
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Ha, I roasted you for having the good sense to let somebody else handle some of this stuff for you.

Nobody in crazy rabbit hole club is allowed to do anything the easy way!!

[–] 3 points 4 months ago

I definitely did not claim it was braking privacy. As far as I can tell it was just querying an update server but for some reason it was doing it with such frequency (hundreds a minute for hours out of the day) that I deemed it was broken and that the OS was not managed well.

Other people took a more suspicious view but mostly they just lost my trust that they had any business running a system on my network. If you google around you can get more nuanced takes I don’t actually know if they ever fixed it.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago (5 children)

HAOS is a managed operating system, which is perfect for people who want to automate their home but don’t want to manage a Linux machine. It’s a little wild to me to see a person in this community advocating a managed OS. Like, what are we even doing here??

I killed HAOS and set it up in docker because it was phoning home a lot. Sometimes there were hundreds of dns queries a minute to HA servers. No thanks.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (3 children)

So many different ways to cope with the horrifying idea that companies need us more than we need them. For this rare moment, just a sliver of time, we workers are not forced to prostrate ourselves at their feet. Instead of understanding that labor is a market and right now it’s a sellers market, they are inventing cultural changes to explain their sudden loss of fortune and power.

Millions of American workers died or became disabled due to a virus that we failed to handle responsibly. Millions more left the workforce to care for children or family members. All the while, demand for goods and services stayed strong. More work to do and fewer people to do it, gonna have to pay more for labor. It’s so fucking simple.

It’s not that I don’t care about work, it’s that I don’t care about YOU! I have other options my dude, cough up or I will find somebody who will.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

Just thought an old MacBook to put Linux on. Thing is almost 10yrs old and still has OS support from Apple That’s not too bad imo.

Chromebooks are the really fucking villain. 3-4 yrs and it’s off to the landfill. What the fuck?

[–] 14 points 4 months ago (2 children)

It’s crazy to me the way that all of the also-ran handhelds seem bent on putting a desktop OS on these things. The steam deck didn’t succeed in spite of its lack of windows, it succeeded BECAUSE it ran a purpose built OS.

Like imagine looking at a market where the Switch exists and saying “My path to victory is Microsoft Windows, that is what the people are demanding!”

Even worse is that there almost certainly going to be some sort of handheld optimized windows release in the coming years from MS and they have zero incentive to license it to hardware OEMs. Best case for MSI et al is that they build a market for MS to steal from them in a year or two.

[–] 9 points 4 months ago

I wasn’t suggesting these folks are fighting the good fight. Just that once you start taking over the government you aren’t really a street gang anymore, you are a revolutionary force.

To me at least the word rebel does not mean good guy, it means a person bent on the usurpation of state power. That’s it. A gang is a group of criminals. They can be both, but it sure seems like gang is the less important descriptor.

[–] 17 points 4 months ago (10 children)

I really don’t have a deep knowledge of what is going on here but I am curious about the language we are using. Why “gangs” and not “rebels” or something similar? Seems like these groups are attempting to wrest control of the state. Anybody who has a richer perspective want to help me understand it better?

[–] 6 points 5 months ago (1 children)

It was a scam. The heartbreaking thing is that it is almost certainly going to be required if we don’t want to face apocalyptic climate change.

Every single gram of carbon we dug up from the ground has to be put back if we would like to stabilize our climate at pre-industrial temps.

How are we going to develop the tech to do this enormous task now that we spent a decade running it as a scam? If we invented fusion tomorrow and never used another fossil fuel for ANYTHING, we are still completely and utterly fucked. Anyway have a great day!

[–] 37 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Bet a dollar that the campaign bought all the stupid shoes. Watch for them being handed out a donor events. Nifty little way to have the campaign pay his legal fees.

[–] 7 points 5 months ago (2 children)

I think you’re right. If this picture was taken in the US or Canada, I would be panicked for OP. But honestly I thing it might be something we don’t do here so it looks crazy, but only to us.

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