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[–] 9 points 7 months ago (3 children)

I mean if her rallying for Biden means campaigning for him, I honestly think that she particularly has every good reason not to do that. Tlaib is a Palestinian American, and Biden has openly contributed billions directly to Israel's ethnic cleansing of Gaza, going so far as to bypass congress to do so, all while he and nearly every other Dem continue to refuse to acknowledge that Israel's actions constitute anything "messed up," much less full-on genocide.

I cannot stress enough that if, in the face of Biden's continuing contributions to the genocide of her family's country of origin, it is an ethical impossibility for her to publically endorse him for a second term, that is completely on him, not on her.

[–] 10 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Found an article that pinned an update - she was suspended for 45 minutes. Weird.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

In what way does it not matter? Is your claim Hindenburg would've done the same as Hitler and pull a Kristallnacht, begin the Holocaust, and invade Europe? Is your claim that Biden will do the same as Trump and attempt overthrow Democracy, do away with minority rights and protections, and ally with Russia?

[–] 10 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Though not as high risk as being a logger, a fishing worker, a pilot, a roofer, a general construction worker, any job driving a car or semi, any agricultural laborer, and certain types of maintenance work, among a few others.*

[–] 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

This process is already gatekept, to my knowledge. In my state, changing your legal gender id or name requires going through the courts and a substantial amount of legal paperwork - even if you do so without a lawyer, there are some substantial fees associated with that process. Not to mention if someone wanted to become less identifiable, they probably wouldn't want to do that in a way that is available as public record. Personally, I'd probably just get a haircut - they're a lot faster and a lot cheaper.

Additionally, banning everyone - especially banning exclusively trans people - from fixing their documentation is not a reasonable solution to your hypothetical problem, a fact so obvious anyone arguing in good faith almost certainly would have caught it.

[–] 6 points 8 months ago

Israel ≠ Jews. What is happening in Gaza is the fault of the fascist government of Israel, not "the Jews" - that is an actual neonazi talking point.

[–] 4 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Nah plenty of rich people have been deepfaked, this is probably getting addressed because of her massive and obsessive fanbase.

[–] 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I'm currently nonreligious, but there are hundreds of people that have influenced my personal philosophies. But despite the things I believe having come from or been influenced by other people, I still consider my beliefs to be my own. Why should the beliefs of religious or spiritual people be viewed any differently?

[–] 69 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (4 children)

Surviving in a "hard situation" resembles suffering much more closely than it does strength.

That flower is not surviving pinned under rubble for the sake of inspiring the flowers that are not, nor for the sake of "becoming stronger" - it is surviving because until someone bothers to remove the boulders that are crushing it, its options are to survive or to die. And plenty of flowers in that same situation would die, and its actually not out of the question that this flower's eventual death will be due to these conditions that it is forced to endure.

Knowing that, would you still compliment the flower on its strength, on the fact that it has not yet been killed, before considering that maybe, just maybe, you and the other flowers might want to find a way to do something about those boulders that would have already killed any weaker flower?

One should not prioritize complimenting the systematically abused for surviving their undue suffering above working to prevent that undue suffering from continuing. Their suffering and tragedy should not be repurposed as inspiration porn.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

That was the deal Hamas offered them days ago - Netanyahu refused it.

[–] 5 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Laws like this one (as well as far right fear mongering in general) misrepresent that situation even more than you'd think. Only 800 minors in the country (out of ~80 million depending on how you count, so ~0.001% of all US minors) got any transition related surgeries over the course of 2 years. On top of that, there aren't a lot of surgeons who do these surgeries, and some of them won't operate on minors. So because of the limited number of surgeons, trans people often have to travel across at least state lines to get these surgeries, which is why none of this very small population of minors even got their surgeries in Ohio.

These laws are made all the more sinister when you realize half of their content outlaws things that aren't even happening entirely for the sake of feeding into bigoted fear mongering and dehumanization - "they're coming for your kids."

[–] 12 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

I don't understand the replies here - this bill was drafted in response to multiple events where ethno-nationalists burned the Qur'an in front of audiences with the implicit intent to incite violence against Denmark's Muslim minority population. If you read the article, the bill bans the only the public burning of any religious book, not just the Qur'an. This bill would not "limit freedom of speech," it would limit a form of hate speech and arguably stochastic terrorism being employed by the far right in Denmark. I do not see a problem with this bill.

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