
joined 1 year ago
[–] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I predict a riot...

[–] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

I thought it was that you should build your house out of decently strong materials or it may collapse under a stiff breeze

[–] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

My old cat used to sleep at the end of my bed, always has done. However, I often kick out in my sleep which regularly resulted in my cat being shoved off the end of the bed and down between the wall at which point he would calmly make his way under the bed, hop back up and resume position without so much as a fuss. I tried keeping him out of my room for a while but he would sit and complain for hours until I let him back in. Still don't understand that cat to this day lol

[–] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 7 points 1 week ago

It originated from the Watergate scandal iirc. Watergate being the Watergate hotel but I guess water and gate are easy to separate and -gate kind of works as a suffix.

[–] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 15 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Remember, there is: Life is meaningless and nobody cares :(


Life is meaningless and nobody cares :)

[–] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 5 points 2 weeks ago

Don't forget he staged a road traffic accident with a dead bear

[–] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 12 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Not true. Nothing quite gets the point across quite like "shits fucked."

[–] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 4 points 2 weeks ago

That guys got some balls standing that close to the side of a road.

[–] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 11 points 2 weeks ago

I can't spot sadam Hussein in this one honestly. Must be hidden real good!

[–] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 2 points 3 weeks ago

Focus less on trying to stop them leaving and more on giving them good reasons to stay.

[–] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 3 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I know people who store valuable documents, items of devices in their ovens. Usually the reasoning is "if a burglar breaks in they wouldn't think to check the oven for valuables". Honestly, pretty stupid reasoning because I'd imagine any burglar worth their salt has heard that old chestnut and will probably place the oven fairly high on their checklist.


My PC is getting on a little, it's running on an i7-4790k, 16gb ddr4, and a GTX 970. right now, it's struggling some in most games even though I don't play any triple A titles. What would be a sensible upgrade that wouldn't get totally bottlenecked by the CPU?

In most games I'm playing the CPU is pinned at around 25% while my card is maxed at 100% 3d and vmem usage so I'm fairly sure it's just my card that's the main limiting factor.


I know absolutely nothing about going to the gym or working out and I need some help choosing some actual good quality sports wear.

The clothes I currently have don't seem suitable at all for exercise in that theyre not particularly flexible, breathable or lightweight.

I'm mainly looking to lose weight and improve cardio fitness as I haven't done proper exercise in a very long time.

My priorities are durability, longevity and breathability. I'm not bothered about fashion brands unless they can do all three of the above and I don't mind spending a little more money to get something thats good quality.

I'm in the UK but if you can point me towards the good stuff, even if it's not available in the UK, it'll help me pick similar stuff!

Thanks very much for any help in advance!



I want to be able to support the causes I believe in and actually be a part of the change I want to see but I was never taught how to find, join and work with these groups.

I see all the time about protests and community action and people actually going out and helping people who need help and support and I always hated the fact that I only know about it happening after the fact and I want to get involved!

Any help would be much appreciated!


Hi! I previously had windows installed on an intel RST raid 0 disk and I'd like to switch it to Linux mint instead. However, from what I've found, rst isnt compatible with Linux mint as it's specifically a windows thing.

I'd like to install Linux mint directly onto the raid array and I don't mind erasing windows and starting from scratch, but I can't seem to find a comprehensive or comprehensible guide on how to do that.

Any help on where to start would be very much appreciated!



I need some help when it comes to clearing out, organising and sorting my stuff.

My house is basically full of stuff and things right now and I really don't think it's helping me out with my health (mental or physical)

I mostly suffer with getting hopelessly distracted, mess blindness, never wanting to get started, and getting overwhelmed with the scope of the task.

One of the reasons I want to get tidied up is because my main hobbies (electronics, drones, and DIY) mean that I've got tons of stuff I need to keep around, but it's also lots of small stuff with lots of different categories and storage requirements so it's really not easy to sort without needing tons of boxes or bins so I still haven't been able to find a good way to store it.

I also don't have much out-of-sight storage in my flat so it's kind of everywhere.

Any tips on storing and sorting would be massively appreciated especially from people who have been through this already and have/are working towards getting clean!



Thoughts on creating a Spellcaster that uses hit points for spell casting instead of spell slots.

I was just wondering about home-brewing a walock NPC who's patron saps hitpoints in exchange for spell casting. Essentially, as long as the character has hitpoints they can cast as many spells as they like but with each one it takes a toll.

Balance is obviously an issue here in preventing them from just being healed by the party and used as a spell battery in exchange for healing but Im thinking perhaps balancing that out by making con saves to prevent them from passing out from blood loss or something from wounds appearing on their body as till for the spells. Aswell as that, spells would have different hit point costs that scale with levels like a first level costing 5, 2nd 10 and so on.

Backstory and lore could be pretty interesting as to how they received their patronage, why they took such a harmful deal, they could be good or evil depending on their motives for doing so and other fun stuff!

Let me know what you think or if you have any ideas!


Since discovering the joys of cloaks, I've wanted to wear one all the time now but struggling for clothes that don't look jarring with a cloak.

To be clear, I'm aiming for a "larp/fantasy" look, just some somewhat modern and comfortable clothes that would look good with a cloak.

Thanks in advance!


I'm fairly suspect that I've likely got ADHD and/or mild depression and I don't know if ones causing symptoms of the other or if im personally misatributing symptoms here and I want to know how to go about changing this in the best way possible.

The NHS is a wonderful service but unfortunately it's run by the British so it's horrifically overworked and often mismanaged and my area is no exception to the rule.

Mental and physical health services in my area are under funded, under staffed and overworked which means I can't even speak to a GP about my concerns and I worry I won't be taken seriously or brushed aside as a low criticality case. Not to mention all the testimonys from people about GPs not taking adult ADHD seriously assuming they even believe ADHD exists. (See the state of gender health and trans healthcare for an excellent example of a a broken system).

However something (whatever it is) is affecting my life and although I absolutely don't feel like self harm or suicide, etc, I'd very much like something to change.

What are my options here? I've heard people talk about private healthcare but I'm in no position to afford this.

I'd very much appreciate the help from anyone whose been in my position and would desperately want to listen to your stories too.

Thank you!


I watched Nimona on the weekend, it kind of took over my life briefly. It was a blue sky project that spent several years in development before being sold on when the studio closed, bought up by netflix, set to release during the pandemic, then delayed. Let's say my expectations were low but a depth chage came along and blew them sky high.

I don't think I've laughed as much in just under 2 hours in a very long time. Nimona herself was an absolute cherry bomb and I liked her character from minute zero. This only improved as the movie went on.

Ballister was voiced Riz Ahmed and let me say he killed it! He nailed every emotional bit, he was sincere and funny and sometimes sarcastic. Lots of spice in his character!

Ambrosious was well developed and very well voice acted. I liked his character more than I expected to honestly and although we don't get a huge amount of him on screen, his presence made up for that.

As for supporting cast, Todd was fine. Maybe a little overstated but I never hated him more than a hateable character should be! The director was very imposing and stole every scene she was in.

Over all, I really enjoyed it. It was a super fun romp and there's a little bit of something for almost anyone!

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