
joined 1 year ago
[–] buddhabound@lemmy.world 5 points 8 months ago

She will also gleefully sign any anti-abortion legislation the Republicans come up with if she's president. She's firmly anti-choice and has no problem with a 6-week ban. She says her anti-choice beliefs are based on the fact that her husband was adopted and he's a blessing she lives with every day.


[–] buddhabound@lemmy.world 37 points 8 months ago (4 children)

It's a fucking Hitler quote. Do we really need to analyze it for nuance?

[–] buddhabound@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I don't answer polls as a GenX, but I sure as hell vote in every election. I will never vote for a Republican. Polls won't capture voters like me, and voters like me are not just millennials and zoomers.

[–] buddhabound@lemmy.world 8 points 8 months ago

There are 13 circuit courts full of judges, all with their own lifetime appointments. I believe the proposed idea is that the current supreme court could be made up of random, rotating judges on temporary assignments from the 13 circuit courts. Currently, the 9 justices oversee one or more of the 13 circuits. So, we could expand the court to match the 13 circuits, and then, as justices retire/die, their replacements are randomly assigned to terms of 18-24 months from the circuits they oversee. It would still meet the constitutional requirements for the supreme court, as it only requires that there is a supreme Court made up of appointed justices in good standing.

I'm sure it's more complex than that, but those are the basics of the random appointments and rotating seated justices.

[–] buddhabound@lemmy.world 21 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (5 children)

I'm GenX, and I wouldn't answer a poll if you paid me. I will vote, and I will never vote for a Republican for the rest of my life. If there's no Dem candidate on the ballot for a specific office, I leave it blank so they can see how many votes they're not getting when they don't run a candidate.

[–] buddhabound@lemmy.world 4 points 9 months ago

Read about the ramifications of SB-8. Private citizens can sue anyone who assisted or advised her in getting an abortion for $10,000 each. There is no real limit to who can be sued, as long as some tangential relationship can be made between her and getting the medical care she requires. While they can't go after her directly, almost everyone else is fair game. The limits aren't well defined, and courts haven't ruled to clarify. A pilot who pilots the plane she flies on to another state could be sued, if someone can identify a pilot by name and they can be served by Texas courts.

[–] buddhabound@lemmy.world 11 points 9 months ago

She ran unopposed in the last election after claiming she was going to retire. However, because the local Democratic party can't get its shit together to run a candidate, she just filed her papers and extended her career of taking those free tax dollars and putting them in her pocket.

[–] buddhabound@lemmy.world 4 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

There are some interesting snippets in there about what she learned about how the Dem party operates vs the Republicans from when she was part of the Jan 6th committee.

In the Dems' case, the reps themselves do a lot of the work - they're actual lawyers and qualified people who can dig into the substance of an issue and go through the details in a knowledgeable way. The reps, in contrast, rely on staffers for most everything that isn't the most basic understanding. She said that the difference between how the Dem and Rep parties operate are like night and day.

I think the snippet is included as part of Lawrence O'Donnell's interview with Nancy Pelosi last night, but I might be wrong. I watched a lot of Liz Cheney talking on the news last, and heard a lot of snippets from her audiobook yesterday as well, so I'm not 100% sure, but I think the source is either Lawrence or Nicole Wallace's show.

[–] buddhabound@lemmy.world 4 points 9 months ago

I think one of them is out with a severe illness, too. Or, at least that's what I remember from the article with Matt Gaetz the other day. So, it might only be a 1 member majority.

[–] buddhabound@lemmy.world 115 points 9 months ago (3 children)

To be fair, my "woman" is able to disagree with me because I didn't chain her up, hold her captive, and traffic her for my cam site (allegedly).

[–] buddhabound@lemmy.world 5 points 9 months ago

Or investment groups are still buying houses because they don't have to pay the same rates that individuals would, and then they're turning them into short term rentals. I just saw an article a couple of days ago about how investors bought a huge chunk of the residential market this year. For all we know, this is just more of the rich grabbing our resources to consolidate them into profits later when we've all been squeezed out.

[–] buddhabound@lemmy.world 5 points 9 months ago (3 children)

They're not cool. They're fast and good for giving lots of shots in a situation where you need to get a lot of people in a hurry - especially if you're giving multiple vaccinations at the same time.

I got one of those used on me in basic training - a place where you need to vaccinate a few thousand people in about 30 minutes. Each one could do 4 shots at a time, and they had them in multiple configurations so you could get up to 4 in each arm for each "injection" station. We stepped through the line, and you got whatever shots you were missing in your records.

It hurts, like you could imagine a high pressure power washer with a needle-point burst with 4 heads blasting vaccines in your arms. It works, in the machine-like way the military works, and it is highly effective for mass vaccinations. So, I guess it makes it cool, but also it sucks like you'd expect 4-30 vaccines at once would suck.


I have a virtual machine at work that I connect to with Citrix Workspace. It has been giving me problems, crashing my windows os.

Anyway, I installed Linux mint to a new partition, and can connect to the VM through Citrix. I also added libc++1-2 so it will recognize my headset/audio devices in the VM.

The problem comes when I try to connect to a teams meeting, and it refuses to connect. It just sits there, after popping up the modal that would normally be there when you join a call/meeting.

Anyone have experience that solves this?

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