- If you think respecting women has anything to do with race, maybe yoi're the racist one
- By calling everything you don't like "racism", you weaken the term. The next time I see you call someone a "racist" I will think they're actually a feminist like me. If ebough people do this enough times, the term "racism" will lose all its meaning and its bad chonotation
recessive? what is recessive about this?
Your parents can take a citizenship test and you'll automatically be a citizen as well.
Just being born here doesn't make you a citizen. You must at the very least be able to speak the language. Having a citizenship test makes absolute sense.
Birthright citizenship is an absolutely stupid idea.
I wanted to make a funny joke, but honestly this is just fucking disrespecful. I am sure you know 100% how women in gaza are treated. To not aknowledge this, ESPECIALLY when you're using women's rights as a bait in your title is just utterly disrespectful.
It is disrespectful to all the women suffering and it is underminig and deminishing the women's rights movement.
Though maybe that's what you want, the way you defend (deliberately not talk about) islamists mistreating women.
I can forward you mine if you want
Red is restricted. Gray is most likely just no birthright citizenship.
Green: unlimited birthright citizenship Red: Limited birthright Citizenship Gray: (At least from my own country, Switzerland): No birthright citizenship
Transatlantic towards Panama?
We Europeans didn't ban those words.
Transcontinental would work though
Except it literally is. Every dissenting view gets called fake news and ignored. Trump supports ukraine yesterday and russia today. Violence gets threatened and used on those deemed "woke" and bathrooms are being surveiled.
The US (or at least part of it) literally lives in 1984.
Wait, that isn't true? I never heard about beta wolves, but i learned about alpha wolves in a public school.
Are we talking about the same thing?
You're technically still ruled by the british monarch, no?
Problem solved!
shhh, You're not supposed to actually answer it
I expect the parents to speak german.
But I suspect you already knew that and just wanted to be the pigeon that shits all over the chessboard.