
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 2 months ago

"Why do I need an espresso machine? Just thrown some grounds in a sock, boil it, and you got coffee."

Flashlights have more maneuverability and they're significantly brighter. Trying to use your phone's flashlight outside is an exercise in futility. Plus I don't need to worry about my phone's screen breaking.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago (9 children)

Something I'm not seeing here that is absolutely essential is a good flashlight.

Human beings can't do shit in the dark. Useful for power outages, dark areas, and if gets late. I end up using it more than my knife tbh.

[–] 5 points 7 months ago

Game theory relies on both parties understanding the "game" fully and making logical choices based on self-interest.

The world is unable to be understand fully and people often make illogical choices. It can be useful but only to a point.

[–] 10 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Why? You have no understanding of why this person uploaded this file, nothing to go on, nor any knowledge about this person beyond their account uploaded the file. Was it intentional, maybe they just copied shit off a flash? If it was, were they reading and agreeing or were they just interested in the book? You have no idea and you will never know.

Not everything needs to be a moral crusade. Every single co-worker, including you, have thoughts that would get you fired. Work is like the brown paper bag over your can. Maybe they're drinking soda, maybe they're drinking beer, but unless they do some shit don't go around trying to read the label.

[–] 4 points 8 months ago (4 children)

So is a crucial part of the theory no longer "survival of the fittest?" Because that's straight Malthus.

In what way is "organisms that increase their reproductive success spread their genetic material more than organisms that don't" Malthusian? Even Peter Kroptkin, the anarcho-communist who literally wrote the Bread Book, used "Survival Of The Fittest" in his writings.

Malthus is wrong for many reasons but the biggest is that humans are not base unconscious animals who rely on genetic variation to influence their behavior. Malthus built his ideas based on uneducated people in a pre-industrial society. But with increasing education and family planning, the exponential growth that Malthus predicted is severely curved. You shouldn't reject parts of evolution because Malthus used them to justify his political theory. You should reject them if they aren't scientifically sound.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I don't think you understand that getting some hokey answers when you do an asklemmy thread about the supernatural is par for the course.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (3 children)

My point still stands even if its modified a bit.

It's only your mind active in this scenario. You might as well just ask to know everything in existence.

Knowing everything in existence is just merging with the universe which isn't what I want. I want my ego to still exist, even if only temporarily. I don't want to go from human -> THE ALL, I want to follow the path with the extra time I was given.

I don't see how you get to the ascension part anyway, you can only absorb the answers you look for, you don't get time and space to do anything with it.

If I don't get time and space then it doesn't matter what I ask anyway as I'd be dead before I got to appreciate the answer. "Oh what's the secret of the universe?" But then I'm dead before I even get to think about what it means. May as well just ask what's on TV tomorrow because I wouldn't get anything from it.

[–] 7 points 8 months ago (6 children)

Tell me all the digits in Pi or some other irrational number so that I can get pseudo eternal life.

Since we have a wish-granting entity then that means the supernatural is somewhat real and I use my newfound time as well as the frozen world to learn everything I wanted and possible ascend beyond humanity.

[–] 33 points 8 months ago (4 children)

Republicans can’t retaliate in kind because they have no precedent or legal backing to do so.

They don't have the legal backing to do a lot of things they already do so I don't see how that will stop anything.

Plus they can just decide to give all the electoral votes to Trump regardless of the vote total which would accomplish much the same thing while being entirely constitutional.

[–] 3 points 8 months ago

Learn how to rocket jump and air strafe effectively. Don't use the Conch at first because it's a crutch. It's very powerful tool and highly useful if your team doesn't have a competent medic but it makes you rely on the passive healing instead of seeking out healthkits.

As a general rule, any 1-1 fight beyond mid-range is a waste of ammo for soldier. Once you start doing 20-30 damage rocket shots you merely become an annoyance. Either jump in to close the distance or use suppressive fire and move up. Sentries aren't affected by damage fall-off so that's an exception.

That said, using your rockets to soften up groups of enemies from afar is very useful. But only fire 1-2 rockets and then reload unless you think you can get a kill. Being caught out with 1 rocket in the clip and no shotgun is a death sentence for most soldiers. I've been spamming chokepoints to great success only to have a enemy that I could have taken with a few extra rockets kill me. At the very least, keep 1 rocket to escape with.

This is true for every class but turn on damage numbers and know your "rockets to kill" count for each enemy. A heavy takes all 4 of your rockets assuming you hit them at relatively close range. A spy, sniper, scout, and engi may only take 2.

Learn when to retreat back to your team. A lot of new players pick limited mobility classes like heavy and pyro which can't really escape most fights. They think that once they are in an encounter they are "forced" to continue until they either win or die. But soldier can jump back to a medic/healthkit if they're in a fight they can't win.

[–] 6 points 9 months ago

Yeah...he literally put $1400 in your pocket, assuming you're American, at the beginning of his administration in response to the covid-19 virus.

Trump did it twice, plus Biden promised $2000 and walked that back when he was in office.

Ignoring everything else, Trump pushed for the checks and called on congress to make increases to what was given out. Biden sent out a lower amount than what he promised and then presided over the clusterfuck that was the end of the pandemic.

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