
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Honestly, boobs are not that exciting.

Have you ever been to a topless beach? The novelty wears out after about 10 seconds and then it becomes a boring norm.

[–] -1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

So you feel that women should be arrested and prosecutable if their nipples are exposed?

That's very misogynist. And no, you can't argue for the law to "save the women" from all those perverts. Because the whole point of this is to free women from the bullshit laws that allows society to prosecute them while pulling double duty by effectively shaming their bodies.

Most women are not going to run around topless voluntarily. But, even if they did - say a group of girls or women decided to go skinny dipping or whatever at a lake, do you really believe they should go to jail for that?

Don't mansplane and tell everyone these laws are for women's own good, because they aren't. Inventing this bizarre photographic scenario is just bizarre. It's a fiction of your imagination and is a straw man argument.

You are correct that the true problem is men, but not how you think it is.

[–] 38 points 4 days ago (8 children)

Incel detected

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago

And CNN, and MSNBC, and politico, and CBS news, and BBC, and...

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

With an AK style weapon, even with a scope that would be a difficult shot to make

[–] 15 points 2 weeks ago

Highly doubt that. Most likely another deranged lunatic who thinks trump isn't extreme enough

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Steam deck has an emulator so it should

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

Having been banned from every subreddit I ever subscribed to, this sounds about right.

Then you message the mid, nothing.

My favorite was when I posted one comment on some obscure have subreddit about the Ukraine war.

Then I was immediately bagged from like a dozen other subreddits, many of which I had never heard of. Reasons included violating political rules .. on a gaming subreddit about a game that simulates war between Russia and NATO. Go figure.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

Those who burn crosses...

[–] -1 points 2 weeks ago

I'm guessing 4chan is to blame for this one.

What a bunch of shitty people

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Where in the world is that? I have never heard of renters paying for maintenance.

In fact, every single rental agreement I signed over 25 years said "contact the landlord if there is a problem" which was backed up by state law.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Houses are not "one time labor.". Housing requires constant scheduled maintenance and upkeep over time.

Not to mention the financing required to pay for it all,which is normally spread over 30 years.


Oldie but goodie, the YouTube algorithm just blessed me with this 17 year old music video.


The first commercial PV solar product was nah just in 1909.

See story above, and original article in Modern Electrics magazine in 1909:


Since people didn't read past the headline, the article is about a startup company in 1905 that developed a commercial electrical solar panel by 1909 and was worth 160 million in today's money.

In 1909, the inventor of the solar panel was kidnapped and ordered by his kidnappers to destroy all information about this solar panel. He was eventually released, although he did not destroy the solar panel or his documentation, he did shut down his company.

So this is a pretty fascinating development considering that at this time period we actually did have early production electric cars that were manufactured in larger quantities than gas vehicles, and now we learn that solar panels were commercially available, at least for a short time.

And the solar panels could generate a fair amount of electricity:

500 volts per 10 square ft, and a smaller demonstration panel that was 3 ft x 4 ft could generate 60 watts of power (10 volts @6 amps).

Additionally, the panels were designed to charge a battery backup system.


Breaking News image Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin was on the passenger list of a plane which crashed in Russia, killing all 10 on board.

Guess we'll find out soon


This seems like a relevant climate change related ev discussion / call to arms to fight he FUD:

#StopBurningStuff #ElectricCars #Tesla Wise to the lies? Bored of BS? Fed-up of FUD? Misinformation about Electric Vehicles and Clean Energy is at an all-time high. Vested interests have almost limitless funds with which to pollute public discourse, and it's easy to feel powerless to prevent that. With your help that can change.

The Fully Charged SHOW and FairCharge are coming together to #StopBS and to combat this '*fear, uncertainty and doubt' through fast-turnaround infographic rebuttals, proactively placing spokespeople on mainstream media, and engaging with political influencers. Your financial support via Patreon can make a material difference, as we persuade people to #StopBurningStuff.

We need your support to turn the tide of negativity, and spread the positive energy that is the lived experience of millions of EV drivers all around the world. This movement will be powered by people.


A report says “fuel” for EVs cost more than gasoline. Was it prepared by a bunch of orangutans sitting in front of computers? No, it was done by Anderson Economic Group.


Spotted in the wild in Portland - I talked to the driver who is using it for regular delivery work. Now I see him every week at the fast charger in downtown. Pretty cool stuff!


Saw this car a while back - first Subaru EV I've seen on the roads!


Critics condemn superintendent Mike Miles’s ‘new education system’ that removes students’ access to books

The largest school district in Texas announced its libraries will be eliminated and replaced with discipline centers in the new school year.

Houston independent school district announced earlier this summer that librarian and media-specialist positions in 28 schools will be eliminated as part of superintendent Mike Miles’s “new education system” initiative.

Teachers at these schools will soon have the option to send misbehaving students to these discipline centers, or “team centers’” – designated areas where they will continue to learn remotely.

News of the library removals comes after the state announced it would be taking over the district, effective in the 2023-24 school year, due to poor academic performance. Miles was appointed by the the Texas Education Agency in June.

In a press release announcing the schools participating in the “new education system” program, Miles said: “I am overwhelmingly proud that this many HISD school leaders are ready to take bold action to improve outcomes for all students and eradicate the persistent achievement and opportunity gaps in our district.”

Lisa Robinson, a librarian retired from the school district, told local news outlet KPRC2 that her “heart is just broken for these children that are in the [NES] schools that are losing their librarians”.

Houston’s mayor, Sylvester Turner, condemned the district’s move and said the solution to the problem of behavioral conduct was not to revoke access to books, especially in these underserved communities.

He said: “Are there students who need additional support? Yes, and I am 100% supportive of that. But it’s not an eithe/or. You don’t close the libraries, remove the librarians, and simply have the books on the shelf. What about all the other students? What are you saying to them?”

He added: “With all due respect to the superintendent, I grew up in this city. I still live in the same neighborhood that exists. I am the mayor of this city, and I am the mayor of every person who lives in the city of Houston.”

He urged schools to open up libraries to avoid creating a two-tier system within the district, as well as providing additional support to students who need it.

The Houston independent school district did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


I recommend everybody watch the video or read the article, crazy but unsurprising shit out of Russia again. What a bleak country.


This is all sorts of fucked up. Russia is even bringing in African teenaged girls into slavery.


Spot on:

All of this has been clear since at least November, when Musk gleefully mocked a stack of Black Lives Matter T-shirts that he found in a company closet. Yes, Musk regularly issues grandiose pronouncements about how Twitter will someday become a WeChat-style “super app,” ensure the future of civilization, and so on. But at its core, Musk’s misadventure at Twitter has been reactionary: an ideological purge of the employees he saw as “woke” and entitled; a gleeful inversion of industry standards around content moderation; a hollowing out of the free product; and a redistribution of the company’s attention and wealth toward right-wing users.


Looks like some drones blew up a few buildings in Moscow

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