
joined 1 year ago
[–] 14 points 9 hours ago

The fact that most of the world has decent access to food. And the fact that here in the first world (I'm in Canada), just about everyone has access to some kind of food.

I know it isn't perfect and there are still a small percentage of people that may have difficulty with access to proper food, plentiful food or enough food ... but everyone everywhere here has something to eat.

I'm Indigenous and when I was growing up in the 80s, mom and dad had enough for us to eat but we weren't starving or anything.

However, my parents were born in the 40s and they said they had to live through famines as children ... in modern Canada! They remembered a severe famine that swept through northern Ontario in the 50s where every hunter and trapper just couldn't find enough wild food anywhere to feed people. It was a normal cycle that happens in our part of the world that takes place at least once a decade - most times it is just small decline in animal populations but other times, everything just disappears for one reason or another (disease, migration, weather, temperature, animal movements, etc)

In my grandparents time ... starvation was a normal part of life to the point where lots of our old legends are filled with stories of cannibalism and murder because people were starving to death.

It all just means that in our modern era over the past hundred years ... food has become plentiful for the majority of the world and that starvation has become less prevalent than it ever was in human history.

In our modern world of interconnected finances, services, governments and systems ... it is all hinging on a very delicate balance ... because as Will Durant put it ..

"From barbarism to civilization requires a century; from civilization to barbarism needs but a day"

Our easy access to food for everyone is only possible if we maintain a functioning world order of cooperation.

[–] 9 points 9 hours ago

because the US has spent decades creating a culture that allows this level of stupidity in their national politics

Stupid people saying stupid things in public is only considered acceptable if everyone that is listening in to all the stupidity are stupid themselves.

[–] 19 points 9 hours ago (7 children)

... too close ... deport him to the sun instead

[–] 13 points 9 hours ago

.... so he wants to avoid creating a "one party state" ... by electing someone who openly wants to develop a one party state

[–] 4 points 10 hours ago

I love how this medieval knight decided to use a recently invented folding lawn chair to do battle with his opponent.

[–] 2 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

Then it must involve a medium sized metal food bowl ... one about the size of a human (or Vulcan) skull ... and a very unskilled barber ... perhaps a sibling or a parent

[–] 6 points 10 hours ago

I've only ever watched one or two episodes of the series and hope to watch the whole thing some day ... but these memes make me feel like I'm going to have to listen to the entire theme song every time now.

[–] 2 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

I hope it involves Edward Scissorhands

[–] 4 points 13 hours ago (4 children)

Imagine being a barber and cutting the hair of a Vulcan.

[–] 1 points 21 hours ago

Isn't this basically how Taylor Swift got her start .... her millionaire father just buying thousands of her debut album at the beginning.

[–] 1 points 21 hours ago

It's also a sign of things to come

We will reinforce our false and superficial ideas of the past or even present with the help of AI

All the vague uneducated and ill informed ideas we all have about anything and everything will all be magnified and exaggerated a hundred fold.

[–] 1 points 21 hours ago

People want to only believe what they want because they hate being wrong .... and they never believe or want to believe that their side, their group, their community no matter what it is can ever be wrong.

I'm not immune to it myself and I constantly have to remind myself that I can easily fall into that same mentality.

Most of us are never taught to be self-critical or to properly question the world or the people around us.


Every phone call you make with just the mic near your mouth and the speaker near your ear, you are whispering into the ear of the person you are calling.

If the person who answers with the mic near their mouth and the speaker near their ear is doing the same thing. It's like having a conversational 69 where both of you are placing your mouths next to each other's ears.

It sounds sexual and sensual if you are talking to someone you might be interested in ... but it gets a bit awkward if you imagine doing this with a random stranger you would never usually want to get close to.


In The Original Series in the 60s, people had no idea what the future would look like or what technology would look like. In one of the early episodes, they had a paper print out machine on the bridge that looked like a fax machine, which was considered futuristic in the 1960s.

Like the example of the Enterprise fax machine, what technology or system do you think are we displaying in the current Star Trek shows that will show how dated we will become in the future?


Everytime I look at small problems or big global problems, if you follow the money trail, it all leads to some billionaire who is either working towards increasing their wealth or protecting their wealth from decreasing.

Everything from politics, climate change, workers rights, democratic government, technology, land rights, human rights can all be rendered down to people fighting another group of people who defend the rights of a billionaire to keep their wealth or to expand their control.

