
joined 2 years ago
[–] 16 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Does the CPC actually believe in a two-state solution? To me it feels like they just want to stay out of conflicts but what would I know.

[–] 15 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Expat / immigrant

[–] 16 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I'm an atheist but I think we should respect people's religious beliefs. If someone is a good socialist then it shouldn't matter if they are religious or not, being anti-religious will only make religious people avoid socialism for no real reason, we don't get anything by being anti-religious.

I mean, of course we shouldn't let religious institutions have power as they are usually quite reactionary, but the religious beliefs of people should be respected in my opinion.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It's official education, here in Spain the course is called "Formación profesional de grado superior en integración social" I'm going private education (so I can study from home), though it isn't too expensive as it is in the US as we have a functional public education system private schools have to compete with. I have no idea what the equivalent of Formación profesional is in other countries.

Hope that helps!

Edit: Oh and yeah it is an actual job, at least I see it sometimes while scrolling through employment apps. (I forgor that part of the question lol)

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Apologies, I'm not sure what you mean 😅


I like helping people, and I think that due to my circumstances I would be able to understand more and be more empathetic towards the people I help once I (hopefully) complete my studies.

I hope working as a social integrator will make me feel fulfilled. Wish me luck.

[–] 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I have played it a bit before, but I left the game since it was too hard to get into 😅

Learning curve is vertical


I'm in the PCPE, and they seem to focus a lot on educating and radicalizing people.

That is important of course, but I thought that organizing material support for people that needs it would not only actually improve the lives of people but also show the general population that "the commies" aren't some bloodthirsty monsters but instead actual people that want a better world.

What do you think? I think it's a good idea.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

I am definitely interested. I've had an itch for a multiplayer semi realistic civbuilding game since I started playing in the stoneworks Minecraft server. I've searched everywhere but I've never encountered a Minecraft server that satisfied the itch. This doesn't necessarily seem like it will go in a civbuilding direction but it still might scratch the itch anyway.

I've tried hosting a vintage story server on an sbc before and I'm pretty sure I saw somewhere in the command line the game going something like "no players are online, stopping clock". I'm sure it wasn't worded anywhere near like that but you get the idea, the game could already be doing the stopping time when no one is online thing by default.

Sorry for the formatting, I'm on my phone while taking a shit

[–] 10 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Seems to have been already nuked, or at least I'm getting a 404 with the link provided.


So I've been thinking for a while about this subject, and I finally decided to make a post about this some time after I saw a YouTuber say what I put on the title of this post.

Thing is, I've noticed that very often young people and especially kids are treated as lesser beings, like if they were not humans beings with problems and lives of their own but just an annoyance that people have to keep up with.

I remember when I was a kid and I wanted to cross a zebra crossing cars would just pass by without stopping more often than not. Now that I'm an adult they stop pretty much every time. I suspect it was because they didn't want to stop for someone they consider to be lesser than them.

Also, a lot of people seem to think that being a kid means that you just play videogames or whatever all day, but don't these people remember when they were kids? I sure do. Going to school has been the worst thing I've ever had to endure. The only difference with having a job is that you don't get paid.

[–] 31 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Primarily China. Some western leftists can't understand that having markets doesn't mean a country isn't socialist.

[–] 13 points 1 year ago

I remember having a dream where Kim Jong Un visited me in my house. At some point he mentioned that he was hungry and I thought "oh shit I'm such a bad host I didn't get anything to eat" and then I straight up gave him a fucking banana to eat.

One of the funniest dreams I've ever had.


In case anyone doesn't know, it's basically a survival game with realistic mechanics. It takes a lot of inspiration from Minecraft and more specifically the TerraFirma mod.

I was wondering if anyone else plays it, or at least know the game exists. It has some rough edges sometimes but it is very fun.


I think that hiding my political views hinders my ability to organize, so from now on I will try to stop hiding.

I told her through WhatsApp because I'm not good at face to face confrontations.

Not sure how the rest of my family will take it.

Thanks for reading 😊

[–] 30 points 1 year ago (2 children)

The moderator of that community makes like 99% of the posts.

That is some dedication to being wrong.


In Spanish everything is gendered, so being gender neutral is not as easy as for example English where you can just use 'they' or 'them'.

Sometimes people use the 'e' instead of the o/a (which often mark the gender of words, for example gato/gata, cat in Spanish) but it can't always be used and it just sounds really weird for a lot of people, though that might just be because it is barely used.

The other way to be gender neutral that I know is to say both the male and female versions of the word you are trying to make gender neutral, for example "trabajadores y trabajadoras" (workers[M] and workers[F]) but it's also not ideal as you have to say one of the genders first and it is pretty inconvenient to have to do that every time you refer to a group of people that is not guaranteed to be composed of one gender only.

Anyway thanks for reading my post and I hope I find out about a better way to be gender neutral in Spanish.

At least in Spanish there is never doubt how shit is pronounced, unlike in English. (Fuck English all my homies hate the English language)

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I doubt there were bad intentions in the post, even though it might be understood like that


So my mother is a landlord, and she wants to kick out a tenant that isn't paying rent.

I asked her if she was seriously going to kick someone out to the streets, and she said that the tenant has family and they could seek help from them.

My mother threatened the tenant saying that if they don't give back the key, she would go to the civil guard.

I need some ideas about what to tell my mother to try to stop her from putting someone on the streets. Any help is appreciated.


At first I was thinking of making it into public housing, but that became unnecessary before I could finish the building.

I currently use it as my place, but it feels unfair to pretty much have a mansion while everyone else have smaller houses.

I have finished two floors, I would post a pic but images don't seem to work on the grad currently.

Any ideas?


As you most likely noticed, I wasn't able to properly take care of the server. That's why I will be giving the server data to Edward, who offered to host it.

Of course, the IP is going to be different once it's set up. Remember to use the new IP once it's available!

I'm assuming Edward will make a post around here once it's set up.

Thank you for your understanding!


It seems it stopped for some reason while I was absent.

Anyway, it's back up.

Same IP as before, sorry for the inconvenience.


Not sure where to post this so I'll put it here.

I had some problems with data at first but at the end of the day It was well worth it 👍

My phone's battery and performance are just as mediocre as before, but at least the phone is way more usable now and it supports apps that couldn't be installed before (such as Jerboa, my phone had Android 7.1.1 💀).

My phone cost me I think like 200€ back in 2018 and while the battery has certainly degraded, it was originally really big so I don't feel the need to get a new phone, especially now that I put Android 13 in it.

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