
joined 6 months ago
[–] experbia@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago

pls no bully

fun fact, when Firefox for Android or its forks hits over 99 tabs, it just switches to a little infinity icon...

[–] experbia@lemmy.world 10 points 3 months ago (1 children)

so if you're regularly annoyed (1/4), angry (2/4) and spiteful (3/4) about being forced to participate in this exploitative system designed to bleed you dry until you die, you're ok still... but if you try to do anything about it (by arguing with or defying "authorities" in any way) you're an insane person that needs to be locked up and given drugs? cool. that's really convenient.

[–] experbia@lemmy.world 25 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (3 children)

so if you're regularly annoyed (1/4), angry (2/4) and spiteful (3/4) about being forced to participate in this exploitative system designed to bleed you dry until you die, you're ok still... but if you try to do anything about it (by arguing with or defying "authorities" in any way) you're an insane person that needs to be locked up and given drugs? cool. that's really convenient.

[–] experbia@lemmy.world 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

for real! I'll use Google maps on my phone only if I'm going to a new place I haven't been to before and I don't have time to take a few moments to learn the route(s) ahead of time. that's its convenience. but I hate being on that digital leash, being scolded by my phone if I take a different road to see where it leads or to stop for gas or a break. so, I tend to drive everywhere in my day-to-day without it, and my friends think it's so weird.

one of my friends won't start driving to the grocery store a few blocks away from his house without turning on his Garmin. he's all "if I take a wrong turn I don't want to have to pull over to look at the map!" like he can't just turn around and get back onto the simple route he usually takes? same friend is among 3 of my friends who get visibly anxious when I drive them places without GPS and will pull up their phone in the passenger seat to "get directions for me". had to tell all 3: "don't give me directions unless I ask for them. I know where I am and where I'm going, I don't need you telling me to make a turn 60s before each one."

[–] experbia@lemmy.world 5 points 3 months ago

The content, for sure. I'll just ask they provide their own USB drive, or I'll buy a good one for them and fill it if they'll comp me for that.

[–] experbia@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago (34 children)

I just can’t imagine an executive at Boeing going out and hiring a hit man

Really? That's weird, I totally can. It's an exceptionally narrow-minded and short-sighted knee-jerk reaction to a perceived threat of one's executive career. Most coked-out executives already have a massive god complex once they get their MBA and are installed above the ~~proles~~ workers. I can absolutely realistically imagine one Boeing executive getting angry enough and coked-out enough to just decide, "fuck it, I'm going to fix this problem for us before he threatens my career and reputation any more".

The information you present about whistleblowing being stressful is fair. He may indeed have been driven to kill himself instead of being straight-up assassinated like others believe. I refuse, however, to give the benefit of doubt to a massive corporation who has already demonstrated a complete lack of regard for human life and an extremely poor track record of moral and ethical decision-making. This needs to be investigated under the assumption that a hit is an entirely possible reality. Unless you'd rather that nobody blows the whistle on anything in the future - you've already demonstrated that it's an incredibly stressful action. If there's the lingering remote possibility that you can be simply assassinated over it and everyone will look the other way, nobody will ever raise their voice again. The nature of his actions before his death demand a comprehensive and exhaustive investigation into if any person from Boeing had anything to do with it whatsoever, or whistleblowing will continue sliding into something only the insane consider.

[–] experbia@lemmy.world 0 points 4 months ago

smh, this just kicks the can down the road. almond milk is for baby almonds. and what are the lil newborn coconuts gonna drink? cashews will actually die if they don't have the proper milk in the first few weeks.

[–] experbia@lemmy.world 0 points 4 months ago

I don't think anyone would say next Saturday meaning this Saturday at all

I am someone who does this. I know it's convention to say "this Saturday" for that, but when I'm not thinking about it too hard, it just comes out as "next Saturday" aka "the next Saturday I will experience after this very moment" aka what you would call "this Saturday". I usually have to immediately follow up with a disambiguation, because I usually only catch myself after having said it.

[–] experbia@lemmy.world 1 points 4 months ago

i agree with this and don't even think about it because it makes so much obvious sense, and i confuse people often who believe it to mean the one after the next one (aka "this" one) smh

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