
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Wouldn’t that mean it’s a popular opinion and the downvote was warranted?

[–] -2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Don’t make it weird, man, just fume without trying to work out whatever sex kink you have going on. This isn’t the place.

[–] -3 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Stay mad, little guy.

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (5 children)

And you won't even know when or even if you succeed

The book reports you keep throwing up in response beg to differ.

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (7 children)

Yeah, nothing says “I’m not mad” more than multiple replies that are several paragraphs long.

Keep coping though.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Oh yeah. Ran through a ton of that. My nephews both have it on quest and it does seamless cross play compatibility with them. I was so impressed. The voice chat and multiplayer just work flawlessly.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago (10 children)

How devoid of value is your life that you let a couple of meaningless downvotes get you this bent out of shape?

I will give you credit for creativity for somehow claiming victory because you managed to let so many people piss you off so many times.

Can you whine about it some more though, this is oh so much fun!

[–] 5 points 6 months ago (16 children)

Ah, now you’ve got me in a dilemma. On the one hand, I’d love to never spend another second of my life dealing with your idiocy, but on the other hand it’s so much fun (and really fuckin easy) to piss off someone as dumb as you are by just typing a couple of words.

Decisions, decisions.

[–] 22 points 6 months ago (18 children)

For the record, I only downvoted you because of the multiple edits whining about being downvoted.

That’s like watching porn with your parents level of cringe right there.

[–] 4 points 6 months ago (5 children)

I know I’m probably in the minority, but I’ve easily spent over $500, probably closer to $1000 on PSVR2 games, and I’ve played it almost every single day for the last year. I’ve never had VR before this, and I really enjoy mine. Before the VR2, My PS5 was mostly unused, and now I’m actually getting my money’s worth from it.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

You’re not going to convert a Trump voter because you tried to force a dark Brandon meme

They’ve already shown that nothing up to and including Trump literally murdering their family members would convert them. Of course a meme isn’t going to, it’s not about that. It’s about taking something they think they’re being clever about and turning it back on them in an actual clever way. If the Dark Brandon memes were started in a void, I might agree with you that they were dumb, but as a reply to the LGB meme, I think they’re excellent.

There’s nothing funny or clever about it

I mean, humor is subjective, but I gotta say you’re most likely in the minority of people with average or above average intelligence (aka non-Trump voters) with that opinion. To be honest, I checked your post history to see if you were one of them because you are giving off that iq-is-slightly-lower-than-room-temp vibe here.

I saw this post which references a 2nd picture in the body of the post, but I can’t, for the life of me do anything to get it to display within Voyager.

If I click on the link button, it opens up in my browser and I can see both pictures. I was wondering if this is a bug in Voyager or if there’s something on my end that’s borked.


So, I don’t want to block all NSFW communities. However, I do want to pick and choose which ones that I see. As a result, I end up blocking a lot of them, and each and every time it asks me if I want to block that specific community or all NSFW. Is there a way you can add a “don’t ask me again” option for this, or maybe only ask the first (2-3?) time(s)? It’s also pretty easy to accidentally hit the block all NSFW option since it’s the top one and then you have to end up going to the settings and turning it off again. I feel like it would be a lot more user friendly if it only asked you this once instead of every single time.



So I was just browsing Lemmy using the web version of my instance and noticed that when I clicked on a user it took me to a page that looks like they have customized it with profile banners, info, links, etc. I have been using Voyager or Memmy for 99.999% of my Lemmy usage up until this point, and literally didn’t even know this profile section existed for users.

Is there a way to access this page within Voyager? Because if so, I can’t seem to find it.


It’s becoming increasingly necessary to be able to tell what instance a community is being posted to.


I realize this might be a huge/impossible ask, but I figured I’d try anyway. I would like to be able to see comments posted in communities that I have blocked if I click on someone’s profile. Especially if I click on my profile. I know they right now blocking is done through Lemmy and it’s probably a lot of work to go through and change that, but I really wish it behaved like Apollo did with Reddit. When you blocked a subreddit it wouldn’t show up in your /r/all feed but you could still click on someone’s profile and see posts and comments that they made in those subs. I really liked that and wish there was a way to make that happen here. I just made a comment in a community and then blocked it, but I still want to be able to see replies to it and check how many upvotes/downvotes it received. Any chance of making this happen in Voyager?


I’ve encountered this several times now, and unless I’m missing something, I can’t find it. I’d like to be able to select a portion of the text from the person I’m replying to from within the reply box. If I hit reply to someone and start typing out a response I should be able to select portions of their text to copy into mine. I know there’s an option to select their text from the comments page, but once I’ve already started typing a reply I’ve either got to abandon it to be able to select some of their text, or copy my reply to another window, then go and copy their text and blend them together. Would be great if we had the option right there on the reply page. Thanks.

Edit: Also, I just remembered the function in Apollo that gave you the option to save your reply every time you chose to leave the reply window. That was amazing, but I have no idea if it’s something that could be added to this without major hassle. But as long as we’re making requests…


I thought people might want to know since the public betas got released today. I tried them both on my iPhone and iPad and the scrolling is so janky in both they’re pretty much so unusable. I noticed scrolling problems in other apps too, I’m not trying to place any blame whatsoever on Voyager or its devs, I just wanted everyone here who was thinking about taking the plunge to know that if you do, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll lose access to a functional version of Voyager.


So I’ve noticed sometimes when I click on a link to a gifv that’s hosted on Imgur on my iPad it is so zoomed in I basically can’t see it all. The video fills up the entirety of my screen, and I can scroll up and down it, but I can’t see it all at once. I basically have to choose if I want to watch the top half of the video or the bottom, but I can’t see both. Here is an example (

I concede that this is most likely a problem because of safari and how it handles this format or something. However, this was never a problem for me in Apollo because of how Apollo had the preview expando type deal, so I could just click on the expando and watch the video right there in line. I can install the Imgur app and choose to open the link in that, but doing so means that all Imgur links get redirected to that app which means I end up having to hit the back button to go back to Voyager after every single time I click an Imgur link. I would prefer to not have to do that. I don’t suppose there’s any plans to add this type of functionality into Voyager so I can watch videos again like before?

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