
joined 6 months ago
[–] 2 points 5 minutes ago* (last edited 3 minutes ago)

Absolutely human stampede events happen. What the article is pointing out is the majority of related deaths are preventable, as are the stampede events themselves.

Typically people don't just fall over and get trampled to death. Instead, doors don't open the right way, egress paths are blocked, there are tripping hazards, poor signage, poor crowd control, etc, which leads to incidents where people are hurt or killed. It happens but it's easily prevented.

Edit: I now work in a related field, so this is kinda my jam. It's wild.

Striking is like adopting a pet or having a kid - there's never a perfect time, which means it's ALWAYS the perfect time! Arrange a strike and adopt a puppy today!

[–] 3 points 16 hours ago

Same, and I'm sorry. It was Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage for me. I remember realizing my father was an idiot at an earlier age than I might have otherwise because the arguments those two morons made were obviously so, so bad yet he just ate it all up.

[–] 4 points 17 hours ago (3 children)

I think NPR does a good job providing talk radio type material that isn't repellant to people with critical thinking skills.

Do you consider their offerings substantially different than talk radio?

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (1 children)

If you're extra lucky, it'll still be running on the original included demo toner cartridge.


But what about God fearing, white Christians Americans?! They have a conditional right to not have to deal with pesky "other cultures" and "thinking critically about issues".


[–] 10 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Same, during a boss fight in Elden Ring. I died.

But why would he do this? Isn't he a FREE SPEECH ABSOLUTIST?!

/s, Musk is a moron

[–] 4 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (4 children)

My wife also works in HR and I now work in an adjacent department, EHS. I came to post pretty much the same as you did.

I will add that it's interesting reading these threads and seeing the conspiracy theory type comments uniformly painting HR across the world. They speak as if the employees that comprise HR have no agency or are uniformly of one mindset, protecting the company at all costs, even though that doesn't benefit them personally at all. It's a simple solution for a complex situation, so it sounds good but doesn't hold up under the merest scrutiny.

We get the same shit in EHS, how we're just there to prevent company liability and don't really care. It's quite frustrating since it's anything but true and tends to be perpetuated by employees who don't actually engage with EHS, so they don't actually know who we are or what we do. Reading through the comments, it's much the same here.

But if you're on the Internet and not providing unsolicited, passive-aggressive advice, are you REALLY on the Internet?


Seriously people, use the fucking fan. It clears away odors and covers up the sounds of your dropping a deuce. If you want to stew in your shit smell and revel in the music of your magical poop plops, do so in the comfort of your own home. If you're a guest and the bathroom has a fan, turn it on. We don't want to share.


"I live in a right-to-work state, so my employer can shitcan me for any reason".

-Linus K. Lemming

Sorry friends, that's at-will employment, *and you still can't be terminated for any reasons that are protected by law, but we're not here to discuss that. Right-to-work laws mean one thing: that non-union employees cannot be required to contribute to the cost of union representation.

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 prohibits "closed shops", where union membership is a condition of employment; however, union represented positions can still be required to contribute to the cost of that representation. Right-to-work laws prohibit that requirement, allowing employees in union represented positions who choose not to join the union to also choose whether or not they contribute to the union's costs, i.e., if they pay dues or not.

I see this mistake frequently and thought folks might want to know the correct information so they don't unintentionally perpetuate it.

Edit: updated to include link to info about at-will employment.


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Halp! Calibrating touchscreen on Panasonic CF-30

Hey all! I've been having an issue I can't figure out. Suddenly, I realized I'm in the heart of Linux users! I can ask here! I'm a total noob, so please be gentle.

I installed Xubuntu and got everything but the touchscreen working properly. The touchscreen works but the cursor is consistently off a bit, with the least error in the center of the screen and increasing as it moves to the sides. I've tried running xinput_calibrator but it doesn't help. I attempted to run libinput.calibrate-touchscreen but keep getting a "is a Wayland compositor running?" error message.

Any suggestions?


Hey all! I've been having an issue I can't figure out. Suddenly, I realized I'm in the heart of Linux users! I can ask here! I'm a total noob, so please be gentle.

I installed Xubuntu and got everything but the touchscreen working properly. The touchscreen works but the cursor is consistently off a bit, with the least error in the center of the screen and increasing as it moves to the sides. I've tried running xinput_calibrator but it doesn't help. I attempted to run libinput.calibrate-touchscreen but keep getting a "is a Wayland compositor running?" error message.

Any suggestions?

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