
joined 1 year ago
[–] 34 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

Good quote. Here is more of it for context:

Fable was profitable - "highly profitable", Lionhead's Simon Carter told Eurogamer - but in a now too-familiar story, it and its genre was seen by Microsoft as just not profitable enough. "That category is not the biggest category on the planet," said Robbie Bach, who was the President of Entertainment & Devices Division at Microsoft before Don Mattrick assumed the role. "It's not soccer. It's not American Football. It's not a first-person shooter sized category. So at a commercial level, I would say it was successful, but not wildly so."

Wildly successful was what Microsoft was after. A pitch for Fable 4 was rejected. "It was like, you've reached your cap of players for RPG on Xbox and you need to find a way to double that, and you're not going to do it with RPG," Fable's art director John McCormack told Eurogamer at the time. "I thought, yes we can. I said, look, just give us four years, proper finance, give us the chance Mass Effect has, Skyrim has, the games at the time. They're getting four years and a lot of budget. Give us that, and we'll give you something that'll get you your players. Nah, you've had three shots and you've only tripled the money. It's not good enough. Fuck off. That's what I was annoyed about." (Worth noting: Skyrim went on to sell 63m copies, as of June 2023, The Witcher 3 over 50m.)

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

Hey Folks,

I had Diablo 4, the version, running perfectly fine under Lutris Flatpak. Then randomly one day it just stopped working, I didn't download a new version of the wine runner I was using, I didn't make any configuration changes it just broke. Specifically it boots, the screen goes grey for a few seconds, and then it loads up super slowly, like 1 fps and makes the game interface and Plasma becomes unusable, so I have to drop to a TTY to kill the process. Nothing really interesting is show if I select "show logs" in Lutris.

I was thinking some Flatpak Lutris update broke it, so I tried to install the game using Bottles, also a Flatpak, but ended up with exact same problem. Now I am thinking this may be a Mesa problem since that is a dependency both of these Flatpaks share. I am using the same Wine GE version on both, but it's a version from February and it worked just fine a few weeks ago.

Any recommendations on what I could do or what I could look at to debug further?


I am using the Steam Flatpak on OpenSuse Tumbleweed and when using the Steam interface, specifically when I get a chat message or try to respond to one, the Steam UI will hard freeze, as in a I can't type or move windows or interact with anything and then 30 seconds or so later everything goes back to normal. Plasma is still response when all of this is going on, it's just the Steam UI that freezes.

It's super odd and I have been running the Flatpak in the terminal to see if I can chat any relevant log messages but haven't seen any yet. It's been a little bit since I used the OpenSuse package and I think I remember seeing these freezes occasionally, but they seem much more common on the Flatpak version.

Anyone else get this behavior?

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

It's cool people are doing this - but it feels weird that they want to get X number of levels done and polish the assets to a level before releasing anything playable.

Seems like they should be releasing a few levels to folks with a few characters, get feedback and iterate from there.


Not sure what happened but I've been running Steam games using MANGOHUD=1 gamemoderun %command% and it's been working fine with Mangohud. Suddenly, no Mangohud. Mangohud still works with Lutris.

I am using the Flatpak version so I looked at my history and there haven't been any updates to the Steam or Mangohud Flatpaks when the breakage occurred. Nothing relevant is logged out if I run Steam using flatpak run com.valvesoftware.Steam. Inside Steam there have been a few updates, including an update to the common redistributable and that may have been around the time this broke. The only other thing I see is that Gnome updated some Flatpak stuff recently as well.

System wise I am on OpenSuse Tumbleweed using KDE Plasma 6. Any tips for debugging further?

Relevant Flatpak packages

Name                              Application ID                                Version  Branch       Installation
Valve Corporation                 com.valvesoftware.Steam              stable       system
Mesa                              org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default           24.0.3   22.08        system
Mesa (Extra)                      org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default           24.0.3   22.08-extra  system
Mesa                              org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default           24.0.3   23.08        system
Mesa (Extra)                      org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default           24.0.3   23.08-extra  system
Mesa                              org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.default         24.0.3   23.08        system
Mesa (Extra)                      org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.default         24.0.3   23.08-extra  system
MangoHud                          org.freedesktop.Platform.VulkanLayer.MangoHud 0.6.8    21.08        system
MangoHud                          org.freedesktop.Platform.VulkanLayer.MangoHud 0.7.1    23.08        system
gamescope                         …g.freedesktop.Platform.VulkanLayer.gamescope 3.14.2   23.08        system
Freedesktop SDK                   org.freedesktop.Sdk                           23.08.14 23.08        system
GNOME Application Platform versi… org.gnome.Platform                                     45           system
GNOME Application Platform versi… org.gnome.Platform                                     46           system
i386                              org.gnome.Platform.Compat.i386                         45           system
Breeze GTK theme                  org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Breeze                      6.0.3    3.22         system
Adwaita theme                     org.kde.KStyle.Adwaita                                 6.5          system
KDE Application Platform          org.kde.Platform                                       6.5          system
DXVK                              org.winehq.Wine.DLLs.dxvk                     2.3      stable-23.08 system
[–] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I get your point but I think you are off base with this one. The lead designer of this game, and the reason it’s getting a press cycle in the first place, is most famous for Bioshock. The comparison to Bioshock is absolutely called for in this case.

