I use it all the time and sync it between devices without problems...
I use KeepassDX on Android and it feels alright
uberspace might be what you are looking for. you get a fully maintained mail setup, 10GB of storage, a dozen preconfigured services, a nice wiki and a very cool team of nerds. starts at 5€/month and you can buy your own domain elsewhere (i use inwx).
I like to explore lemmy. Sort by "Top Last Hour" and with "All Communities" to find something you like. I am subscribed to about one hundred communities so far :3
Und dann noch 4x umentscheiden :D
Even if you could print a lot of different materials: A modern car is uncredibly complicated and I'd even take a good enigneer months to fabricate something that does not kill you or others on its first drive. So I guess it won't happen. What I could imagine however is decentralized and more local manufacturing of cars. One company may licence their design, it gets assembled remotely at several places and an engineer has a look before you get it.
Quirrel. Ist aus der neusten Ausgabe von "5 Minuten Harry Podcast" :)
Habló español un poco pequeño
youtube-dl has the ability to extract audio
I used it on i3wm without problems. Just install and use it
Thing is you can just donate to your local instance instead
I use Youtube via the channels RSS feeds. If there is a short I mark it as read and read on.