
joined 1 year ago
[–] 7 points 10 months ago

Have you tried just making more money?

Jeez, you poors are just so lazy.

(I really wish this weren't needed, but I think it is) \s

[–] 5 points 10 months ago

Right... and no generation since has ever seen the value of owning property, right? Lol.

Are you under the impression that modern renters are choosing to rent instead of own?

60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck making saving for a down payment impossible for over half the country, and with rates being what they are, mortgages are expensive af.

People are renting because it's the only way to live, not because they think it's neat. People are getting upset at you not because you're pointing out that rent is a scam, but because you're implying it's the fault of the victims

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

As always, people who just hate change in any form - combined with the depressingly common outlook that if you don't personally like something, it must be objectively bad

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Except smart phone cameras will also improve - if anything, I'd say that over the last decade, the average smart phone camera has improved at a much faster rate than your average computer monitor.

Combine what I said with all the other Metadata that will be collected, and I'm quite skeptical that you could fool an actual professional with your scheme.

[–] 4 points 10 months ago (3 children)

It's just the same attitude as people who claim it's not really reading if you're using an eReader. Some people get weirdly elitist about books and reading

[–] 6 points 10 months ago (2 children)

With your current phone, go ahead and take two pictures - one normal, the other a picture of a picture of that thing

Now look at the two, and tell me you can't tell in a split second that one is a picture of a picture. There's a reason that it's a running joke on the internet that people need to learn to take real screenshot instead of taking a picture of the monitor - there's always annoying and obvious artifacts.

[–] 4 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I don't even know if I agree with that tbh - I've yet to see anything that actually shows that AI voiceovers can replace human ones. Oh they can make realistic speech, but they can't voice act. A voice actor isn't just a person who reads a script in a monotone, they're an actor.

AI will probably eventually get good enough to understand the context of the dialogue and add the appropriate inflections and such - but nothing today comes even close

[–] 4 points 10 months ago

Yeah and while I'm sure it is useful for minimizing outrage at controversial changes, it's mainly to prevent rolling out major bugs to too many people

[–] 7 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, remember the reaction when that one post got popular about lemmy being boring for anyone that wasn't a SWE/Linux user?

People got so pissed off, one of the top posts on lemmy that day was something to the affect of "fuck you, we're not obligated to post things you like". Which, yeah, you're not - but you also can't blame people for losing interest in your platform when you only have active discussion on one or two relatively niche topics.

The fact is that Lemmy is garbage for discussing hobbys or interests outside of a few niche areas. On reddit my feed was filled with woodworking, 3d printing, Astronomy, and other topics that get very little traffic on lemmy.

My lemmy feed is mostly politics, then SWE stuff, then memes

[–] 8 points 10 months ago

Yeah, popular music - by definition - is going to have a broad appeal, and pointing out major problems with our society is always going to be at least a bit divisive, especially when the issue is split in party lines

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I'm not saying he's a nobody, but it's not exactly downvote worthy to not know him lol, I'll bet there are plenty of people I'd consider well know that you're not familiar with too 🤷🏼‍♂️

[–] 5 points 10 months ago

I doubt they even hope the judge will agree, they're just doing it for the sake of his base. It's been his prime defense the whole time - the fact that it's bullshit doesn't matter, because as far as his base is concerned, if Trump said it, it's true


This is my first time posting here, so I'll give a bit of background,

Start Weight: 303 lbs/137kg Goal Weight: 220 lbs/100kg

Height: 6'4"/193cm

My whole family decided more or less together to get our shit together and start being healthy, my brother was the first, and he's almost 40lbs down now, then my parents joined him, then my wife, and finally I got off my butt and joined them

My routine has changed a lot from the start, but where it sits now is this

Workout Sun-Thurs - alternating gym days and running 5km - at the gym I do 35 mins on the stair stepper doing interval training, basically just doing the highest level I can manage without cheating, currently at 100 stories in those 35mins, then weight training afterwards. My 5k times are currently clocking in around 40mins, I'll be running an actual 5k next month and my hope is to get down to 35mins by then, but we'll see!

