
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

Yes. But Apathy is actually Disassociation. It’s basically you stop feeling things to survive the Bad Things.

[–] 4 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

I wasn’t clear about it in my post; I was referring to requirements when applying for a trademark. But you’re right that when you’re granted a trademark, you then own whatever it is that is trademarked.

[–] 3 points 5 hours ago

Feet are not supposed to smell like vinegar. You may need to give your feet some extra tlc if they do. If that doesn’t work, talk to your doc.

[–] 9 points 7 hours ago (4 children)

I don’t believe you have to “own” it per se. You either have to be currently using it, or plan to use it, and then file for it.

I’m glad to see that the courts made the right decision here.

[–] 11 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

Blood sacrifices to ensure victory?

[–] 8 points 10 hours ago

Because back in the day, minoxodile was said to contain rat urine, and its main selling point was that it regrows hair.

[–] 39 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago) (1 children)

“This method of voting is bad and could be abused, but if it helps us win I’m all for it.”

- Robert Tyler, Attorney representing Conservative Churches/Pastors

[–] 3 points 14 hours ago

There is no such thing as bad publicity.

[–] 21 points 14 hours ago

My kids play video games. Nothing terribly violent, but even if they did it wouldn’t matter much. You see, as their parents, their mom and I make sure we talk to our children about right and wrong, fantasy and real life, and how the things they see on TV, movies, and video games are not real and not appropriate in real life; that there is a time and place for everything, and that they need to be aware of their audience.

You see, we parent our children. We recognize where fault starts and ends when it comes to their behavior. And if we thought for a moment that video games had such a negative influence on our children, we would make sure our kids didn’t play video games. Because that’s what being a parent is about.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Hanlon’s Razor.

Maybe there was a point in time where Trump would have ignored a question because it didn’t appeal to his narcissism, but I would venture that at this point his brain is too far gone for that.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Hebrews 6:18 "it is impossible for God to lie"

You have to consider the source for statements like that. I’ve always asked the question — and of course never got a real answer — that if we all agree that man is fallible (regardless of how pious you are or aren’t), and man wrote the Bible, then how could we ever trust the Bible to be correct?

To put it another way, if the Bible is “the word of god”, and the Bible was written by sinful men, then it would be akin to listening to your favorite music through a piezoelectric speaker. A lot would get lost in translation; and probably the gaps would get filled in based on the level of intelligence and desires of the writers.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Good grammar matters. “He” could be referring to God, or Judah. I would imagine any Bible Thumper would suggest that it refers to Judah, because there is no way that the Bible would suggest that God has limitations.


For mental health reasons, I had taken myself out of most political topics. But lately there seems to be a surge of talk about Palestine and Hamas (forgive me if I spelled this wrong). I do know it’s something to do with land rights, but it also seems to be so much more at the same time. I’m not trying to start any fights. I just want to understand. Thank you.


So my last post here was a tad bit on the negative side, so this post will balance that out with some positive news. As terrifying as it is right now to me, I just booked myself a week-long vacation to Puerto Rico. Solo. By myself. I'm certainly thrilled as well as terrified. But, I feel like this is the kind of move I need to make to help lament my new-found independence since I'm getting divorced; that, and it beats putzing around my apartment by myself. At least this way, I can make my mark and some memories.

By the way, if anybody has any traveling tips, I'm all eyes.


I hope you all don't mind, but it's been a rough day for me emotionally, and I feel like I need some emotional support. I don't have anyone in my life I can turn to with this, so I thought of you all.

I'm a guy, and I have/had (not sure right now) a female friend who I know likes me more than I like her; I thought I was clear with her my intentions to be friends, but I feel like I muddied the waters by being flirty and making jokes - that's on me, and I own that. Anyway, I feel like I may have scared her last night by being too honest with who I was in my past (just details about past relationships and my lack of fidelity in them). I could tell instantly that her tone changed (we were talking over text message).

She asked me again what my intentions were, and I reiterated that I wanted to be friends. She says she's good with that, but I don't know. Maybe I'm overthinking it, maybe not. But it weighs heavily on me, especially because I don't really have many people I feel like I can talk to and be open with, like I can her. So that's the first strike of my day today.

On a less dramatic scale, I overslept this morning and was late taking my kids to school. They got there, a little later than usual, but still on time, so it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be when I first woke up. I work from home, so I decided to take a nap when I got back from dropping the kids off, and again I overslept (this time for a meeting at work). I was only a few minutes late to that, but it's way out of character for me and I feel like that was strike two.

I had a doctor appointment later in the day, and there is a nurse there that I talk to (shoot the shit, as it were) and have been contemplating asking out. Nothing major really, but I don't usually ask people out while they are working. But, at the same time, I know that a) I don't see her that often, and 2) never see her outside of her work, and c) I was feeling a real connection with her. So, after a lot of internal back and forth over the past two weeks, I hyped myself up yesterday to ask her out. But after the morning I had this morning, I felt the universe was trying to warn me not to push my luck. So I had even more back and forth with myself (very draining, mind you). Ultimately, I casually asked her to a local event coming up, and she kindly and politely let me know she was already seeing someone. I wasn't surprised or put off by her response, but for some reason I'm still kicking myself. Probably along the lines of an "I told you so" to myself. I'm going to call a ball on that one, because I think I was just upset from this morning, and this was just poor timing on my part given the circumstances.

So I go home and take a nap (I do this a lot) until my kids come home. I cook them dinner, which they loved (hamburgers) and we watch some TV and play a couple games of chess. Come bed time, my youngest son throws a fit because I wanted him to keep his door partly cracked open so I could make sure he wasn't laying in bed when he should be getting ready for bed (he's 8, and bad habit of not doing what he says he's going to do, especially when he doesn't want to do it). Mind you, I could not see him change, and I only had a partial line of sight to his bed. It has to do with how the hallway is lined up with his doorway. Either way, it really hits me hard when either of my kids get upset (especially at me). Steeee-rike three.

I know that none of the above is detrimental or super big deals. Even taken together, it's just a shitty day. I think it doesn't help that I suffer from long-term depression, have treatment-resistent depression, work has been super stressful, I'm in the midst of a divorce, and like I said earlier I don't have a lot of friends I can be open with. Plus, I'm sure ITA in there somewhere. I feel like I usually am.

Anyway, if you made it this far, thank you for listening. Feel free to roast me; I probably deserve it. And I apologize for being pitiful.


When scrolling through Lemmy, I often will see the same posts from the previous page - usually as the first links on the current page I'm on.


Not sure if appropriate for this community, or for !


So I’ve been diagnosed with dysthymia, and have been on various medications for about 13-15 years now. Long story short, it works for the most part, but doesn’t quite go all the way. In other words, I still deal with a great deal of depression every day. Some of it is stress related, and some of it is out of nowhere.

Recently I’ve found a therapist that does ketamine treatments for DRD, and I am hoping to start it soon. I’m still in the intake phase and haven’t yet had my first session with the therapist.

I wanted to ask if anybody else has had experience with ketamine and would be willing to share (good and bad) what it was like during and after treatment.


It was a long time coming.

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