
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 14 hours ago

I'm genuinely not sure whether this is a teachable skill or something more like a character trait.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

Depends. At a meh bar with bar food, probably an IPA. Mexican place with Mexican food, probably margarita or tequila sunrise. At a cocktail bar, I'll pick a signature cocktail, probably one with a whiskey of some kind. If it looks like they know what they're doing but they focus on botanical type stuff (which I don't really like), then I'll usually go for something like an old fashioned or a Manhattan, and if it's not too busy I might request it with the bartender's choice of unique flair on it. Or I might order a carajillo if they have an interesting one on the menu and if I see an espresso machine.

[–] 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

I disagree since I met the woman who is now my wife through Tinder lol. We both were looking for something casual and found something worth much more. But it's almost certainly gotten shittier like everything else, so I understand your reluctance to try it.

In that case, get yourself cleaned up and head out to a bar/club and see if you can meet somebody organically. Be ready to talk about your job, hobbies, and interests. Maybe get a few clever jokes locked and loaded. Passionate, nice, and funny will make you a magnet to decent people. Just temper your expectations because it sounds like you're probably gonna a swing and miss a few times until you find a comfortable batting stance.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago (3 children)

It varies from person to person. The act itself imo is pretty good, but I don't really enjoy it unless there's a real connection. Others mentioning things like hiring prostitutes here are recommending that you miss out on what I think it's a pretty key part of it, plus I think you'd be assuming some real risk in terms of whether that's criminal, will you be robbed, could you get an STI from them, and of course whether it's even affordable in the first place. I can understand the desire to try it once, but I can't imagine it being much better than masturbating compared to the risk and cost.

I think I'd recommend getting on Tinder or something similar and just making it clear in your profile that you're looking for something casual but want to message a bit first to make sure they're at least somewhat of a match for you. Sometime before getting naked, it'd be a good idea to say that you haven't done this before and ask for clear communication so that both of you can enjoy yourselves. You want to be on the same page. And go slowly. You almost certainly won't have a good time if you're feeling pressured and rushed.

Overall, yes it's worth trying, but a lot of people stop thinking rationally entirely when sex is a possibility and I think that's a bit silly. It's okay to come to the conclusion that it's not worth the hassle or even not enjoyable at all to you. It's totally subjective. Just don't do anything you don't feel comfortable with.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Lol happy to help! Yeah, nowadays it's easy to hit a gig in data usage without even realizing you've used any at all. I wish the unlimited tier were cheaper. It feels like we have gotten to a point where we should be able to use GPS or do a Google search without considering a cost. Kinda feels like if anything, they should be paying us for allowing into our pocket this ever changing billboard that scrapes our metadata. But that's unrealistic to get anyone else onboard with, so I'll settle for free connectivity to knowledge in exchange for advertising and spying on me.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

What state are you in? I'm in VA and considering going from Google Fi to Mint mostly because we would go from minimal data usage to unlimited for about the same price. Definitely not making the switch if you're also in VA and can vouch that it doesn't work here.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I've been on Google Fi for 3 or 4 years and it's been pretty much flawless. I've traveled to Mexico and Spain with it, and there's a sort of calibration period of like 30 minutes before you have service in another country, but that's literally the only time I've been without service for any period of time. My wife and I are on it and use very little data, so covering both phones is typically about $60/month. We usually have 5G service around our home in northern VA.

Proof of bill cost:

[–] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Because any country fighting a war on defense against aggressors/invaders knows that the path to winning is to hold strong, wait out the clock, and drain resources from the enemy. Something as essential as that will cause urgency to redirect resources and personnel to replace/repair and then better defend it so that it doesn't just immediately happen again. This makes defense easier because there's less of an offense while that's happening. This also can cause internal loss of support since Russian citizens can see the costs of this going up. They will know people who were sent to die on the front lines. They will see taxes go up and availability of goods go down. Once Russian citizens start to question and criticize the campaign, there could be a snowball effect that ends with Putin and his cronies having to make a choice between stopping the invasion or losing power. I don't think Putin will ever stop, so the real choice will be desperate attacks (which could include nukes, triggering article 5 and effectively ending Russia) or a coup. Putin has checkmated himself whether he is aware of it yet or not. His best case scenario at this point is dying of natural causes in office and leaving that hard decision to his successor who will probably back down and be a pariah for it, saving Russia in the process.

[–] 66 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Toxic by Britney Spears. Absolute fucking banger. Musically interesting for an American pop song. Each chorus has the chords walk down, which is pretty cool, but then on the next bar something really interesting happens. Instead of walking down from the second of the four chords, there are back to back tritone substitutions! So fucking cool!

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago

Why aren't you buying our planes?

Umm, because planes are supposed to fly and remain intact?


[–] 11 points 3 weeks ago

Employees are just numbers to them.

But unlike other numbers, those numbers must go down.

[–] 8 points 4 weeks ago (3 children)

No, this is how quickly you are supposed to age. You just didn't realize how much time has passed. The movie that this is from is 26 years old.


Nobody ever laid on their death bed wishing they had worked more.

Breathe clean air. Enjoy sunlight. Eat fresh produce. Be a free human when you can.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/


I played The Forgotten City for free via PS+ Extra and it's one of my all-time favorite gaming experiences! I urge anybody who hasn't played it yet but is remotely interested to not look up a goddamn thing about this game beyond this blurb of mine (because spoilers are easy to stumble upon) and play it ASAP!

What is it? It started as a Skyrim mod developed by a lawyer who wanted to make something that's less of a game per se and more of an interactive story that delves into philosophical quandaries like the nature of morality. It's a first person game where you go to an island and wind up in an ancient city of sorts. There's a kind of groundhog day element to it and you have to figure out how to stop that from happening. It's a bit of a mystery, but nearly all of the gameplay is running around and talking to various characters, all of whom have unique personalities. It's like a really robust Fallout New Vegas mission, but without all the combat. You'll probably get through it in 20-40 hours.

Okay, now that that's outta the way, who wants to rant or gush about this little game?

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