
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Oh no by all means do preach. I was just about doing the same about schroot. :p

And, like I said, it's not that I don't like it. It was just too much for the rather small usecase I had back at the time. I'm pretty sure if at some point I move to a distro less featured than Debian Sid I'm gonna have to pay more attention to Flatpak and Nix again.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

I basically took the general idea from this Ubuntu doc and made som changes. After installing debootstrap, I followed these general steps:

  • set up an user for Steam, with adduser steam.
  • created a directory to host the "virtual machine" at /var/lib/chroot/steam64.
  • used the page linked above to create a schroot profile directory with the chroot data I want.
  • used the page linked above to create a schroot profile entry for the chroot, adding steam as one of its allowed users.
  • set up an Ubuntu 18.04 schroot with the following command: debootstrap --variant=buildd bionic /var/lib/chroot/steam64
  • on the host, allowed cross-"host" applications to lauch windows with xhost +local:.
  • once completed, entered the schroot as root and added the needed i386 arch and packages for Steam and for bubblewrap / Chrome containerization.
  • still in the schroot as root, installed enough packages for a basic graphical environment (basically: a text editor, xnest and xterm; between their dependencies, they'll take care of most of everything).
  • exited the schroot.
  • entered the schroot as steam and fired up the Steam launcher manually.

It's not perfect, there are a few issues (in particular with audio) but once I had the installed schroot ready, I never had to worry about its 32-bit packages ever again. And that was back in.... like, 2019 or something. Six months ago I copied to old schroot to my new machine and resumed playing, with no more cost than having to set up the schroot packages and the steam user (with the same old UID) on the new machine.

Here's a sample of the schroot profile file I'm using. The "steam64.local" is the profile directory, which is basically a copy of schroot/buildd (or of schroot/minbase) with some configurations in fstab and copyfiles to account for eg.: isolating /var/run and dbus, and giving the schroot access to the home directory for the steam user.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Tried Nix once, I liked it but overall found it too complicated to setup and manage for the [counts fingers] three programs I was using it for. Might be worth the while if I need a larger library of programs from Outside, but so far Debian and AppImages have not failed me.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Do they get to stay in the tautology club?

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (7 children)

Part of the problem is, sure, that installing an entire arch for a package touches up a lot of stuff... What I did was I set up a debootstrap schroot and added i386 arch to that so that neither they nor Steam touch my main system. Not only did I never have problems with Steam again, but I actually resumed pretty much from what I was when I got a new machine, simply by copying the schroot files over. Didn't even have to install anything (but the schroot serve on my new system itself).

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago

I think they mean the original.

[–] 10 points 3 weeks ago

Eh, I prefer my boob processing to be tactile. Juuuust to check.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

My understanding is that Matrix is worse than XMPP in basically every way.

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

Signal is unfortunately as vulnerable to this as Telegram is, as it is a fully centralized service so once the CEO is grabbed is Game Over. Something like jabber / XMPP would be better.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

So wait, Apple effectively mandates that users of their store lie to their users? Wonder if that's something that can be tackled legally.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I mean, you can even suicide on water (inb4 dihydrogen monoxide memes). This is just normal biology of a normal thing in the world.

Heck, forget water: you can even suicide on the ground below your feet. It's just usually lots more work.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Eh, at least beats the Trump mpreg.

Is this new work of art in AO3 yet?


Es impresionante... más encima tienen la carerajura para tratar de pagar multa en vez de ir a la cárcel. Vamos a ver qué dice el TC de esto porque cuando el castigo por un crimen es una multa y no la cárcel, significa que cometer el crimen es legal si eres rico.

Y esta es la misma gente que, recordemos, pusimos a escribir una nueva Constitución. Literalmente sentar a abusadores de mujeres y niños discutir si es que las mujeres y niños tienen o no derechos en la sociedad, como fue el caso de jamón serrano.


Buenas. Quería hacer la consulta para los que cachen el mundillo de Android sin Google / degoogle.

¿Hay algún sistema / base de datos de registro público, que se pueda habilitar para identificar y bloquear las llamadas de spam en Chile, sin tener el dialer de Google? Idealmente algo colaborativo, donde uno también pueda ir subiendo los números de spam o telemarketers que uno va pillando.

Es como lo único que me está hinchando las bolas, ya que desde el mes pasado me han llamado unos 1200 números distintos que aparentemente son todos telemarketers de Entel.


Half serious question because I've been browsing this for a while, but, is this /c/ really about Linux gaming? Most if not every post is about Steam, Proton, Windows games, and Windows game companies. Feels more like /c/windowsgamingonlinux to me, which I'm not contra to but, I feel it deprives some naming space (good names are finite!) from something like... well, native Linux games.

Could help if there was a way to tag posts that are not really about games for Linux.


Los eventos climáticos e hidrológicos de estas últimas semanas me recuerdan una triste realidad de este país, que es lo ignorado que ha sido el aspecto hidrológico del medioambiente a la hora de la construcción y urbanización. Y, por supuesto, pic related.

Dejo el espacio para pensamientos al respecto.

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