
joined 1 year ago
[–] tissek@sopuli.xyz 15 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

Don't have your mouth write checks your ass can't cover


Under promise while over deliver

[–] tissek@sopuli.xyz 22 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Why is mercury ranked second despite having the same number of medals (zero) as the unranked ones? Who did Mercury pay off for this "mistake" to happen? Is big Mercury subtly trying to influence our perception of them?

[–] tissek@sopuli.xyz 23 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

Sports and politics go hand-in-hand.

[–] tissek@sopuli.xyz 9 points 1 month ago

Firm supporter of local stores and businesses. It also does help that I have a few good places in walking distance and a healthy city centre. So if I want and weather permitting I can sit on their patio and wave to acquaintances.

[–] tissek@sopuli.xyz 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Looks awesome. Were confused why you added lemon but after further reading, and rereading, I understood. My tip for keeping a rye starter alive is to keep in in the fridge. Take it out a day before use, feed it 12h before use, use it and put in pack in the fridge after a final feeding. I've "forgotten" starters for well over a month in there with no harm to them. As a bonus there is much less discard.

That said I bake something similar as my staple, apart from the dairy. Sometimes I use whey leftovers from cheesemaking but most of the time just plain water. I get dough, with whatever additives (nuts, seeds, whole grain), into a desired consistency. Let it rest and then bake.

The idea and methodology behind these northern breads almost makes them foolproof.

[–] tissek@sopuli.xyz 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I enjoy it and the extra scrolling doesn't bother me. Well it bothers me much less that the information it provides.

[–] tissek@sopuli.xyz 23 points 1 month ago (1 children)

If you can afford to save then I highly recommend you to save up for classes. Not just for the exercise aspect but (primary) as a safety measure.

Floating around on ones back is seriously underrated. You just drift around a bit, relax and disconnect for a bit.

[–] tissek@sopuli.xyz 2 points 1 month ago

Arrow up. Multiple times.

[–] tissek@sopuli.xyz 11 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Can I... Can I have some knife-ear degeneracy?

[–] tissek@sopuli.xyz 14 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The answer: worker rights and employment protections.

[–] tissek@sopuli.xyz 3 points 2 months ago

Don't know how the market is around where you live but it may be worth it to shop around a little and see what the fitness centers offers. Since I didn't remember if I had to make a choice when I joined mine I took a look and their only offer is ALL OF IT - classes and gym. Looked around and it was the same elsewhere too. Well pretty much everywhere else, the exception was a place where the cheap offer was swimming area and gym.

[–] tissek@sopuli.xyz 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I often go to the gym straight after work. It sure as heck helps that I mostly go to classes, many of which I have book a spot in. Often I book even if it wont be full just to have already made the commitment. Many of my classes are also timed such that I can get off the bus from work and just head over or that I can get home and do ONE chore.

Then it has become a routine and now it is part of my after work routine. Bonus of going to classes is that you can get some light socializing in.


Title. Classic Swedish anti-consumerist song-contest-song.


Since it is some kind of celebration of ABBA winning some kind of music contest...


Camping season is on and that means hauling half a kg of sourdough on the trail. Just to make some flatbreads.


About 80% hydration

One part rye flour

Three parts whole wheat flour

Sourdough starter (you know yours best)


Mix and put into container. At fire work dough into golfball sized balls, let balls rest snd then flatten them. I prefer the thumbing method. Once coals are hotHotHOT put discs on gridddle and bake. Time depends on how how your coals are. I go by feel.


I'm holding out for you. Because you are my hero.


She doesn't have to be beautiful
She doesn't have to be smart, no
She doesn’t have to be rich
Not a model with long strides
But big tits


Short: I am looking for (foss) recommendations for an app that lets me program various time intervals and then does some notification when they are up.

So last November when the after work cycling season froze up I finally went to the gym, got me a membership at the one with the most group activities/classes(?) because I like committing to a schedule and to be told what to do. Also the group energy does help me pushing. But I started looking at the quite well equipped gym and somehow I got kettlebells in my youtube recommendations. And then other strange stuff like EMOM and AMRAP.

And the gym have no good clocks...

So when (pretty much always) I want to do some AMRAP (conditioning?) I have to rely on my clock. But its timing programming is really limited, essentially just active/rest. So I need something more robust and after a cursory look at apps I have found nothing. I NEED recommendations.

Example: I want to program a AMRAP session of 1 minute active, 15 seconds reset to next move(?). Do that for 5 cycles. Then a 2 minute break. And start from the bottom. Just an example.


When the refrain is slower than the lyrics. And the discord makes me like it more.



I've got some whiskey in my glass and here you get some Bridge City Sinners


Am I diving deep into Appalachian Death Folk? Also kind of a awesome name for a music genre.

Darude - Sandstorm (www.youtube.com)



A Beethoven of today. A modern musical genius.

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