Fried? Gagh is best served alive. There is no honor in consuming dead gagh!
To me, the expectation to "read the room" is like expecting me to read Braille with no training. It's trying to use one sense to do something another sense ordinarily does, in a way that I lack the physical sensitivity to do properly. Sure, I might be able to eventually suss out some meaning, but it's just as likely to be coincidence as legitimate understanding.
Really? I loved the BattleArmor/Elementals and other vehicles. I had a blast playing MA2 with my friends.
Agreed. For a show that started out as just a parody, it pretty quickly developed into a spiritual spin-off.
Sometimes I wonder if Galaxy Quest didn't understand Trek better than some actual Trek shows?
Dementia is a cruel and uncaring fiend. If it weren't for the fact that this man is responsible for so much regression and devilry, I may feel bad for him. Man, woman, person, camera, TV. craps pants.
It's edgier 2G for an edgier generation.
That's an awful lot of analog tech for the 2000s.
This ended up being the problem! I had it happen a few more times, always after ads, and backing out and playing did fix it. Thank you for the solution! Paramount really is a buggy mess of an app.
I don't know what the deal was with that episode, but Time And Again is playing in 4:3. So I guess it's just that one episode.
Traveling isn't much of an issue, but emigrating can be prevented to some places like Australia and New Zealand.
The Glaive really should have become every bit as iconic as lightsabers and bat'leths.