
joined 11 months ago
[–] 3 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

My only problem with both designs in your images is the colors. It’s a pretty standard part of UI design (in real life and on computers) that “red means cancel” and “green means continue.” Apple using blue is no big deal and I’m 90% sure they just use a user chosen “highlight color.” (Maybe Gnome as well?) But cancel or delete or similar things should probably be red or another color that signals “Stop.”

I’ve always thought Bootstrap, the web design library, has a good set of base colors. Red means danger. Light blue means info. Green means yes or success. Yellow means warning. Other buttons are a darker blue — basically the highlight color. (Not saying they chose the best version of those colors. Just that the general idea is consistency and what users most naturally expect.)

I don’t use KDE as my daily driver but it’s on my SteamDeck and I haven’t once been trying to change a setting or something and encountered a window that looks like Windows XP because no one at a whole multi-trillion dollar company could be bothered to update it. It’s way better than Windows 11.

Meh. I’m an American and I don’t hate it here. But I’m from (and moved back to) a culturally distinct place (New Orleans) so I don’t really identify with the dominant culture. I loathe the politics/corruption and how our government is structured. (The amendments are the best part of our constitution and maybe we should think about that for a bit.) I’m deeply ashamed that we’re the world’s biggest arms dealer and oil/gas producer.

That being said, we have beautiful landscapes and individual American people are usually kind, decent people, at least on an interpersonal level. The corruption of companies and elected officials doesn’t usually extend to the middle class. (Like, you don’t have to bribe someone to get a driver’s license or permits or whatever.) There’s obviously loads of advantages to being an American citizen, just as there are to being an EU citizen. I love our national parks. Just the western half of the United States contains enough varied forms of amazing landscapes to keep a person occupied for a lifetime.

So, I wouldn’t say I like America as a political entity. It’s definitely in my top 30 or so countries to live. I wouldn’t give up my citizenship for a random place but, having travelled extensively, there’s a lot of countries that have a better form of government and a healthier balance between oligarchs and labor.

I prefer the PS5/SteamDeck joystick layout to the Xbox/Switch layout but I’m addicted to back paddles now — I even got 3rd party joycons for Switch that have two (and also are as thick as the Steam Deck so it feels familiar when I jump over to play Zelda or whatever).

They’re BINBOK controllers and have been great for my needs in handheld mode. The back paddles aren’t fully programmable and I think there’s some features missing but nothing I really notice. And they’ve probably lasted longer than the official Joycons.

What I’d really like is a controller that’s basically just the deck without a screen.

[–] 21 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Probably because Windows is best suited for games and cookie-cutter corporate applications while basically every supercomputer, cluster, etc. runs Linux. Professors aren’t usually running games or cookie-cutter business software so why not? If your one-off, experimental research code is going to ultimately be run on a more powerful system running Linux, why write it on Windows and waste time debugging once you try to run it for real?

[–] 6 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Or maybe the two countries with a larger population than the United States have significantly lower per capita income and so fewer people own desktop/laptop computers. Most of the world probably has, at most, a smartphone.

If anything, Brazil seems like the outlier on the that map. You’d expect the U.S. to have the most computers. But Brazil and China are roughly similar in terms of income.

My favorites are cocktail sauce and creole mustard. Cocktail sauce has ketchup in it and creole mustard is a type of mustard but it’s pretty different from typical yellow mustard.

Both also have horseradish and I also love “horseradish sauce” (sometimes aka “prime rib sauce”) which is basically mayo, sour cream, and horseradish. So, I might just really like horseradish.

[–] 13 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I’m actually George Clooney. (This is my alt.) And if you think you get a lot of texts from politicians begging for money, try being me. I had to turn on my burner phone for my wife my because her bestie said men with two phones cheat. I was like, “I’m not fucking the entire Democratic Party, Amal. If I gave them my real number, my iPhone would buzz every 2 seconds like this Boost Mobile one. We’d have to use walkie-talkies to plan dinner.”

Quiet and peaceful is underrated.

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

I refuse to watch a Marvel movie until they make an Asbestos Lady movie and then that will be my favorite.

Until then, they all suck equally.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Bitcoin isn’t destined to go up because supply is theoretically set. Demand could easily disappear and there could be a massive sell-off that puts more supply out there. It’s easy to imagine BTC mining being banned in a major country because it’s incompatible with carbon emission goals, raises electricity bills, puts pressure of electricity grids, facilitates money laundering, or any number of things. That would trigger a sell-off and unless some whale is capable of being the unofficial central bank, there’s nothing to stop it.

I know a guy who once held the Guinness world record for the loudest whistle. It was eventually topped — records are made to be broken — but he held the title for a couple of years.

He’s known as “Whistle Monsta” and NFL fans might know him from Saints games. He’s a long time season ticket holder and they show him on TV a lot.


Lots of people were way more important than history books give them credit for. Do you have a favorite?

Mine are Ibn al-Haytham and Mansa Musa. For very different reasons. Ibn al-Haytham basically invented the scientific method. And Mansa Musa was such a baller that he caused inflation when he visited places.


I remember Funk and Wagnall’s at A&P but was that universal before we got computers?


I’ve never worked with major enterprise or government systems where there’s aging mainframes — the type that get parodied for running COBOL. So, I’m completely ignorant, although fascinated. Are they power hogs? Are they wildly cheap to run? Are they even run as they were back in the day?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

I had Midjourney make Stalin the Tankie Engine.


I’ll be named THIEF soon enough.


I found the least efficient way to get to the Linux CLI.


I ordered a Raspberry Pi 5 so I have a Pi 3 that’s about to be redundant. I haven’t used Pi-Hole so I was thinking it’d be good for that but I’m curious if there’s any downsides for users. Are sites blocked if you dont whitelist them? That sort of thing.

Basically, I’m not worried about me having issues but I’m worried about a maintenance headache if friends and family can’t access things.


The Federal Reserve has already launched a small test of near-instantaneous financial transactions. Every time they talk about payments as a future feature of X/Twitter, I wonder if they know that’s getting Sherlocked.

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