
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 1 day ago (3 children)

You've been sitting in the drive through for 10 minutes how do you not know what to order?!

Me, 16 years old, on the other end of the speaker

[–] 37 points 2 days ago (5 children)

I like to do things cost per hour. A $60 dollar video game that gives me 120 hours of content is $0.50 an hour. Pretty good if you ask me.

Going to the movies is $20 for 2 hours. $10 an hour. Pretty high, sometimes worth it. That's about my gauge.

This is $21 an hour. For that I better be having just an amazing time, I better be at Disneyland or something.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

For me it's useful, depending how it's implemented. Being able to say "summarize this article" or "summarize this ToS and call out anything that's anti consumer" is how I use chatgpt

[–] 33 points 3 days ago (5 children)

I've never seen HR use data brokers. I would think that could open them to a lot of risk, finding out things that aren't legal to know about someone before saying yes. All of mine have used actual background check agencies

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

not sure about CoD myself, but Halo was my franchise of choice. Over the last couple of games they've changed social playlists to still alter your skill, I'm not 100% on the details of how, but essentially it means ranked is where you go to compete, social is where you go to practice for ranked. It's become extremely frustrating because you have everyone trying way, way too hard in social games, getting angry when things don't go perfectly, and dropping out of games that aren't competitive enough leaving us with lopsided teams.

I just wish games had a "Hey, no skills here, just in and have fun, there's no points or levels, that's over there" style gaming. And if there is skill based matchmaking in that style, then we shouldn't know about our level in those games.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago (3 children)

Social playlists were unranked, vs ranked playlists. They generally had no stakes to play, and there were no benefits for players in there except to have fun. You couldn't boost your skills or anything in socials, the only way to do that was to play the ranked playlists. So for me, it was just a blast playing those. Just a bunch of people who wanted to have fun

[–] 20 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Then they wonder why I have 2000 hours in the $30 game Satisfactory and haven't logged anything in my favorite multiplayer games. Apples and oranges I know, but why do I want to be sold to constantly?

[–] 26 points 4 days ago (8 children)

Xbox rediscovers social matchmaking. Oh shit, you mean noobs don't like getting 360 no scoped by some kid when they're just learning? Bravo Xbox, you figured it out after 15 years of matchmaking.

All I've seen them do is continuously push ranked, MLG, clans that practice, and expect people to play every free hour of the day. Now they're surprised that the only people who want to play their multiplayer are the try-hards.

I work 40+ hours a week. When I'm done I don't want to log into a game where I get yelled at for letting the team down, or be the obviously worst player in a lobby of pros. We used to have social, and for a few years it was great. There was no need to farm down there, it was just for fucking around. Now in Halo Infinite even the action sack stuff is rankable. Shit sucks for a casual gamer. My favorite franchise, I know everything up and down, have played since CE (and I mean CE and Custom Edition), and I can't get any joy out of the competitiveness of Infinite.

[–] 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Because Chrome has already announced they are killing adblockers with manifest V3, and they have been very public about that for years.

Firefox just announced 2 weeks ago they are supporting manifest V2 & V3, and going on to support adblockers.

I used to disagree with you on snap... Until it horribly horribly failed me. No way to revert, I remember reading pages that were essentially "just reinstall your os". Noooope. Flatpak all the way now.

and that's what I loathe about the idiots who are for this stuff. Yes, I want to curb this stuff - but for fuck's sake there are ways to do it that aren't "Give big government every scrap of data on you".

There are ways to prove I'm over 18 without needing to register my ID with a porn company, or to regulate CSAM while not having to read private messages. Fuck, but we have the combination of circle of a venn diagram of idiot and control freak in congress, and they'll happily remove all of our rights over some fear of the boogeyman

[–] 3 points 4 days ago (3 children)

part of the reason I haven't done anything right there. what is there to switch to? Chromium? Where they are actively killing adblockers?


cross-posted from:

Forgive the hastily made meme. All too common with us engineers.


Forgive the hastily made meme. All too common with us engineers.

I forgot Awards existed (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

I just got this email from Reddit, and I just realized it's been a year now since I swapped over here, and I haven't thought about awards once. I always thought they were gimmicky and a way for people to throw away money. It's just really nice not worrying about them.

(I also have participated more in BuyMeACoffee and Patreon over here now, and I think my money is better spent that way)

Also, what is with that exponential scale, so screw you if you're a big time user apparently? And the expiration? The whole thing has corpo stink on it


Always call out Cloudflare for their bullshit. For those working for companies in devops, share this with your teams...


Hey folks, I've been training Loras now for a while, and have some scripts I really like that I've been working with. However, I realized I haven't been keeping up lately, so, is SDXL still the best for Loras? And by that I mean before with 1.5 and standard SDXL is the most accurate quality I've received.

My Loras seem to work fine with Lightning and Turbo models, but is there anything else I should look into? Any major things that you've changed in the last 6 months to your trainings? Is sdxl_base the best basemodel to train off of?


One of my favorites, just remembered it, and this article is from the AU's perspective.

I like that they have to explain it to Aussies because they don't understand why there would be a need for massive parking lots.

Not all US cities have reliable or widespread public transport networks, so it's likely that a similar number of Americans drive to and from concerts. As such, most stadiums in the US are surrounded by vast parking lots to accommodate all the vehicles - but not in Australia.


Wife said to me this morning "Running Windows games like that seems unnatural" So of course immediately generated this meme.

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