
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 4 months ago

That would give politicians another reason to raise the retirement age, in order to stay in power.

[–] 24 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Early heat seekers wouldn't reliably lock an aircraft from the front, since the heat signature is really only visible from the rear.

Something like this would almost certainly need to be actively guided, but then the RWR needs to be more expensive and that cuts into yacht money for the Lockheed execs.

[–] 0 points 4 months ago

There's no real complexity. Computers are first and foremost electric space heaters, a negligible amount of energy is used to perform computation.

If you would be heating a room with resistive electric heating, a computer drawing the same wattage can do the same job while also, in theory, doing some useful work.

If you are just evaluating heating options, heat pumps use less energy to output the same heat.

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

Got the second years ago when it launched because I was looking for a new rpg to play. Bounced off it immediately because the gameplay was far too passive -- I didn't feel like I was doing anything -- and the fucking quote spam POPPY WILL PROTECT MASTERPON is branded on my soul.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago (3 children)

One thing that the article didn't touch on, since it was focused on input costs, is the extra pollution from using EVs.

EVs are substantially heavier than ICEs of the same class, due to the battery. This leads to extra wear on the tires, break pads, and road surface -> even more micro plastics and particulate air pollution.

We need to reduce our ecological footprint, not merely change it from oil to reactive metals.

[–] 4 points 5 months ago

There are multiple pieces of Christian scripture which call out the duty of the faithful to be good shepherds of God's creation.

They often aren't emphasized in most modern sects, but they are certainly part of the theology.

[–] 12 points 5 months ago (2 children)

As someone who spent years as a 'big company engineer', the reason I don't write code until the bosses have clear requirements is because I don't want to do it twice.

That and it isn't just me, there's 5 other teams who have to coordinate and they have other things on their roadmap that are more important than a project without a spec.

[–] 18 points 6 months ago

It looks much better than elden ring in that all the models are much higher quality. Elden Ring was designed around relatively modest assets, and does wonders with what it has, but there is no comparison, DD2 wins hands-down.

As for art direction, that is subjective. Plenty of reasons to prefer looking at ER.

The Witcher 3 is almost a decade old at this point

[–] 4 points 7 months ago (1 children)

A virus doesn't care if the host lives or dies. Just like evolution doesn't care if YOU live or die, so long as it happens after you have kids.

A virus only has to have a living host long enough to spread to others, and the long asymptomatic infectious period observed with this coronavirus already fits that bill.

Think of Rabies, nearly 100% fatal, still incredibly widespread and infectious.

[–] 3 points 7 months ago

SS and Medicare are largely funded by dedicated taxes (the payroll tax), and the spending is mandatory - it is spelled out in the laws that created these programs.

The discretionary part of the budget is where general taxes on income, inheritance, etc. go, and where everything else the government does is financed. Foreign aid, infrastructure investment, grants, disaster relief.. everything besides SS Medicare/Medicaid.

US Military spending is more than half of discretionary spending.

I'm household terms (which is a bad analogy) after paying the mortgage and utility bills, we spend more than half of what is left of the paycheck on guns and ammo.

[–] 15 points 7 months ago (1 children)

A token is not a concept. A token is a word or word fragment that occured often in free text and was assigned a number. Common words, prefixes, and suffixes are the vast majority of tokens, and the rest are uncommon pairs of letters.

The algorithm to generate tokens is essentially compression, there is no semantic meaning embedded in them.

[–] 9 points 7 months ago (1 children)

The short answer is it depends.

The long answer is that treaties and international law are pretty window dressing around the utterly anarchic reality of geopolitics. If states saw it as in their best interest to allow Poland to fall to Russia, they would allow it regardless of whatever treaties they previously signed.

Article 5 provides that the alliance must support a member after an armed attack against them on their territory in Europe or North America. In plain reading, this would apply should Russia attack Polish soil regardless of who started the war. In reality, it really depends.

No one (in the west) wants a 'real' war. War is a distraction from making money. If Poland expanded the war by joining in, I doubt they would receive the full support of the alliance.

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