
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Yeah. I just say qt as separate letters. Smh

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Wait, how is it supposed to be pronounced?

[–] 23 points 2 weeks ago

Do YOU love yourself for who you are? Do you accept yourself and all your imperfections? Is there anything you are not happy with about yourself that you can change?

This is all that matters. Stop trying to push things and appreciate what you have. If there is something about yourself that you can change, then change it. Otherwise, stop worrying about what others think and learn to love yourself.

When you figure this out and learn this, everything else will follow. How can others love you, if you don't even love yourself?

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago

The status code that gets returned should be the status code of the messenger and not the data. If you want to add a status code about the data, then please do.

If something can return null and empty and it's valid, that is not a 404. That is a 200.

As far as a 403, the messenger is telling you that you shall not pass. There is no data. 403 is appropriate here. The return response can be anything since 403 is pretty self explanatory, but I would probably return json to be consistent. I would also use the field message. Something like the first one for this use case only.

In other cases where i do get data, I would use data, message, status (optional). But status in the json response would be status about the message.

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago

This has less to do with Elon and more to do with twitter itself. Why were other platforms created in the first place like Lemmy? Could it be to decentralize these platforms so that no one entity can control them, including the government? This whole shit show with Brazil shows us exactly why these platforms should exist. The oppression of the people need to stop.

Instead of complaining about others and offering no contributions to this platform, I'd love to hear your take on this and start an open discussion. It seems like you have something on your mind, so why not speak it?

[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

You should try and reach out to piratesoftware on twitch. He really enjoys these 2d platformers and it could be a huge boost to your sales. The game looks pretty sick btw.

[–] 14 points 1 month ago

I straight up told my kid that he will not be playing that game. So you're not alone out there and you're doing well by taking an interest in your child's activity and monitoring them appropriately. I wish more parents would do the same.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (13 children)

Totally agree. They definitely have a monopoly in PC game distribution, but this feels different than most other situations. They are not forcing anything on anyone. This is really the consumer's choice. The thing is, they offer a great service and consumers don't really have much to complain about. The only time you would need to complain about something is if you lost your entire steam library. Which is a reminder that you don't really own these games, you are renting them.

Think about other monopolies. Microsoft has a dominant force in the PC OS. You have other options like MacOS and Linux, but if you wanted to switch from windows to MacOS, you really can't. Microsoft can force products onto people like edge browser or ads.

Comcast and Cox are monopolies as they normally service specific regional areas and stay out of each other's way. Because of this, there is no competition when looking for an ISP and both companies generally act on bad practices and milk the consumers for everything they can.

The more you dig deeper into it, you'll find that all these companies try and fuck over the consumer. The difference with Valve, is that they can fuck over the producer moreso than the consumer. The only other company I can think of that is similar is eBay. eBay is really a monopoly for an auction like or used goods marketplace. The consumer is more protected than the producer.

Tbh, I don't know the ins and outs of the game development process, but at least for smaller teams and games, 30% seems very reasonable to get your game out there. I am in the process of making a game now and I am fine with that fee and not having to deal with all the headaches. I just want to make a game, publish it, and make some money.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

Hard agree. Played a 7 today and it felt really bad. Without balancing other weapons to make them viable, they just nerfed the only gun that can do shit.

I love the autocannon gun, but it's useless against bugs and only good against automatons.

I'll be sitting this patch out. It just wasn't fun to play with these changes.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

This doesn't matter and it's actually a good thing rates are going back up. Rates are still lower than they have been. The real issue is greed and pretending like it's inflation. Rent has gone up. Food prices have gone up. People are constantly laid off and there is no job stability. Employers now have the upper hand. All of this and wages have not increased.

Reaganomics is garbage and doesn't work. Taxes on the rich are at an all time low. The economy is doing well, but the wealth is not being distributed in the way that it should.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Not sure where you got the idea that it's not advisable to mount the box via NFS. You can totally do this. I would make some adjustments though.

I would use mergerfs to union multiple mounts into one. You would then download to the local mount which is the drive connected directly to your seed box. Then I would have a remote mount to the nfs mount. You merge these into one so that when you link up jellyfin, it won't know the difference and you can just stream like normal.

You need to copy files from the local drive to the remote, so you can try and roll your own solution by using rclone or use something like cloudplow which solves this issue as well. Cloudplow uses rclone as well, but monitors for changes automatically.

As far as copying files, why are you using sync anyway? It's pretty dangerous. Just use move or copy instead. This way you don't need to keep copies on your computer and the server.

As far as streaming from the nfs mount. You may need to make some changes to the cache settings and ensure they are set correctly.

With a setup like that, you should have no problems though.

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