Nutrition - On a typical day I aim for around 2k calories with a macro ratio of 40% protein and 30% carbs and fat. I often miss my protein goals, but I do my best - my main concern at this stage is weight loss, so I pay more attention to the calories than the macros. On my rest days I bump up to 3k calories, which is just a bit below my TDEE. To help manage my calorie intake, I've been using Huel's Hot & Ready meals pretty much every day for lunch, mixing in Costco rotisserie chicken breasts for extra protein/flavor. It helps to have my lunch be low calorie and consistent because I enjoy having a big dinner. I also have two scoops of Whey after every workout with 2 scoops of creatine for muscle growth.

The first 15 pounds shed off really quickly, in the first few weeks, but from there I hit a bit of a plateau hovering between 15-20lbs, I was finally able to break the plateau by introducing refeed days - which I originally left out because I figured CICO was all that matters and that refeed days were just working against myself, but it turns out they help a lot as long as your long term calorie intake is still a deficit.

Right now my main focus is to drop pounds until I get to around 220, then I plan to focus mainly on building muscle and lowering my body fat % while more-or-less maintaining weight

Still a long ways to go, but I'm further along than I dared hope I would be at this stage!


Appologies if this isn't the right community, but there isn't really an r/astrophotography equivalent on Lemmy yet

Managed to get a good look at Saturn this past weekend, It's not in an ideal position for viewing yet, but it was good enough to snag this picture

Taken with a ZWO ASI224MC on an 8 inch Dobsonian telescope with a 2x barlow. The effective magnification was around 265x and no tracking was used, so the frames were captured over a dozen or so recording sessions back to back where I'd position the telescope, let Saturn track across the sensor window.

Each recording session only lasted about 15s before Saturn would leave the sensor frame. The final image was processed from around 1,000 frames using AutoStakkert, then finished in GIMP.

For those unfamiliar, the process used to generate this one picture out of the 1,000 or so frames i originally had is called "stacking". It essentially combines the best aspects of each frame to pull as much detail as possible from the whole collection, giving a final image which is significantly more detailed than any one of the original frames

You can make out some cloud bands and even the Cassini Division (that's the gap between the outer-most ring and the inner ring sections). To give a sense of scale, our moon would comfortably fit within that gap with a 1000km to spare!

Hopefully later in the season when Saturn is at opposition I can grab an even higher quality version!


Right now the user count Lemmys is comparatively tiny when held up against reddit - but the user count isn't the thing that makes a social media site, it's the engagement

So even if you're used to lurking, try to get a little more active! Post memes, vote on posts, talk in the comments, whatever!

If people come here and see activity, content, and discussions, they're more likely to stay and contribute their own - if they come and see a ghost town, they'll just go back to reddit


Just finished The Long Earth series by Sir Terry Pratchett and Steven Baxter. I'm a huge Pratchett fan and these were my first Baxter novels. It pains me to say it, but it was kind of awful..

The whole series can be summed up by "amazing premises that go entirely to waste". The pacing and plot of the books are just terrible, to be frank - each book feels like 9/10 exposition 1/10 plot & character development.

So many fascinating plot points are just abandoned without ever being revisited.

Where did the rectangle buildings with the ray guns come from?

What became of the Beagles after humanities intervention?

Who built the martian beanstalk, and what became of them?

What happened to the fragment of Lobsong/Abraham that was left in the satellite on the Silver Beetle world?

Who sent "The Invitation", and why?

And then even more plot points are kept going, but it feels clear that Baxter really had no idea what to do with them.

The Next show up (out of nowhere) and then proceed to just spend all their time naval gazing until the Deus Ex Machina that is "The Thinker"

Valhalla's quiet revolution was the subject of the whole second book - but then at the point of the third book, basically nothing has changed.

The Traversers went from being an existential threat to the whole long Earth to just being a cool tourist destination, seemingly overnight.

Lobsang's avatar which he sent to 1st person singular was supposed to become absorbed into it, but it turns out he was just having a beach vacation the whole time.

Ultimately I wound up severely dissapointed given how excited I was in the first half of the first book. It's an amazing premise and has so much potential. But ultimately it feels squandered.

I had to really force myself to finish the final book, without much enjoyment


Lemmy doesn’t seem to have any popular woodworking subreddits, so I thought I’d post here. Just deleted my reddit account and want to contribute some content here!


Lemmy doesn't seem to have any popular woodworking subreddits, so I thought I'd post here. Just deleted my reddit account and want to contribute some content here!

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