
joined 1 year ago

It’s all fun and games when we use pocket dimensions to store data.

Until you consider the poor beings in the entire universe that will be wiped out by the vacuum decay left when we read the qubits used for the storage.

[–] 5 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

It’s like how the earth bulges out at the equator.

The momentum pulls them out, gravity pulls it back. Similar thing at the solar and galactic planes.

They “bulge” relatively to the spin of the material over time and the clumps of material then forms planets along that general plane.

From the aboves video you can see this at 44seconds

And a relevant PBS Spacetime video

Why is the Earth Round and the Milky Way Flat? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

But the biggest reason is the way gasses form in space. As noted in the above video at the 8:45 mark. Gasses aren’t able to fall back into the center along their axis of spin because of their momentum. But the gassed above and below the plane can move towards the gathering material there by gravity and so it flattens out.

I’m looking forward to it. Just worried that it’ll be as short as Links Awakening

[–] 10 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

Enders Game instilled the importance of adjusting your frame of reference. What was up can become down.

So it’s science fiction but when you consider a collaborative global human response to existential danger it’s fantasy.

But the Shadow series shows how quickly we go back to weaponizing and using gifted war trained children as tools of conquest… so realism/horror?

[–] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

If a person is at the intro/intermediate level that advice may be sound enough. Since they’re less likely to apply proper rules to include those ranges of IP’s etc.

Assuming it’s advising disabling it at the router/switch level and not just a per device level.

Better would be to explain: Disable this until you’re familiar with the following concepts (see cited books/material for more info)

[–] 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Or a LAN. Could do a WAN which itself can be interconnected over a wide area. Usually by routing over the internet but you could use something like satellite uplink or miles of dedicated cables.

But the interconnection of multiple LANS and WANS is what would make an “internet”.

So maybe 2 universities joining their own networks would be moving towards a private “internet” but I think we’d still call that a private network or a WAN.

It’s interesting to consider where the definitions change.

[–] 50 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Air only has so much resistance itself. High enough voltage and the closest path to ground is where the charge will go.

Just like with Lightning

Exactly… this printer is useful honey.

I can make parts for the printer, accessories for filament management for the printer.

Halloween decorations… once I get the printer back online when I have this mod finished.

Parts for another printer.

Mounts for the brooms… when more filament comes in since I used the last of it for the parts for the new printer.

Save 450 on a unique appliance part they’re not making anymore which now justifies the thousands I’ve spent on this thing.

Seriously though. It is a fun hobby and if you want to just print and make things and not tinker there are plenty of good options out there. Me? I like tinkering. It’s a blast.

[–] 9 points 2 days ago (2 children)

If I don’t design and print something I could buy I might be tempted to do more mods for my printer.

Things like this give us… balance. Luckily I have a new project… building a Voron so it’s both something new AND printing printer parts.

Rise… and Shine… for todayyyy… the skies are… clear

“HL3: Estonian Shores” confirmed


I just updated yesterday to the 1.3.5 release.

Unfortunately now when I use my thumb to quickly scroll posts and comments it doesn’t respond.

But if I stop, and move very slowly it does register the scroll. After it finally does scroll then for about 10 seconds or so it behaves normally.

This doesn’t happen, however, in the top half of the screen. Just the bottom half.

Thank you again for all the hard work you do on the app.


I found this interesting and was wondering how some of the larger instances handle the issues they outline such as

Copyright/DMCA Safe Harbor CSAM Law enforcement/warrants/info inquiries

And not included (since it’s focus is on US legal issues) but I’m curious about would be other regulations such as EU user data retention

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