It's more like: "Americans who support Ukraine... but couldn't be bother voting"
Where? how do you know? how does the rest of the world find out about these?
I'm I don't know... Muricans elected donald knowing full well what he was about to do...
I am certain trump is dumb and evil... I am NOT certain this is not what Muricans wanted
You know the racist stereotype of the tequila drunken mexican snooozing under the shade of a cactus?... trump is the equivalent for americans now
If you are waiting for that, you are already defeated
You need to take to the street NOW and enact a national strike
Is there a better representation of the american people who couldn't be bothered voting in the first place??
Enjoy fun?? Pftt grow up
And pay $1,540 extr in actual income tax
I'd never want to pay 2,500 for a phone... tht's just insane
Common sense is trump's foe... anyone with a lick of it is basically a sworn enemy
I don't think feeling sad in this situation is dumb at all
I'm with you in your pain Linux brother/sister... I'll drink a pint in your name tonight
Thanks for the links!... definitely a balm on the shattered trust in the American people