
joined 9 months ago

And yet Colombo does in fact have all his shit together just messily stacked in a pile.

[–] 10 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I’m really surprised that nobody’s mentioned The Last of Us yet. It really used the uncommon technique of changing POV to really suck me in to its storyline. Right from the start when Joel’s daughter dies in the tutorial it was a gut punch as I had ‘been’ her just a few minutes ago. But the whole story was so immersive I found by the end I was really engaged with the characters and their stories. Spoilers for the end of The Last of Us if you’ve not played or watched the series. In the last big action piece in the Fireflies Hospital on my first play through I shot both the nurses in cold blood because I was so upset about what was happening. I like to think of myself as a ok person, at least better then the kind of guy who’d do that but in the heat of the moment I was so angry I totally empathise with Joel and his desire to kill everyone threatening Elly.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Some of my favourite adaptations of Shakespeare and what they adapted:

Lion King - Hamlet

O - Othello

My Own Private Idaho - One of the Henrys I forget which one

10 Things I hate about You - 12th Night

West Side Story - Romeo and Juliet

And yeah don’t miss out on Ran

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Romeo+Juliet is an amazing production. One of my favourites. If you look at the script is one of the most true to Shakespeare’s. And so beautiful.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

Are you interested in productions or adaptations? Everyone’s recommending great productions but adapting Shakespeare (ripping Shakespeare off) is an industry in itself. My personal favourite adaptation is 10 Things I Hate About You. But to be honest is really on the back of some truly great performances not the retelling of Taming of the Shrew.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Once again in no particular order: Ultimata IV - Quest of the Avatar

Sim City 2000

The Last of Us

Breath of the Wild

Trade Wars

Kingdom Hearts

Knights of the Old Republic

Civ 6

Omega - a dos game where you programmed Tanks and set them loose

And right now: Balatro

The you are lucky lucky person. If you go down the Tim Curry performances rabbit hole you are in for some amazing experiences.

[–] 30 points 2 months ago (2 children)

The Greatest Era of gaming was when I was between 12 and 22. And this is true for everyone no matter what their age is now. Between 12 and 22 I had enough time and energy to game all night and still go to school and none of life’s problems were stopping me

I once had a book of Batman short stories and there was an excellent story about Batman having to infiltrate the stand up comedy scene. It was some weird Joker plot to kill comics and Batman had go uncover as a comic. Of course Bruce hires the best writers to create the perfect stand up routine but he just keeps dieing out there. After a heart to heart with another comic he comes to the awakening that real comedy comes from a real place inside the comedian and he tells this joke: When I was kid I lost my parents. It was heartbreaking but then something happened even worse happened I was in first grade. My new teacher was having us do presentations on our parents jobs and she asked me what my parents do for a living. I started to sniffle and my eyes got wet, and I choked out “my parents are dead”. Shocked and afraid, she didn’t know what to do but in a stunned quiet voice, not knowing what else to say she whispered “What did they do before they died?” And so I yelled “Please! Don’t shoot them!” and clutched my chest failing to the ground. I’m ruining the joke because I can’t remember it exactly but there’s just something about Bruce turning his pain in to comedy that just got me right in the heart.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago (8 children)

Well he a billionaire so $83 million is a drop in the bucket. He’s probably got that much as change in the couch /s

Joyous Holidays and I hope y’all have a happy new year!

Thanks again for doing this giveaway it’s always a hoot.

I’d like to throw my hat in for Miles Morales if I could. I really like the Spider-Man series even if my graphics card hates me for playing it.

And for my Happy Thought: If you’re one of the people who still hasn’t seen the new Spider-Verse movie, oh you’re gonna have a great time watching it.

Thank everybody

I have to say this one is my favourite so far.

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