Dad Jokes
This is a community for sharing those cheesy “dad” jokes that invoke an eye roll or chuckle.
- Clean jokes only please. If you cannot tell this joke to a 5-year-old, you probably shouldn’t post it here. Please post edgier jokes to !
- Must post text, image (e.g., meme), or direct link. Do not post external links that cannot be viewed directly from the community (e.g., link to joke website, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
- Follow Lemmy.World Code of Conduct
This is the dadest dad joke.
Down voted. Saw community name. Angrily up voted.
Dammit, beat me to it! I haven't been this incensed since last year!
Probably bcz everybody was out partying late last night.
I went to bed at 10 pm and had a good nights sleep until 7 am.
Best party ever.
So what did you guys get for Christmas presents this year?
I didn't get anything for Christmas this year, it's a bit early still.
Jokes aside, games, Lego sets, Dremel and a happy kid. (I had the kid before Christmas, they are still happy)
Got myself a new laptop. I can play Dad of War. It's nice.
It's not the new year in a lot of places yet.
But it dwindles by the hour.
That’s unfortunate because good fences make good neighbors
Well played sir
Thanks daddy