
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

People will always suffer. There’s a multitude of variables as to why people around the world suffer.

Let's take a step back. Why does the majority of people suffer under capitalism? Because they have to live in a world where they don't get good, free healthcare, don't have a right to a house, don't earn nearly enough to live comfortably, don't have enough vacation, can't afford to take a trip, don't have time to enjoy their lives, are alienated from their work, have shitty jobs, work too much, etc, etc, etc.

That creates a necessity for charities for all the basic stuff everyone should have, but doesn't currently have. If we give free good healthcare for everyone, the need for charities to threat people disappears. If we give everyone a home, the need for charities for homeless people, disappear.

Okay, so how about they don’t donate to charities… no more technical advancement in medicine, so people can be poor and die from disease.

What??? You do know that most breakthrough advancements doesn't come from the private initiative right? It comes mainly from public, government expending, into research. This idea that private entities advance society is just a liberal propaganda lie that is peddled to us all the time since birth.

Charities isn’t something you enforce or eliminate. It is a free choice to give. Mandate it and you’re just legalizing theft by the authority.

I'm not talking about making charities illegal, I, like every other communist in the world, am talking about solving the issue at it's roots, eliminating capitalism, and that requires eliminating exploitation through labor and eliminating the rich and insanely wealthy as a class.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago (2 children)

They donate not because of the goodness in their heart, but because they get tax cuts from it.

Furthermore, what does donation really accomplish when:

  1. People are still suffering, regardless of how many charities there are and how much money they get;

  2. Those wealthy donors are the reason people continue poor since they are only wealthy by exploiting other people's work.

Charities shouldn't need to exist in the first place.

[–] 20 points 2 months ago

Yeah yeah, continue to spout your anti-communist propaganda. You already live in a dictatorship, you're just to propagandized to realize it.

The only dictatorship we want is that of the proletariat, as opposed to the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. That is, a true popular democracy.

Maybe listen to what other people have to say and go read communist theory before saying anything you don't know about.

As it stands your position is not left in any stretch of the imagination.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

The Binding of Isaac with all the DLCs. I really mean it. It's the most replayable game I ever played, not only that, but there's tons of mods on the Steam Workshop too.

I don't think any other roguelike comes close in just the sheer amount of things to do and see in this game. I've been playing on and off for years, have more than 500 hours and I still have challenges to complete, characters and items to unlock and item synergies to see.

I gotta get back into Ultrakill, I really wanted to start P-Ranking to get to the big boss fights.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I prefer to keep Shader Precaching on for the Media Foundation fix that Valve uses, but I left Background Processing of Vulkan Shaders off, if I'm not wrong this way it should only update when you open a game.

Alternatively you could disable it and use Proton-GE for the games that need the Media Foundation fix. Performance should be the same nowadays with it on or off.

[–] 4 points 7 months ago

RIP to one of the greatest o7

[–] 32 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Oh it's 100% the brain worms they got from all the propaganda.

You can clearly see this when some post on r/gaming or r/pcmasterrace involves China and/or Tencent in any way. There's always blatant sinophobia, propaganda and racism mixed in there.

The weird thing is, that sentiment made it's way here in Brazil too. I don't really remember much since it was 10+ years ago, but I do recall anti-Baidu stuff on the internet, mostly calling it a computer virus and such and even about Tencent much more recently, although not a lot of stuff.

I also have seen gringos making some valid criticism about predatory monetization by Tencent, but it is usually followed with "China bad".

[–] 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I'm only gonna comment on Hexbear and you're completely wrong. They do have less patience with libs comming there saying shit, but everytime that happens, there's always people actually engaging and backing up all of their claims. It's not only dunking.

[–] 19 points 8 months ago

Yes please! The grad proletariat yearns for the emojis.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Just why? Every single human being deserve to have access to housing, water, food, education, etc. We NEED those things.

Companies and corporations, want their workers healthy, housed, disease free, etc.

No they don't. They want to pay as little as possible for you to produce as much as possible, it's literally the logic of the system. Corporations don't care about their workers, customers or anyone but their owners and investors.

If they could slave people they would. And look at that, they actually do.

Just realized its a .world user, they can't see my comment lol.

[–] 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Feliz aniversário camarada Oppo! 🎉

[–] 6 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Fucking doubt it. This is just an excuse for the layoffs. All the big streamers have tons and tons of subs, a lot of users have Twitch Prime since it's so cheap and they show multiple unskippable ads all the time. Plus, they are owned by Amazon and use their server infrastructure. This is 100% bullshit.


Hey comrades, how do you deal with bigotry irl?

I'm really sick of so many people around me just saying some LGBTphobic, misogynistic or racist shit. It's bad enough seeing it all over social media everyday, but irl it's even worse. And I can't bring myself to confront anyone about it, be it in person or in a voice call. I don't even know how to confront this type of behavior, what to say, what tone to use, which expressions to make. The few times I managed to do it I was either mocked or met with verbal resistance.

It also doesn't help that my city is very right-wing to say the least, it's like no one I know even think about any of this. It's honestly so tiring.

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