
joined 9 months ago
[–] 11 points 1 week ago (2 children)


[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

They never said that there aren't trans vegans, they said that they have witnessed a subset of vegans spouting transphobia online with claims from those same vegans that hormone therapies weren't vegan. They did not make a claim one way or the other about it themself.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

What's up with the random capitalization?

[–] -2 points 1 month ago

That's a little unfair, because enjoyment of something doesn't necessitate it being experienced from beginning to end in a linear progression. Something like the seasonal(?) content on No Man's Sky often requiring a save file being restarted and not needed the main story to be completed to finish the new objectives. Or, something like Path of Exile, where each season progresses from a fresh start at level 1, with no progress carried over.

Progress gets rest on those about as frequently, it not more so, than the resets in Star Citizen, except those games are also feature complete with a full story involved.

Maybe something like Ark, then, with the creation of new servers. No real story being progressed through, but a multi-player sandbox environment. Again, though, that's a feature complete game where all the systems (mostly) work.

I guess where I'm going is that you can certainly look at individual elements of the game and compare those to similar systems in other games. And if expectations are of it being a sandbox you can mess around in and experience some cool systems, it will deliver. But it is not a finished game that has persistent player driven progress. It is not a game with a story path you can follow (though, I don't think it claims to be once fully released, either). It is buggy at times and suffers server issues as the small changes and interactions build up over time, making an instance unstable and eventually kicking everyone logged in.

"Demo" might be the closest description, but that doesn't quite capture the experience of playing it. It falls very short of being a full game. It also is something that other games just don't capture the same feeling of.

Again, I'm not trying to convince anyone to spend any money towards it, but absolutely give the free fly events a chance.

[–] 13 points 1 month ago (2 children)

It's more than just "playable", but it also is not a finished, fully fleshed out game, either. Definitely worth checking out during the occasional free-fly events (though one has just ended, so might be a little while for the next).

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

"Complicated descriptions"? Is there a lamp on one side, or a closet door? Just use that as a frame of reference, I wouldn't call that a complicated description. Or, if you usually have the same bigs-poon, little-spoon orientation, you can describe which shoulder you're laying on. But I still think using features of the room is the simplest way. "I'm laying on the closet side."

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Dude, just have to say, your comments are so informative, helpful, and tailored to the individual's question or situation. Thank you for being a part of this community! Your example makes the place better for everyone.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I wasn't sure, because I'm sure there is someone out there doing that

[–] 15 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I'm genuinely curious about this. Do you just stick to sites you know? Do you randomly try web addresses when you're looking for something new?

[–] -1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Where the fuck does this comic make the assertion "all men"? What makes this comic creator an asshole (from this comic, I'm not aware of any of their other work)?

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

The OS itself is free to download and install, the activation key is what costs money. So technically, installing Windows isn't a "pirated product" unless you dupe the activation, at which point it is activated and doesn't run into this issue.

Second, there are plenty of situations where a legitimate user of Windows may find themselves no longer activated. Switching motherboards due to hardware failure or upgrading their system comes to mind as a big one. Imagine having paid for Windows, your motherboard fails, you replace the motherboard, and it turns out you had an OEM version of Windows and can no longer use that key to activate Windows on the new motherboard even when the rest of the system is the same hardware!

So yeah, sure, surprised Pikachu face if you pirate something and it doesn't have the full functionality. Whatever. But more than just that demographic would be negatively affected by this.

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