Maybe, but even ten years ago, people would have hesitated to say this kind of thing publicly. Or am I wrong in thinking that? It's not that I think it didn't happen, but it seems to me that it happens with much greater frequency now.
It's a 196 thing, I think.
What the everloving fuck is going on? Why is society regressing so far with all of these bullshit views?
My dad, probably. My mom, absolutely not. Of course, I barely talk to anyone I don't live with, and I'm 38, so I wouldn't actually talk to either of them.
So, they're intolerant... of him? That's pretty targeted intolerance, almost as if they're not targeting an entire group of people based on one shared trait
That's behavior from games 30+ years ago.
Nah. Trump did it, so it's good. It's not like they actually think.
Ah, the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia.
A better educated and less impoverished population is something, too.
Those cabinets in brown are hideous. I'm not a fan of the purple, either, but at least it has character.