If you aren’t familiar with it, then fair enough but it’s more then a game design point of reference, this looks like a spiritual continuation of that series.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I haven't played a lot of Divinity but I will say the DnD character creator is much more interesting to me then the skill system in Divinity. I don't know if Divinity's skill systems gets better as it goes, but BG3 starts out with a lot of really interesting classes and choices.

[–] 18 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Wait, anti-cheat? Wtf?

[–] 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)

I have some bad news for you about the sales of Midnight Suns….

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Fingers crossed on the out of the box support.

Thanks again for the knowledge.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Thanks, appreciate the write up. Definitely sounds like HDR under Linux has a long way to go to reach the "just works" level.

I asked this in another thread but I would be curious to get different perspectives; could you use gamescope and mpv under Gnome and get HDR support or is KDE's HDR support essential here?

[–] 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Oh really? That sucks, how do you work around that?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

As the title asks, how does one actually use HDR for games after upgrading to Plasma 6?

This was the feature I was most excited about, and I can hit the HDR button on my display configuration and it looks like the desktop is going into HDR mode, but so far I have had zero luck enabling the HDR feature in games. Every game I've tried had the HDR toggle disabled with no way to enable it.

I am running these games under Proton and I've tried both 8-GE and 9 Beta. Any tips?

Edit: probably important to note that I am using an AMD GPU under Wayland

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

Was going to but someone beat me to it -

No resolution yet, still unconfirmed

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

What menu are you referring to? An in game one?

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

The Flatpak is probably going to move faster but the trade off is it is harder to configure some things until you get a handle on Flatpaks.

Up to you ultimately.


I was going to going to ask this question because Steam Flatpak was listed as last being updated May 2023, but they just updated it yesterday. That's still about 9 month between updates.

In general if I am on rolling release like OpenSuse Tumbleweed is my Steam package and Mesa drivers going to be more up to date then what the Steam Flatpak provides or are they updating the Flatpak and dependencies more frequently then the Discover app is suggesting?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

Me again!

Using Discord while playing Hunt Showdown and if I alt+tab away from the game into Discord to volume adjust, unmute myself or someone else, the left clicks are going to the game and causing some not so great misfires. Anyway to prevent the left click from propagating into the game window?

Using KDE + Wayland and Discord Flatpak if that effects it at all.


Weirdest damn thing, occasionally my network connectivity was being lost. Not the wifi signal, but just the route to the internet. I finally realized today it happens whenever I do a fresh boot (i.e. first time after system boot) of Heroic Games Launcher.

I am running OpenSuse Tumbleweed and using the Heroic Flatpak. Any idea how I would debug what the heck is going on so I can give a bug report to the Flatpak maintainers? I was poking around /var/log but didn't see anything interesting.

Edit: Correction, it brings down my network on every single launch, not just from a fresh boot. The network eventually comes back up, but it blips for a good few minutes.

Message that pops up in KDE is "This device appears to be connected to a network but is unable to reach the internet. " and trying to open websites leads to an error page.


Like the title says I am trying to understand how these things should work together. Part of my issue is I don't have a good mental model on the Flatpak permissioning / sandbox model. My use case is running a game on Lutris, which is a Flatpack, and using my package install of Mangohud. I am also curious if I should using a Flatpak version of Mangohud instead of the package installed version, and understanding how I would set up Steam as a Flatpak in the future when I switch away from the packaged version.

Thanks for any helpful tips or links you can provide.


Mangohud works really great for this inside a game, but outside of that I am not sure what to turn to check temps at idle.

I would prefer a GUI tool (QT since I am on Plasma), but I am also comfortable with the terminal. What are you all using?


As the title says, I am looking to install both the package version (on OpenSuse Tumbleweed) and Flatpak version. I've been running the package version for awhile and it's been fine but I want to play with the Flatpak version to see how that compares - partially because I may eventually go for an immutable distro.

I know how to do this, I am just curious if I shouldn't do it or if there anything I should be aware of. Will my game library just work between the two?


Question to help me increase my understanding on what’s going on in the Linux desktop stack. I’ve heard Gnome doesn’t support VRR while KDE does.

Why does this matter, isn’t Wayland or X11 the one that would ultimately need to support VRR? Basically when running a game that I want to use VRR with, why does it matter what my desktop environment is doing?


Got a Steam Deck on the way, anything I should know before I dive in when it arrives?

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