How would people function without knowing this?? Maybe I'm just young, but this has been a thing as far back as I can remember (maybe 2010 or so), on all browsers I've used (Safari, Chrome, Firefox).
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
Ctrl+Shift+T anywhere.
Ctrl-Shift-T for the last tab closed, Ctrl-Shift-N for the last window closed
Command + Shift + T on mac os, and Ctrl + Shift + T for Windows
You're welcome
Don't forget Ctrl + Shift + N
I have Ctrl + W and Crtl + Shift + T bound to my mouse for this reason.
I can still feel the pain when it’s 2 AM and you meant to Ctrl + Shift + T and you’re muscle memory leaks in and hits you with the Ctrl + Shift + W.
FYI there’s a confirm close option that will mitigate this terrible scenario, for anyone that’s been there before.
Or just Ctrl+shift+N will reopen that window. It has been there for years, perhaps more than a decade, and is the perfect companion to Ctrl+N, just like Ctrl+shift+T is the perfect companion to Ctrl+T.
I wish Firefox had a method to restore windows after a restart. Losing all my tabs across multiple windows due to work required updates is a huge pain.
This is literally a thing? You just go to options and tick General -> Startup -> Open previous windows and tabs. It is quite literally the first option in the interface. I only mean to be a slight bit rude, but did you not even take a cursory look through the options?
If you can use extensions, I use the Tab Session Manager extension. It has a ton of features too but the big one is auto saving your sessions so you can always restore it all after a restart.
There is a "recently closed windows" section in the history area. You can get all your tabs back.
It's funny, it does do this when Windows restarts outside of your control.
But if you manually trigger a reboot, it assumes you closed all your windows intentionally.
At least that's how it behaves for me
As someone who frequently has windows with 1000+ tabs, this feature has saved my bacon countless times.
Oh yeah this feature is a godsend
It also persists through a reboot, so if you shutdown or reboot with tabs open, it will ask you to restore the previous session when you next start it after the boot.
If you didn't restore it, but didn't open any more tabs, you can close it again, reboot, etc, and this option will still work to get your tabs back when you're ready.
How do you people make the screenshots of popups in Firefox? Every time I press Print Screen
they just keep fading away.
I rely on this all too often...
Only the last three or so windows though, so if you got a few pop-ups before you press that you might be screwed...
...unless you have backups of an old session file, then you can use this tool to restore a list of those tabs:
There is also this handy addon for saving backups of windows like that to a txt list of urls:
I know this, but I'm peeved that when I shut my computer off with Firefox open, I have a 50/50 chance of it automatically bringing all my tabs back on the next launch.
You can just press CTRL+SHIFT+T and CTRL+SHIFT+N continually to reopen closed tabs and windows, respectively, in the order they were closed.
I also like that its PDF viewer opens exactly at where I left it at.
Good tip, though I have just hidden the close button with userChrome.css. It does not protect against alt+f4, though..
I highly recommend Tab Session Manager if you're a crazy person like me.
seconded, it's great for resuming learning sessions and stuff like that.
Being able to jump back into all the troubleshooting and stack overflow tabs whenever a problem reappears is great.
itsa great extension for people with internet problems