That said, I’ve decided to return to Reddit for now.
Tha'ts okay, to each their own. I’m happy to be with a few hundreds nice people compared to millions of angry strangers. I hope you can come here again once the platform is a bit more polished.
And people are much nicer here.
That's the biggest thing for me. I'm happy to be with a few hundreds nice people compared to millions of angry strangers. I actually noticed than here, when "bad" behaviour is called out (e.g. someone phrasing a request in a very demanding way, while everyone here is a volunteer), people usually react very well, apologize, and go on with their day. That's science fiction for current Reddit.
N'hésite pas à signaler dès que tu vois ce genre de contenu ici
Bonne chance pour cette communauté, je l'ajouterai à la barre de droite plus tard aujourd'hui
Thank you for your feedback
Honnêtement je me sens droit dans mes bottes, on se retrouve régulièrement dans le All de l'instance donc ça montre que la communauté est active. Après si des gens veulent rejoindre l'équipe pour qu'on ne fasse rien à plusieurs, n'hésitez pas à faire signe !
Sometimes I think you guys are really managing dumpsters on fire
Thank you for your work
! is pretty solid