
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (1 children)

Putin already can't travel in most places internationally

He can travel as a proper national leader to all the places he wants to travel (and of course there are places where he does not want to - remember when Trumpeltier traveled to him, not the other way round)

[–] -2 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

It's not war


[–] 5 points 6 hours ago (4 children)

They call it something else


And I call it what it is.

[–] 30 points 6 hours ago (6 children)
[–] 3 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

Around here, it would be a super red flag.

Such short time employments are extremely rare and uncommon.

It would mean that either he has been fired ungracefully so many times, or he does never like what he's doing and therefore quits very soon.

[–] 38 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

I don't think I've ever seen dogs, cats and other domestic animals smile because they're happy

The dog wags it's tail to show happiness/excitement. Come on, have you never heard about that?

"Smiling" = showing the teeth would indicate a threat of aggression.

is all that's needed to prevent malicious files

Hmmm. So why do tools for "safe erase" even exist? ;-)


They should have stayed with ELIZA.

[–] 113 points 1 day ago (4 children)


They order people to work in different offices than before, far away from before, or in offices that did not even exist before. They order people to work in offices who have only worked at home before.

And they call it "return", and everybody seems to accept the audacity.

Nobody laughs out loud into their faces and calls them the dirty liars that they are.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Once a new partition is created, all files are essentially wiped.

Partitioning does not wipe things.

It rewrites the partition tables, obviously, but no data elsewhere.

[–] 19 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Nancy Pelosi, argued that the bill would “kill California tech” and stifle innovation.

As long as the critics of a safety regulation need nothing better than such stupid, short-sighted arguments, nobody will ever be safe.

Matters so much more than most people admit.


Warum leuchtet meine LED-Glühbirne weiter, wenn sie ausgeschaltet ist?

Ich habe nun fast alle Glühbirnen und Energiesparlampen durch LED ersetzt. Gestern habe ich eine 4W Filament-LED frisch vom ALDI reingeschraubt, wo vorher noch eine echte alte 40W Glühbirne war.

Sie geht wunderbar, wenn sie an ist. Aber wenn sie aus ist, leuchtet sie mit gefühlt 1/10 Helligkeit weiter, auch nach Stunden noch.

Die alte Glühbirne hat das nicht gemacht.

Das würde ich gern verstehen. Wie kann das sein?

(Bitte keine Ratschläge wie "Fachmann holen" gähn).


Domains mit Umlauten / Sonderzeichen wurden vor vielen Jahren erfunden, und vermutlich würden sie längst überall funktionieren. Trotzdem sieht man sie nirgends. Wie kommt das?


Die Bank schickt mir heute die neuen Karten. Jetzt ganz ohne "EC" bzw. "maestro". Nur "girocard" ist aufgedruckt.

Ich frage mich, ob man damit weiterhin überall bezahlen kann?

Und: gibt es bei irgendeiner anderen Bank noch weiter das maestro-Verfahren? Oder stirbt es jetzt ganz?


The comment survived all my attempts :-)

Is there something I could have done wrong, or is it simply broken?


Nachdem ich nun zweimal billig gekauft habe und die Dinger immer viel zu bald aufgegeben haben :-(, suche ich nun etwas Solides, was mir hoffentlich länger gute Dienste leisten soll.

Wer hat einen Tip für mich?


Where can I see may saved 'drafts' in the app, and delete obsolete ones?




Sometimes I am able to copy text for quoting, sometimes it does not work.

Using the Android app, latest release.

How are you doing it?


What alternative to 'postman' do you like the most for simply testing a bunch of REST services?


Has anyone else seen this when trying to post a comment?

The sub's language was English, my comment was English, too.

How can I fix it?

I have tried changing the language on my Android, but it did not fix the problem.

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