It's making fun of the popularity of pumkin spice stuff in certain demographics.
Let's also start removing phrases with white, yellow and brown as those are used to refer to people's skin colour as well.
The only reason I would even contemplate not using blacklist or white washing is if an actual person of that skin colour says that it is not okay for them, or there's an actual consensus among people of that community that it isn't acceptable.
I can tell you as a person with brown skin, with brownie or whatever used as a derogatory name, almost everyone I know isn't even concerned with terms like brown out or brown note.
Online outrages or articles aren't an accurate depiction of reality.
Even more dangerously, shit like this drives outrage and diverts attention from actual, real issues faced by people of different races. Like not having stuff to eat or indoor plumbing or mental health infrastructure or access to health care.
That's not what the poster is talking about. Whether the piracy subreddit or the lemmy community, there are strict rules about sharing copyrighted content, asking for it or posting links to it. These communities are about discussing different technologies around BitTorrent, usenet or debrid and how to leverage them to share content.
All of the above can be used for perfectly legal reasons such as sharing Linux ISOs or public domain media.
If you use those to pirate copyrighted content that's your decision.
Calling these communities illegal and blocking them is akin to schools not permitting students to use backpacks or lockers because they could be used to hide guns.
I'm perfectly willing to pay what I pay for the actual news paper for the subscription. The subscription turns out to be about 10x.
Ooof. I was so excited when I first saw the paper and realised how easy it was to make.
Try to not be reactive. Take appropriate action whenever needed but choose to act after a delay so that you aren't responding impulsively. In my experience 90% of conversations that were problematic could have been avoided if either party chose to walk away or take a break.
Yast. I love zypper and opi but yast is super weird. Like if you want to do things that you can do with yast, you probably know how to do it on terminal.
That's exactly the kind of people who run ml sadly.
Now I want to see a prestige style movie with this premise.
I agree with you that every language has its flaws but JS feels like it was a hodgepodge created without any design philosophy in mind. I don't use C or lisp in day to day work but I can appreciate their philosophies and power. Can't say the same about JS.
Trying it out right now and it's much more stable, smooth and snappy than any other client I've tried.
That's good old Canada.