komga: It looks nice and works nice, but is more geared towards comics, and thus doesn't work so hot with RPGs with multiple categories (Core rulebooks, Scenarios, Settings, etc), since I tend to break those out into different folders. It ends up treating sub-folders as a different series altogether, so it sort of demands that you just keep everything in the same folder.

  • Ubooquity: Tried it, it ran like ass on my machine and didn't seem to do as good a job. Making updates in the folders themselves took awhile to propagate and it just overall didn't seem to work well for how I wanted to use it. I just didn't particularly care for it.

  • Zotero: It's actually more meant for academic journals and such, but it could be used for organizing TTRPG pdfs, though not sure how well it scales up once you start throwing thousands of pdfs at it. Downside though is that it's not as flashy as some of the others, it doesn't display book covers and you have to create additional objects for each item. You also can't just add tags to the PDFs themselves, you have to create an additional 'Book' object and attach the pdf to that item, then add whatever tags/notes/metadata you want to add. I haven't figured out how to automate the process and the one item I tried where it automatically found it, it created a 'Journal Article' and renamed it based on the authors of the book (which it did correctly find), which is not ideal for going through thousands of items. I just want it to keep the file names in most cases as I've already gotten most file names where I want them.

Queen Mona (
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/


Eugene Debs, a Socialist leader in the early 20th century, ran for President five times. His fifth and highest vote count came in the 1920 Presidential election, in which he was running while in Federal prison for sedition. He received about 3.4% of the vote at the time (which included women for the first time since the Nineteenth Amendment was passed in 1920 as well). Not naming names, but yes, it's possible to run for President while in prison, though results may vary.


I just got done with a chat with Sony Customer Service regarding fraudulent activity on my account, I figured I'd share my experience in case anyone else has the same issue come up (I assume it's a relatively common experience).

Somebody apparently got access to my account a few days ago, changed the email address linked to the account (so that I couldn't reset the password) changed the password, activated 2-step verification, then started buying up a few games on it (as my Sony account had been linked to my paypal account).

Of course I discovered all this on a Sunday, when their phone lines are closed, which left me having to go through their "online assistant" (ie chat bot). It took me about 30-40min to finally get transferred to a live chat rep, but because I had keyed in my "online ID" wrong in the chat form ( misremembered it), he was unable to help me, because that chat instance is restricted to whatever info I entered originally. So I then had to start a new chat instance with the correct info, which left me waiting for another 30-40min, which by that time put me into about 1.5 hours and I just closed out and resolved to get to it today.

Fast-forward to today, the wait this time was only about 20 min. Everything seemed to go fairly well, I got access to my account and changed the password back out. I then went ahead and activated 2-Step Verification for myself, to improve security to hopefully prevent this kind of thing in the future. After verifying my email address, this action apparently flagged my account for suspicious activity and my account is now suspended. I'm now having to wait for another specialist to resolve that issue. And because of that issue, the refund on the two games that were fraudulently bought is on hold because the agent can't process it while the account is suspended.

After all of that, I requested to know what the email address had been changed to during the time that my account was hacked, as I want to file a police report at least and give that information out if I can. However, I was told that they could not give that information out for security reasons. In my mind, that email address became part of my account record, did it not? Why wouldn't I have access to that info for my account? The agent literally just gave me back access to my account, I'm obviously the account owner.

Overall, I appreciated the help that CS gave me, I've worked that kind of job before, so I understand some of what they go through, but Sony's process for resolving these issues was just kind of a lot of needless waste on my end and infuriating that I don't have access to my own account information. There was some other strange things about the whole experience that I won't go into here, so just be prepared if you ever have to contact Sony about this.

Thank you for reading my long rant.

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