
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

You're the one applying morals where there is none.

Communism is not about morality and we doesn't have a moral judgment of the world. It's simply looking at the material reality of things and them formulating ideas from that, the exact opposite of idealism (religion is a form of idealism).

What that user said is an exageration, sure, but they are not far off. Your only options under capitalism are work and pray to earn enough to pay for rent, or live in the streets. There's no choice here, you have no safety nets, no certainty.

The reality is that the biggest FOSS projects are usually bankrolled by companies that need them, not because of some moral good, but because it makes more monetary sense to do it that way.

Now for the other side, projects with no money incentive involved, where people contribute because they want too, usually are slow or in need of more contributors, precisely because, under capitalism, they don't have enough free time, they need to worry about their full time job and all the other priorities in their lives before they can sit down and contribute some code.

Again, there no moral judgement here, it's simply a description of the material reality.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

I never had expensive headphones, but I had gaming headsets, which are not cheap here, and they are mostly bad. Now I use IEMs because there's a lot of really cheap options that are great.

[–] 2 points 8 months ago

Nah, it didn't came accross like you're a sore loser. What you said is not wrong, it can't always be fun, and for some people losing is always not fun.

[–] 11 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Yeah, I have stopped really caring for competitive games for 3 or 4 years, if not more, now. Playing with friends can be a blast tho, and that's what I do when it's a competitive game. Usually it's league of legends for me, but I play very little of it now, which is to be expected when you play the same game for a decade lol.

Gaming in general for the past years have been tough for me because despite genuinely loving it, my mental health have steadily declined to the point I have trouble even starting anything, let alone continuing to play something I have started, but right now I'm playing Breath of the Wild and Baldur's Gate 3, both for the first time and let me tell you, I'm having a blast and don't feel like stopping anytime soon. Single-player games are fucking great.

Now, I don't think the issue with competitive games is the fact that someone will get the short end of the stick and not have fun. If that was the case, fighting games would be dead by now. You can absolutely have fun while losing. The issue I have always seen, in league at least, is that you're alone, there's no collective sentiment when playing, no team mentality, most people are hostile and everyone is trying to win in a selfish way and because of that you get frustrated, which eventually turns to anger, and all of that most likely ties to the hyper-individualization of the self under capitalism. Every now and then you find a team that clicks, where everyone communicates and play for each other, instead of in spite of each other, and when it happens it's fucking great, even when you end up losing.

[–] 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)


You secured the bread, worry about the future issues when you get there, for now you did great comrade, congrats!!

[–] 2 points 8 months ago (3 children)

That's great! I hope it also goes well in the 3rd interview!

[–] 5 points 8 months ago (5 children)

Good luck comrade, update us if you pass to the second interview and eventually if you get the job. You got this!

[–] 10 points 8 months ago

The other answers in this post already sums it up pretty well, but there's this recent video from the Kavernacle that talks about gaming journalism and I think is pretty good:

I was also gonna link a video of the same topic from Ranton, but I saw he had a Pewdienazi gaming chair and saw he making various nazi/holocaust jokes throughout the video, so, ugh.

But back on topic. The issue is capitalism as always, overworked writers/journalists that need to write as much as possible as fast as possible to generate as much clicks as possible. Then there's the whole thing with the whole gaming journalist industry being in bed with the companies whose products they are supposed to critically review. You end up with fake journalism that serves the interests of the gaming companies that control what is played, when, for how long, in what circumstances, and if you fuck up you're blacklisted.

[–] 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

None of us claims that Russia is a communist state, nor do we praise it, this is a straight up lie. If you want to oppose our CRITICAL support of Russia's fight against NATO and the west hegemony, go ahead, but provide actual arguments instead of fabricating shit.

Now for the DPRK, it is a communist state, stop consuming propaganda uncritically. Go search what people that study the DPRK have to say. Inform yourself on the fight of the Korean people, what they have gone through and what the US did there.

I'm not engaging any further than this, you're just acussing us of shit and repeating common liberal talking points.

[–] 5 points 8 months ago (2 children)

You don't need to like us, but at the very least learn and engage honestly if you want to oppose what we have to say. Comparing us to fascists just shows how you know jack shit of what you're talking about and how condescending you are. The only reason the world doesn't speak german right now is because of the Soviets, don't fucking compare MLs to fascists. Also, "mUh ReAl LefTisM", fuck off.

[–] 7 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Hey comrade, I know you didn't meant harm but your use of "normal" here implies trans people aren't normal, it's better to use the word "cis" instead.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago

Happy Birthday, comrade! 🎉

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