
joined 1 year ago
[–] ringwraithfish@startrek.website 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I have the same experience as you. My local theater chain has good seating, plenty of screens for multiple options, people are usually very good at following proper theater etiquette. I know I could watch it at home, but I go for the atmosphere. Sitting there with no other distractions, having a shared experience with strangers...you can't fully replicate that at home.

It's a shame not everyone has the same opportunity at their theater.

[–] ringwraithfish@startrek.website 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Kyle Rittenhouse/Tyler Boebart 2032

You're looking at it wrong. This is an emergency supply drop that will be found 100 years from now. A moon base will be in critical need of a part that can't get delivered on time from Earth and someone miraculously versed on the engineering specs of this particular lander will have a flash of insight that the one component they need to save everyone happens to already be on the moon.

Or so that's what I gather will happen based on most sci-fi shows/movies.

[–] ringwraithfish@startrek.website 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It is expensive, but when faced with the choice of a $15 meal from Wendy's or a $15 meal from Five Guys, I'm always choosing Five Guys.

Also, my local Five Guys is amazing. I haven't had any issues with quality that others seem to regularly have.

[–] ringwraithfish@startrek.website 3 points 1 year ago (4 children)

It's why Five Guys and In-n-Out have been gaining market share the last 10 years. Give me a good burger, good fries.... that's all I want.

Don't even try. OP takes it personally when you suggest that.

Philo posting under their alt account?

Water. I like plain water when I'm absolutely thirsty, like after working outside, but always gravitated towards sodas all other times I should have been drinking water throughout the day. I had to try a few dozen different flavorings, but once I found one I liked I was able to kick the sugar habit with water.

[–] ringwraithfish@startrek.website 59 points 1 year ago (15 children)

Same way "Joe the Plumber", Kim Davis, Kyle Rittenhouse, etc. GOP elevates their story to the national spotlight to "prove their point" and then leaves them out to dry after their 15 minutes of fame have been used up.

Ah, Henderson. You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

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