If humanity got rid of or outlawed the notion of any one individual owning far too much money than they could ever possibly spend in a lifetime, we could free up so much wealth and energy to do other things like save ourselves from climate change.


I know many other seasoned Star Trek fans out there have probably experienced this one many times before. But I just watched this episode for the first time and the writing, acting and story just blew me away. So far it is by far one of my favourite scenes and episodes of the series so far. The dialogue between Bashir and Garak at end the of the episode is a classic.

I don't like giving too many details ... all you Star Trek pros already know what this episode leads up to. For those who don't, or haven't watched it yet, it is completely amazing episode to watch just for the writing and acting alone.

This is the first time I've been able to watch DS9 from beginning to end and although I'm still in Season Two, I'm completely loving it. So much of the conflict and complexities of war and its aftermath are still very relevant today and its amazing to see. Then they give you a breath outside of the politics and give you interactions like this with Garak and Bashir and I find it completely enthralling.

I know this may be kind of a fan favourite that's probably been stated many times before .... I was just so happy to see it that I had to share my enthusiasm.


For anyone wondering ... this is a regular daily post by Mr Stevenson Two over at ! ... a Canadian comedy show that appeared from 1988 to 1995 and starred actors Dave Foley, Bruce McCulloch, Kevin McDonald, Mark McKinney and Scott Thompson

I love these daily images as they consistently remind me of the show.

But today's image reminded me of a renaissance painting.


Is it possible to place permanent info on newly created and existing communities?

Specifically just two small items:

  • date stamp of when a community was created
  • stamp of who created the community

I think it is helpful to permanently place a date stamp on when a community was created. It's also helpful to note who initially created or established a newly created community.

Just these two pieces of information let's everyone know immediately if a community is a long time well established base ... or if it is just a newly created alternate community that people are jumping on because of new developments. Sometimes communities are organically created because of real interest and they grow over time. Other communities appear suddenly when events are happening, like the Gaza war, middle eastern conflicts, or popular topics where there are many opposing sides.

I like being able to verify and check on instances and communities wherever I go now. Every time I see something new, especially when it comes to politics and news, I do a bit of extra work to verify the information and check who created it, when, where and why.

As of now, every new community just appears with very little information other than what is written by the community creator, or creators. There are some metrics on users but its a guesstimate as to when the community was started (there is no start date). And there is a listing for the current Mod (but no indication of who created the community).

The Mod log gives some information but again it is all info that is posted and generated by the creators and existing mods.

Creating and establishing a 'date created' and 'created by' permanent stamp on communities would give them more legitimacy and accountability to everyone that reads content on them. This info is also very important when events are unfolding and people are actively debating with one another in different communities.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

I don't know if the mods will appreciate this or not ... because it might be construed as a political / controversial topic ... but I'll risk it.

If it needs to be taken down, I accept that and won't protest it.

This isn't your typical funny, tongue in cheek or fun post ... it's just a commentary that I didn't really know where else to post because it's Star Trek related.

I'm posting this as a commentary on what I am seeing on Star Trek Deep Space Nine, a show I'm currently enjoying. I've just starting season two and I'm almost shocked at the parallels the shows writers were recreating from our past history, the current era of the 90s they were living in and in our modern time period now.

I'm just starting to get introduced to the storyline of the Bajorans and their internal conflicts of wanting to create a Bajoran Only society and becoming intolerant to other species. I know many Trek fans already know this story but its new to me and I am fully enjoying the writing that was produced to highlight this mentality. I highly suggest others who haven't watched DS9 to watch it as well ... plus I am looking forward to more from this show as I am really enjoying it.

It was surprising to me to hear them use the title of the group as 'The Circle' for their extremist political group ... a direct parallel to the KKK, an acronym for the Ku Klux Klan, a name which is believed to be taken from the Greek word 'kyklos', which translates as the word 'circle'. And it was also striking to me to see the symbol they used for their group, a stylized circle, with what almost looks like an 'OK' sign, which over the past decade has become to often be seen as a white supremacist hand gesture.

I'm sure the writers were making the connection to the KKK at the time and I'm sure that many people noticed it when the show first aired ... but it's the symbol that was spray painted as the group's logo that almost looks like that 'OK hand sign' that really surprised me.


Aliens want to communicate and they decide to use you and your personality as the base model for all humans. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?


When doing a search for Star Trek memes up until a few years ago, it was pretty fun. Now the internet is just filled with all kinds of freakish images that it feels like someone's lost their minds or in the process of losing their mind.

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