
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 2 days ago

Maybe. But i dont need to have caffeine in order to need multiple alarms to wake up.

I think it's more out of habit.

Like i said, caffeine makes me sleepy. Thats common amongst people with ADHD.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

Whilst i dont agree with them that this is an anxiety attack (although it does sound like it's potentially related to anxiety or nerves) i dont think it's fair to put them down for "playing psychic doctor" as you put it.

OP came to lemmy to ask for people to help them determine the cause of this problem. They are asking people to, at least in some way, "play doctor"

I k ow there is little information to go on but for all.we know the person your replied to might actually be a doctor and GPs do telephone appoi tments where you tell them your symptoms and they diagnose over the phone.

This isn't a far stretch from that. I just think a lot of assumptions have been made here, and therefore, you aren't much better than the "doctor" you are responding to.

(Having said all that, they blew a gasket whe you called them out, so perhaps they are a little too sensitive to be someone who needs composure, like a doctor)

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (2 children)

And i can drink coffee and or sugary caffinated drinks right before i go to bed and be asleep in 10 minutes ad sleep like a rock, undisturbable by anything short of 4 alarms up to 12 hours later.

Sugar and caffeine actually make me sleepy.

But thats not how it is for everyone else.

[–] 15 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

I was under the impression that this is a misconception about the songs meaning.

At the time women would be expected to say no outright and go home. To say they have to leave, instead of having autonomy and being promiscuous.

So in the song the woman wants to stay but is following the societal expectation to say they need to leave and the man is giving her all the excuses she could use to explain why she didnt leave, so people wouldnt suspect her of staying over to have sex.

These days that expectation is not there so the song is interpreted in a different way and sounds super rapey.

To be clear. I am not advocating for this old way of thinking, nor am i saying i know the explanation i have given is true. I am only telling what i have heard and felt like to me that actually makes a lot of sense in the right context.

Basically, women wanted to be able to have sex with anyone they wanted, but people would look down on them for doing it. So, to avoid being ostracised, they would avoid situations like that.

But again. I may be wrong. I have just heard this explanation and wanted to share.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

In genera, i think this is a pretty good comment.

[–] 14 points 5 days ago (2 children)

The first time i saw one of his reviews, i thought, "This guy isn't genuine." "That's not an opinion. it's a specification disguised as an opinion."

He gave off real shill vibes, and then i later found out he was an apple simp, and it all came together. He isn't super biased, but he definitely gives more providence to apple products.

His recent review of the apple vr headset was too nice. He said some bad things but qualifies each critisism with a "but i like that" or "but it's not a deal breaker."

Maybe i created a bias against him based on my early impressions, but i just get a bad vibe from him. He doesn't seem to give his opinions.

I will say, though, an exception would be that rabbit thing he reviewed poorly recently and got some backlash from the manufacturer for. I believe he then came back and justified his review. Although everyone was reviewing it poorly so he would give the game away if he said it was good. So perhaps its not an exception... i dont know. Im just freestyling this comment....

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

With chocolate milk i have always just added a small amount of boiling water to the powder and swished it round the cup. not with a spoon, just hold the cup at the top and swing it round in small circles and use centrifugal force to mix it (obviously dont swing it too hard or it will leave yo cup and burn your hand) then add the cold milk to the top. Never had clumps.

But I will try this.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

But he is just giving an opinion. Sure if you want to scrutinise then his credentials matter but for the sake of this video we should take it at face value as its not like he is going to be taken seriously by sony. But echoing an opinion shared by many is important with the small platform he has.

Looking at his channel it looks like he makes games for nintendo. And it would appear he has done other work outside of that field.

If more people in the industry follow suit or if this gets more people talking about sonys terrible decisions then im all for it.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

He says in the video. He's been a marketing consultant for some really big companies. No one is better to talk about poor marketing decisions than someone who does it for a living and for big companies. And his iew point aligns closely with what most people are thinking.

Tbh you can decide for yourself how valid what he says it. Just watch the video. Its only short but it makes alot of sense.

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago

Implying i have 70 friends

[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

She doesn't love me. :p

[–] 16 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

Not many people get it until they get one. I got a fold 3 when it came out and have just upgraded to a fold 6 because i just couldn't go back. Its a better form factor for a mobile computing device. Its a phone thats also a small tablet! I gave my old one to my wife who was always averse to getting a fold and she has told me multiple times since then that its her favourite phone shes ever had.


Please understandnim asking this question from a genuine place. I dont want the quora answer, i want the tech savvy, security expert minds of my fellow lemmings. If thats ok?

What happens to this data? What can/do they do with it? and why are so many people concerned about google tracking them?

Do i as an average user need to be concerned?

If so, What sorts of things can i do to avoid being tracked? Preferably without too much comprimise.


u/spez says that 90% of 3rd party apps will fall under the free model because they wont make enough API calls to come under the paid model. So how many times would we need to clone, and rename, the good 3rd party apps and split the users up between them to make reddit free again?

I think its still free if your app is making less than 100 queries per minute.

u/spez says that 90% of 3rd party app will be unaffected by the change... i thought... yeah... if there are like 5 3rd party apps that 99% or users use then the other 45 apps out there will have like 10 downloads each.. so what a misleading and dumb thing to say.

I guess you would need to limit how many people can be using each clone of the app but as elaborate as this is it would be funny to see that knobhead react to it if we did it.

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