
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 2 hours ago

It's not about the medium being used, it's that AI doesn't know what things are. You and I have a living library of how a 3D object works in space. When you train your artistic abilities, all you're really doing is perfecting that internal library and learning the techniques to bring it out of your own head.

When you draw an apple, you bring forth the concept of an apple in your mind and then put that down on the page. When an AI draws an apple, it creates a statistically probable image of an apple based on its training data. It doesn't know what an apple is, it just makes something that was good enough to pass the testing machine.

AIs make products like a dream, because just like in your dreams, there's no reality to anchor it to. You hallucinate fairly similarly to AIs, even while waking, but your brain then adjusts its guesses using sensory inputs. Like why you can feel the pain of a stubbed toe instantly, if you see it, even though it actual takes the chemical signal some time to get to your brain. Or how your brain will synchronize the sound coming out of someone's mouth with the image, even though that's not what is actually happening. And an AI will never be able to do that, because all inputs are identical to it.

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago

Look at text. Look away. Look again. Are the words the same? In a dream, they sure as fuck won't be.

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Yeah, but there's a manufactured object that should have near perfect symmetry and doesn't. It kind of looks symmetrical, but that's not how symmetry works.

[–] 6 points 14 hours ago

Hey! Fuck off and just let people live their lives. Is that really that hard?

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

No, fire hose of misinformation is worse. $100m buys a few races, maybe. Fire hose breaks down an entire societies' trust in reality.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

If the option is 5 people dying every day or 10 people dying every day, yes harm reduction says we should limit the amount of people dying every day. That way we have more time to save the people.

I'm not a fucking lib, I'm a leftist, and I'm telling you that Trump is worse than the status quo. He only really started to fuck shit up towards the end of his presidency and that was because he only just realized he could change the rules and get rid of the bureaucracy that actually keeps our government limping along. Next time he, or anyone with an R next to their name, takes office they're going to destroy anything of value left in our government so they can hoard the ashes. This will continue to be the reality of the situation until being a fascist is no longer politically viable.

Yes, it's a hostage situation. Yes, it's royally fucked, but the last 4 years has seen an incredible shift in both public support of good policy and politicians promoting good policy. There is a light, there is good coming of all this shit, it just requires your support for the good that's happening, and your disdain to be pointed at the bad. Don't point your disdain at the "not good enough" and shrug at the unbelievable bad. That's how things get worse.

[–] 12 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Yeah, money is politics is bad. Also, foreign governments interfering in our elections is bad. You discovered the principle of more than one thing can be bad at once.

[–] 16 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Yes, his goal is to break down every negotiation until ~~Gaza is gone~~ his political situation improves. He can't end the war until he's secured his political future. Cause what else is a populist fascist to do?

[–] 7 points 1 day ago

Piece of shit authoritarian. What a useless and irritating gesture. You lost the election, time to go.

[–] 10 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Cool, so now you see that voting for Harris is a nod to either the same hand-wringing action that we're seeing now. In fact, the hand-wringing is doing a little bit better than nothing right now (not by much, admittedly). Trump's guy just said he wants the genocide to go faster. Now, I want you to apply the principles of harm reduction to this scenario. Which option is harm reduction?

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

A local ordinance that increases rights is not the same as local ordinances that attempts to do the opposite. That's why this is different, lord have mercy

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