whoops. i made my own language based off a language called toki pona. i made a community focusing on said made up language.
autism and my dissociation causes me to be unable to talk when im too stimulated
thank you so much :)
i will, thank you so much. i told her she could watch tv with me. would it be rude to tell her to stop playing screaming videos because i don’t like those videos ?
he broke up before he said all this. he was clearly into me and hitting on me before they broke up though, and the rest still stands. tysm
oh, thanks for that, i edited it :)
thanks so much 🫂 gave me the ick a little that he barely acknowledged that i liked girls. he only cared about if i liked guys or had a bf, he only got upset when i liked a guy.
it’s almost as if he was trying to act like i was straight, which was a bit insulting to me. if i had a gf/liked a girl, he would act like that meant i was just single and not attracted to anyone at all.
that makes sense, you’re right. i reworded it, i realized how wrong it sounded
thanks so much, i blocked him because he wouldn’t stop harassing me. he told me to ditch my bf for him and didn’t care that i didn’t have feelings for him. in fact, he didn’t care much about my personality or identity so long as i was his girlfriend. that’s all he saw, nothing else outside of that.
and even though he wanted me to “take my time”, he was convinced i was his future wife despite only having known me for about a week all because i was pretty and nice to him.
he also didn’t actually care whether or not i liked him, he just wanted me to say yes regardless. i feel like since that was his first time, he’d have sex with me, force me into doing it if i said no, and then break up and badmouth me.
i didn’t know all the details, he just said that she showed signs of schizophrenia and acted weird. i didn’t know her and didn’t know their relationship, but i know he did leave her because she had hallucinations, paranoia, thought objects were real (like dolls), and apparently age regressed a lot. he said she got too clingy and “weird” and even “crazy” for his liking. (which ik that word is stigmatizing in that context because in high school, we were told not to call ppl who showed signs of mental illness crazy)
the reason was that she wanted to stay friends after losing interest in me and she liked another girl, so idk