
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 5 months ago

Ah, forgive me. I'm referring to the latest and most miserable versions. 10 will noticeably prevent results in the search area, if the machine doesn't power off and is not updated for too long. Among other things. It takes around a week of ignoring an update.

It's likely much the same with 11.

[–] 2 points 5 months ago (2 children)

or blocked updates

This in particular. Windows intentionally destabilises itself if you prevent it from updating or powering off when it realises there is an update available.

This could be non-malicious, such as refusing to collect spyware reports from a potentially infected box, and the box needs to connect to MS to function properly, It could be a tool to force people to "reboot to solve your issues". Hard to tell without running afoul of the Computer Misuse Act.

[–] 4 points 5 months ago (1 children)


Also, ~~slaves,~~ I mean servants are all virtually identical, right? Not like you can get attached to people who are just servants.

And god's divine plan for all of those people goes out the door as soon as Satan is like, "Is this one person really faithful though? If I take all the things you granted him, will he still love you?"

But a good representation if god existed, we'd all be toys. God would've planned all this from the start with his omnipotence when he set all the pieces in motion like an enormous rube goldberg mess to torture people for no reason. Create evil indeed.

[–] 8 points 5 months ago (4 children)

Ouch. Job was a trip and a half.

My, what a benevolent god is god to bet with the life of his most loyal worshiper. A bet he looses... against Satan? And then god goes down and brags about his achievements to cow his tortured worshiper?

That actually fits with the days of Olympus quite well actually.

[–] 4 points 5 months ago (1 children)

True, but every medical achievement is heralded as god's divine will. "Thank god for sending the doctor." I'd rather just thank the doctor, really.

[–] 10 points 5 months ago (7 children)

Never mind the biblical bit where god says he creates evil, you'll never convince the religious with facts and logic. They've got to feel it or realize it themselves.

[–] 7 points 5 months ago

I've gotten too used to people intentionally misspelling a certain person's name. 'Omooba' threw me for a loop.

“I have long forgiven all those who have sought to ruin my theatre career,”

It would be beneficial for her to realise long and deep self-reflection is a virtue.

[–] 30 points 5 months ago

Probably the source of their problem:

Copyright Infringement – Outing –,, and

As I See It, News, comments & Information

Apr 16, 2019

Recently I have discovered my review work (1) and show reports taken and reproduced without my permission by four websites, one of whom took the material down when asked – they should not have reproduced it in the first place. When approached they said ‘sure that is how the net works, I am helping you by doing this’. No you are not, you are only helping yourself (2), creating traffic to your site off the back of my work not your own. How would you like it if I reproduced the design of your products ? Then told you my doing so was helping you. You wouldn’t.

I was going to let this go, but why should I? I have struggled personally to try and put some content on my site, battled reviwers burn out and other issues. Content that in many cases I have paid for out of my pocket to write about, not items loaned by manufacturers or distributors, but products I had bought, sometimes simply to write about them. However even if I had not parted with my money, my time and effort is worth something surely? Worthy of respect that I would at the very least be offered a chance to give my permission as to how my work is used, and where. None of these websites asked, they took what wasn’t theirs to use, to put content on their sites.

The websites that still have my material up without permission are, headgames online and, all three I suspect are linked.

As they are watching this site maybe after being named and shamed they will remove the material. I doubt it, I guess I will have to go after them with DMCA’s and report to their web-hosts.

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

A tau. Moral engineers don't sidestep their morals.

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

gImageReader or ocrmypdf will get you the pdf text, but after the text will need fiddling with and cleaning. Use LibreOffice, languagetool, write-good, etc to make finding the oddballs easy.

pdftk is what you want for editing pdf metadata.

Gimp is what you'll need for editing images, Looking for watermarks, smoothing edges, lowering quality, introducing random noise, etc.

exiftool is what you'll need for image metadata. Or take a screenshot, add a bit of noise or de-noise, and add back to the new pdf.

Scrivener or LibreOffice if you want to polish/republish, though that's a ton of work.

[–] 6 points 7 months ago

Way to go, you're awesome!

[–] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

I don't.

The core issue: Who determines merit, ability, and position? The people who write the rules are the actual government, and governments secure their own power. Like every flawless paper-government system, it crumples as soon as the human element wets the paper.

However, assuming the rule book could be written flawlessly, with "perfect" selfless humans writing the initial rules and then removing themselves from power, there are unsolved issues:

  • Popularity contests in determining merit. (I like Johnny Depp better than Amber. Who loses more status?)
  • Comparing apples to oranges. (Are Athletes or Artists more worthy, what about the Plumbers and Mailmen?)
  • Power corrupts.
  • Do morals and ethics have a say in merit? (Save the entire planet, then start kicking cats. Still a hero?)
  • How long does a merit last? (When a champion, or athlete, is no longer fit, are they de-positioned? Look at Rome.)
  • Brilliant mathematicians get rewarded with what? (Better supercomputers, or political power? What qualifies them to make policy?)

cross-posted from:

Off topic, but ownership is a hot topic here, right?

iFixit has petitioned the FTC to write standardized rules for right to repair. A federal ruling on what companies must do to respect your stuff. Your chance to inform policy is here.

Maybe you're thinking, "what difference can I make?" However, the FTC must read all comments that aren't marked as spam or copypasta. Now is your time. The request for comment period ends February 2nd, 2024.

There are less than 6 days left to make your voice heard. Tell the FTC what you think. Let them know about the hardships you've faced trying to fix your stuff. Bring up your concerns about the difficulty in repairing you phone or laptop. Rant about "you'll own nothing," if you like. They want to hear from you and they need ammunition to make the ruling stick.

Your voice matters. Make a difference, the chance comes very rarely. I shot my shot, now what about you?

Comment on Your Right to Repair.


iFixit has petitioned the FTC to write standardized rules for right to repair. A federal ruling on what companies must do to respect your stuff. Your chance to inform policy is here.

Maybe you're thinking, "what difference can I make?" However, the FTC must read all comments that aren't marked as spam or copypasta. Now is your time. The request for comment period ends February 2nd, 2024.

There are less than 6 days left to make your voice heard. Tell the FTC what you think. Let them know about the hardships you've faced trying to fix your stuff. Bring up your concerns about the difficulty in repairing you phone or laptop. Rant about "you'll own nothing," if you like. They want to hear from you and they need ammunition to make the ruling stick.

Your voice matters. Make a difference, the chance comes very rarely. I shot my shot, now what about you?

Comment on Your Right to Repair.

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