Any statement preceded by "no source needed" is propaganda.
I don't even think you're wrong here, but that's not a statement that should ever stand unchallenged.
Ah yes, it's holding back the massive sweeping wave of change currently going on to fix climate change.
No, don't be a dumbass. It's raising awareness, because it's obvious nobody is giving a shit about this really fucking massive problem that is directly on our doorstep. Painting Stonehenge isn't going to accomplish anything except be a nuisance, but being a nuisance is how you compel people to get shit done non-violently. MLK and his sit-ins pushed civil rights forward by being a nuisance. Gandhi pushed Britain out of India by being a nuisance. If you accept the status quo, the status quo will remain. You have to get out and make noise and attract a following if you want the folks in charge to pay attention to your existence.
Trust me, you want them painting on Stonehenge for attention. This is the non-violent option. When this is ignored long enough, the non-violent option will be shelved and that's when people will suddenly start paying attention.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - John F. Kennedy, 1962
Impressive. Last game I had hours like that in was Dark Souls 2 round 10 years ago. I am shortly going to break my first 200 hours for Elden Ring though, the DLC will send me over the breakpoint pretty comfortably. Then I get to start my second character for real, now that I have all the content for them to explore.
I mean, presumably if I'm standing outside my car with a key, I just unlock the door and open it. Can't do that with a dead tesla.