
joined 1 year ago

When the lights go out without warning, you're still here to bear the night.

Had a go at 1-bit pixel art and made this vent piece.

Alt textA low resolution 1-bit (2 color) pixel art image. Pictured is an anthro fox Foxfire sitting on the ground behind a lantern. The lantern has burned out and smoke is rising upward. Foxfire is looking down at the lantern with a sad expression. The bottom of the image says Lights - out.


Drew my best friend and little sister Stealthy! Went with a lineless approach because it seemed like it'd be a challenge and I hadn't done it in a while.

Alt TextA lineless digital drawing of an MtF cyan anthro fox named Stealthy. She has black ears, black paws, and black tips on her long cyan hair, some of which is covering your left (her right) side of the face. She has a white muzzle, turquoise eyes, a gray band above her nose and the middle of her tail, white claws, pink paw beans, and a white tail tip with a black zig-zag separating the tip from the rest of the cyan tail. She's wearing a cozy turquoise sweater, along with a darker turquoise skirt.

Stealthy is beaming with a large, open mouth, fangs visible smile. She is waving her right (your left) arm up to say hello. She is standing on top of a large, cylindrical purple podium, and behind her is a light lavender backdrop with a few large darker wavy lines, along with a few white stars which dot the area. Beside her foot-paws is text on the ground which reads "Stealthy"

[–] 14 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Hello from! Honestly don't recall even seeing an anthro lemming before to be honest. I'm sure they're out there, maybe just not a common species people draw though.


What are you waiting for, it's free!

Alt Text (Accessibility)Digital art of Kate, an anthro gray house-cat with long, brunette hair. She has part of her hair in a beehive, bangs, and the rest falling behind and over her shoulder. Kate is wearing pajamas, consisting of a loose fitting pink nightgown, and purple sweatpants. She is looking directly at the viewer, distinct tired bags under her eyes, with a large smug grin. Her left (your right) arm is gesturing towards an empty cardboard box beside her. The box is open, with all four flaps at varying heights on each side. To your right of Kate, and above the cardboard box, there is text which says "It's free real estate". Kate, the box, and the text have a large white stroke around them, imitating a sticker design.

This phrase is a reference to a skit from Tim and Eric (Free House For You, Jim), which spread around and became a bit of a meme several years ago now. It is used in this context relating to cats tending to lay in shipping boxes. She is laying claim to the cardboard as if it were indeed, free real estate.

[–] 8 points 2 months ago

Related, there is a donation group for Mastodon for Harris. I imagine a great way to show there is interest in her making an account is to see fundraising coming from the user base. It's at ~114k at the time I wrote this:

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Damn and here I thought my 13200Ah phone I charge once a week was big. I wish more phones went down the route of massive batteries, it's so much better than being thin and barely lasting a day of normal use.


I think I made the right choice, I've heard people are dying to get into these places after all.

An idea exaggerated from 100 too many crises and no more spoons. Doing what you can, and focusing on what you can control is enough.

Alt Text (Accessibility)A four panel comic which uses exaggerated postures and colorful backdrops. The delivery should be read sarcastically.

The first panel shows a disgruntled anthro mouse with brown fur, and light pink ears, hands, and tail. He's wearing a gray flat cap and a near black vest, which is opened to show a cream colored body. He's standing in a profile view, but with his hands holding a cocktail toothpick between his fingers, and his left (your right) arm is foreshortened towards you. The toothpick is also coming at you, with a sharp point and a sparkle at the end. There is text which says "We've reached an impasse. This is not sustainable!" This is in front is a purple background with a tunneling spiral of darker purple lines.

Second panel is the same mouse, but now with both arms raised above his head, both hands clasping his now vertical toothpick. His head is looking straight up, making only his screaming mouth visible. On the left is text which says "We either FIGHT" with a sword graphic on top, and "Or we DIE" with a skull graphic on the right. Left is alternating yellows, right is reds.

Third panel is an anthro fox, Foxfire, who has reddish-brown fur, dark gray paws, and cream muzzle, chest, and tail tip. He has an overly excited expression, eyes replaced with sparkles and mouth agape. He says "You mean...I get a CHOICE‽"

The final panel is Foxfire's tombstone in a cemetery. It reads "RIP Foxfire - THANK GOD!" There is a smiling sun to further empathize the absurdity.

[–] 26 points 4 months ago (12 children)

Looks like Bog has some pretty good compression rates! How does it compare with other standards?

[–] 33 points 6 months ago

With all that food for thought, your son might be full before getting to the food court!

[–] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Leap day people have to wait four, the poor souls.

[–] 4 points 9 months ago

Though if decentralization were to be hidden, it'd be a good idea to cycle through lots of well established general instances for user signups under the hood. The vast majority of people are just going to choose the default options, and if it's all going to funnel into, that's a lot of centralization of users. Ideally no single server lords over all the others in terms of user count, because that gives them lots of power other instances may feel compelled to abide by. Having power spread out across many different people helps keep things in check, at the very least making large or drastic decisions more of a round table affair.

[–] 24 points 9 months ago

"I don't have to, because the knowledge of my ability to fly has already been imprinted upon the hearts of everyone on earth. If you truly decide to let my flying ability into your heart, you will quickly understand the power behind that truth."

[–] 18 points 9 months ago

In regards to the prospective decision of which I am a party to, I have reached a conclusive choice between the dichotomy of 'can' and 'can not'. To whomever it may concern, the result of much mental deliberation has reached an egress, now ready to be communicated to all those interested. It shall be known from this moment forward and into the forseeable future (notwithstanding a later recanting, which would nullify this verdict) that the status of my ability is unable, ergo, 'can not'.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

Two, One. Earth below us. Drifting, falling.

[–] 3 points 11 months ago

Sorry doc, I had to make a stop at the cemetary. Everyone's dying to get in there you know!

[–] 11 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Considering the top and bottom text are already decided, I guess the punchline is I'm just funny to look at. Hope you had a good laugh at my face little duck!


I'm still on the fence now!


Because they're a bunch of cover artists!

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