
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

Not triggered at all.

The evidence says otherwise.

Anyway, this conversation is going nowhere. And I think I'm done seeing the dubious quality posts and non-constructive comments you are spamming Lemmy with. So I'm gonna block you and move on.

But one last thing, and I say this with the best of intention...

I seriously don't understand your rationale or your aim on this platform. Your frequency of trying to antagonize others indicates an unhealthy addiction; the quality of the content is all over the place, with no apparent discernment for legitimacy of the sources; and the need to engage with people here almost always turns negative, which isn't helpful to you or anyone else.

I know you get defensive about people accusing you of being a Russian operative (which I don't think you are) and of them 'persecuting' your opinion. You put on a proverbially happy face, but the urge for contrarianism (which is usually a sign of unhappiness) and that undertone of feeling disrespected shines through that. Surely you know by now that the reason you get so heavily down-voted by others on this platform isn't because they disagree with your opinion. It's because you seem to post and comment in bad faith trying to antagonize others and then proverbially run and hide behind the "hey I don't support that opinion/candidate myself!" argument. You obviously have some sort of an agenda, but you won't admit to what it really is. That lack of emotional and intellectual honesty is what irritates people.

You will keep doing what you want, and that's totally your prerogative. But you're not changing anyone's minds. You're only galvanizing them against your opinions and marginalizing yourself.

Maybe you need some emotional help? (Rhetorical question, I don't want an actual answer.). If so, then I hope you get it.

[–] 2 points 18 hours ago (3 children)

Ooh, two replies! Didn't mean to trigger you, friend. :)

And no matter how much you try to weasel out of it with misplaced semantics, you are still incorrect. :D

[–] 19 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) (5 children)

I get the overall point, but it's kind of funny that the article's title mentions sheep but the associated image features goats.

ETA: Oh wow, those are actually a type of sheep.

I watched it last weekend with my kids. I was pleasantly surprised - it's actually a pretty good movie. Shame it's done so poorly in the box office. Now there won't be any sequels. The marketing department really screwed this one over with that first trailer. The squeezed every joke into it and made it look really goofy. I think that put off many of the people who even heard about the movie.

[–] 97 points 1 day ago

Flies are attracted to the stench of decay and fecal matter. Maybe Donnie did a boom-boom in his diaper and the fly wanted to see what the fuss was.

[–] 21 points 1 day ago

Back in the early 2000s, Arsenal and England goalkeeper David Seaman pulled his back by reaching for his TV remote control. He was out for a few weeks as a result.

[–] 31 points 1 day ago (3 children)

I'm so glad I never sent them my DNA. It was tempting from a genealogy perspective. But my concerns about privacy and them selling on customer information always weighed heavier than that temptation.

But I feel a lot of sympathy for those who used their services. For a while they incessantly advertised them, including via paid endorsements from many 'trusted' podcasters and YouTubers. The company's failure should bring to the fore a drive for new laws in many countries to protect consumers' DNA from being monetized and exploited. But sadly we all know it won't.

[–] 14 points 1 day ago

Altman is the latest from the conveyor belt of mustache-twirling frat-bro super villains.

Move over Musk and Zuckerberg, there's a new shit-heel in town!

This has the makings of a great sci-fi story.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (7 children)

TIL "in" means "with".

You are incorrect. Thank you! :)

I was thinking the same thing. They have different last names, bit that doesn't mean anything. The article doesn't indicate they are related to each other. But it definitely looks like they came from the same gene puddle.

[–] 10 points 1 day ago (1 children)

They are referring to the proposed law over there. Looks like it's only fines as punishments for more. But that could change.


Carabao Cup fourth-round ties:

  • Brentford v Sheffield Wednesday
  • Southampton v Stoke
  • Tottenham v Manchester City
  • AFC Wimbledon / Newcastle v Chelsea
  • Manchester United v Leicester
  • Brighton v Liverpool
  • Preston v Arsenal
  • Aston Villa v Crystal Palace

The attempted murderer took issue with the fact that the girl and the rest of her family were Palestinians and speaking in a different language.


FIFA is set to block the introduction of blue cards and 'sin bins'.


Looks like some on the right-wing have a new fictional bogeymen to blame shootings on.


Whistleblower David Grusch claims 'non-human' beings found at UAP recovery sites as the issue of alien life possibly visiting Earth receives its highest-profile airing before US Congress.

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