
joined 9 months ago
[–] PumpkinDrama@reddthat.com 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I've formated a drive as NTFS and moved some files into it, then after restarting I got the error

Location is not available

G:\ is not accessible.
The disk structure is corrupted and unreadable.

I used chkdsk g: /f /r /x from an admin cmd but it says:

Corrupt master file table. Windows will attempt to recover master file table from disk.
Windows cannot recover master file table. CHKDSK aborted.

How should I attempt to recover the files in the drive?

The first software I tried was Recuva. I got a Warning saying

Failed to scan the following drives:
A:: Invalid data run detected
[–] PumpkinDrama@reddthat.com 4 points 6 months ago

Just don't post about it in the fediverse community. Damn hypocrites.

[–] PumpkinDrama@reddthat.com 4 points 6 months ago

Making movies from a single prompt.

[–] PumpkinDrama@reddthat.com 1 points 6 months ago

I ended up using Microsoft Edge because it has a good text-to-speech by default in the Windows and Android versions.


Hello everyone,

I've recently stumbled upon a fanfic that I'm eager to dive into. I found it on FicHub, but unfortunately, it's incomplete there. The complete version is available on FicWad, but I've been having some trouble downloading it as an epub.

I've tried using FanFicFare, but it keeps prompting me to log in. I attempted to register on FicWad to resolve this, but I haven't received any confirmation email from them. Moreover, I'm not quite sure how to use a login when using FanFicFare.

My ultimate goal is to listen to the fanfic rather than read it. I usually have my phone read it to me using text-to-speech (TTS), so downloading the fanfic is just a step towards that. However, if there's an easier way to listen to the fanfic without having to download it as an epub, I'd be interested to know.

That being said, I still prefer to download and listen to it on my phone since that's what I'm accustomed to.

If anyone has any advice or solutions to these issues, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance for your help!

[–] PumpkinDrama@reddthat.com 43 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (1 children)

I really like being able to edit the post title and the 6 hour top sort. Although I would like 3 or 4 hours even better.

[–] PumpkinDrama@reddthat.com 3 points 6 months ago

I like the idea of custom feeds that allow adding users, communities, instances or tags. That way you can personalize better what you see. So adding a single instance to the feed would be like looking at the local feed from that instance, but you could make many more kinds of feeds.


Hey everyone, I've got a chrome oven (Moulinex Optimo OX4848) with some seriously stubborn burnt-on food splatters that just won't budge. I've tried degreaser (KH-7) and scrubber sponge, steel sponge scrubber, and even a sanding block. The sanding block was working, but I heard it might damage the chrome plating, leading to rusting underneath.

The trickiest spots are on the top of the oven, and I'm wondering if it's safe to turn the oven over to let some steaming water loosen up those burnt spots. What would you all recommend as the best way to thoroughly clean those difficult burnt-on spots without damaging the chrome plating? I want to get it really clean without risking damage to the oven surface itself. Any specific products or techniques you have used that worked well for this?

I'm in Spain, so I'd appreciate recommendations for specific products that I can find in local supermarkets (all the products available in Spanish supermarkets are in soysuper.com).

[–] PumpkinDrama@reddthat.com 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (3 children)

Google Gemini Powered AlphaCode 2 Technical Report

HumanEval achieved 74.4%, surpassing GPT-4 at 67%. It successfully solves 43% of problems in the latest Codeforces rounds with 10 attempts. The evaluation considered the time penalty, and it still ranks in the 85th percentile or higher. AlphaCode 2 already beats 85% of people in top programming competitions (which are already better than 99% of engineers out there). So, I believe AI already writes better short code than the average programmer, but I don’t think it can debug any code yet. I’d say it will need a platform to test and iteratively rewrite the code, and I don’t see that happening earlier than 3 years.


In Star Wars Rebels, there was an E-XD-series infiltrator droid that could quickly take inventory of everything in a rebel warehouse. With the advanced object recognition capabilities of modern AI, it’s only a matter of time before an app for Android can accurately and rapidly identify and store objects in real-time from video capture. This could be similar to a home inventory app where users only need to capture video and move around the house instead of taking pictures and labeling items. When do you think will there be an Android app for real-time visual inventory?


I'm curious if consuming sodium bicarbonate or Eno fruit salt could alleviate discomfort after eating a cheese pizza.

Edit: After reading some enlightening responses, I'm uncertain about the specific element causing my issues—whether it's the cheese, sauce, or bread. I can consume each component separately without any problems. However, when I eat pizza, I often experience sluggish digestion, especially if it's close to bedtime, leading to a burning sensation in the morning. I suspect it might be acid reflux triggered by a substantial meal. Perhaps a short walk after eating could help speed up digestion.

[–] PumpkinDrama@reddthat.com 0 points 7 months ago (8 children)

I don't know I have a Pizzacraft Baking Tray, Black, 3x35.99x35.99 cm, PC0307 and it's all rusted even though I coat it with oil now and then. I wouldn't buy it again.

[–] PumpkinDrama@reddthat.com 3 points 7 months ago

It only has a shopping list, I'm looking for the features I mentioned above.

[–] PumpkinDrama@reddthat.com 3 points 7 months ago (2 children)

That's the one I'm currently using.

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